Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 121: Fighting Together

"Team 1, mutated zombies were found here, requesting an attack."

"The first team requests passage and can launch an attack at any time."

"Yes, sir."

As the pilot's call in the helicopter ended, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A large number of rockets were shot out, attacking the mutated zombies in all directions.

But as the rocket approached, dozens of lasers appeared, instantly detonating the rocket.


The lasers were then fired at the helicopter.

However, these helicopters have undergone special anti-laser treatment. The front glass cover can refract most lasers, and there is also a heat-insulating material film on the fuselage.

So a few seconds after the laser was fired, the helicopter was still safe.

So the mutant zombie stopped dozens of laser beams, and then only fired one.

"Bang! Boom!"

The glass cover in front of the helicopter was instantly shattered by the high temperature of the laser, and then the helicopter turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Obviously, the power of the mutated zombies' lasers has exceeded the upper limit of what these helicopters can withstand.

Next, one by one, the helicopters were destroyed.

This immediately made some people in the military commanding from behind begin to hesitate.

Should we continue to sacrifice soldiers for that slim chance?

After the helicopter brigade was attacked for a while, bursts of "wuwuwu..." pierced the air suddenly sounded in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, cannonballs hit the surrounding mutant zombies one after another.


The military knew that rockets were useless against mutant zombies, so they made two-way preparations for the attack.

In addition to rockets, there are also mortar shells.

These shells crossed a distance of tens of kilometers and landed around the mutant zombies, immediately stirring up a lot of dust.

But as long as the laser does not stop, the cannonballs will naturally not stop either.

After more than ten minutes, the laser still had no intention of ending, but the number of helicopters was reduced from more than 300 to 300 or 40.

So the military could no longer bear the losses and ordered the helicopters on the front line to retreat temporarily.

At this time, the sound of artillery fire also began to gradually decrease.

It wasn't that there were no more cannonballs, but because the violent sound of the cannon fire attracted a wave of zombies around them.

At this time, the artillery battalion has been surrounded by a zombie wave, and it can be said that it has a narrow escape from death.

At this time, the two convoys were heading towards the mutated zombies in this chaos.

One is the convoy of SHIELD and the mutants, and the other is the convoy of Umbrella and Alpha Team.

Halfway through, the two sides also vaguely discovered each other, but in the face of a powerful enemy, they did not conflict.

Even Alpha Team's convoy deliberately lagged behind the opponent and then disappeared into the desert.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy.

In the leading vehicle, Maria, who was sitting in the passenger seat, frowned slightly.

"who are they?"

The woman sitting in the main driver's seat was named Melinda May. She was an Asian with shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a tight-fitting black S.H.I.E.L.D. leather jacket and her face was solemn.

At this time, Mei was a low-level agent recently recruited by Coulson. Because of her considerable strength, she was taken by Maria's side.

"I don't know, but he's definitely not a good person. Maybe he's trying to kill mutated zombies."

Hearing this, Maria nodded in agreement.

"Whoever they are, they can't stop our mission."

Mei nodded and said nothing.

In fact, she would not agree to Coulson so quickly and join S.H.I.E.L.D.

But after hearing about the zombie crisis here and the dangers faced by humans, I joined in advance.

All this is because of the justice in her heart.

After more than ten minutes, the dust in front began to slowly disperse, revealing the mutated zombies intact.

This suddenly made everyone feel nervous.

Especially Ruth who was in the third car.

At this time, she faced her ex-boyfriend again, and even had the idea of ​​​​death in her heart.

"Jack, I will definitely let you rest in peace as soon as possible, even if it takes my life!"

After a while, the convoy stopped more than a hundred meters away from the mutated zombies.

Tony, Banner, Lorna, Natasha, Barton, Maria, and many mutants got out of the car.

At this time, as the sand and dust disappeared, the mutated zombies also noticed them.


They still start fighting as soon as they meet.

A laser appeared first.


Banner immediately turned into the Hulk and stood in front of him.

"Zi Zhen..."

The intense laser attack instantly caused a burning smell to appear all over Hulk's body.

The severe pain also made Hulk roar, and then rushed over despite the temperature of more than a thousand degrees.


When he came to the mutant zombie, he punched it.

But this punch, which could crack mountains and rocks, was easily held by the mutated zombie in one hand.


In a matter of seconds, the mutated zombie let out a roar, grabbed Hulk's fist, and threw it away.


Seeing Hulk being thrown away, Tony suddenly stopped and swallowed his saliva.

He just knows the Hulk's power all too well.

Although there is no specific measurement, it is at least several hundred tons.

Of course, this is just the Hulk under normal circumstances.

As for anger, he didn't know.

And now the Hulk was thrown out by this mutant zombie. This power is far beyond the Hulk.

After thinking about it, Tony flew into the sky, then fired a mini missile from a distance, and then raised his left hand to fire an armor-piercing bullet.


In the explosion, others also attacked.

Natasha and Barton still had pistols and bows, but they were more powerful.

May, who had just joined the company, took out a sniper rifle.

Maria and Ruth used electromagnetic rifles.

Seeing this, Lorna did not rush to attack, but just waved her hand and asked her mutants to attack.

For a while, all kinds of fireballs, ice cones, lightning, small whirlwinds, etc., kept appearing.

But the strength of these mutants was not strong, at most they just tickled the mutant zombies.

In the midst of the attack, suddenly a mutant zombie appeared from another direction and rushed over.


The car blocking the road was instantly overturned, and then several SHIELD agents were killed by a claw.

Then the mutant zombie ran towards Lorna with a vicious look in his eyes.

Apparently, it still remembered that Lorna was the biggest threat.

At this time, several adamantium plates fell down and blocked the mutant zombie.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

These adamantium plates were about two meters long and quickly sealed the mutant zombie.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was immediately delighted.

Could it be that the crisis of mutant zombies was solved so easily?

But they obviously thought too much.

There was only a "bang" sound, and a little bulge appeared on the adamantium.

"No way, even adamantium can't stop it?"

Hearing Maria's exclamation, Lorna rolled her eyes immediately.

It sounded as if these adamantium plates were very thick, but in fact they were only five or six centimeters thick.

You SHIELD don't give us thicker ones.

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