Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 126 Umbrella Eye Corporation

"Merry Chrismas."

"My dear, let's go back quickly."

"Well, I'll bring the car over."

Ivan looked at a laughing couple not far away, and his originally relaxed mood suddenly felt bad.

Everything is because of the Stark family, otherwise he would also be able to enjoy this ordinary happiness.

After a while, he returned home.

Today is Christmas, so of course he has a day off.

But even if he is not on vacation, no one will care whether he is in the company.

After all, with the Ark reactor technology, no one can challenge his status.

Just when he was about to go back to the basement and continue researching his armor, someone pressed the doorbell.

"Ding dong..."

After opening the door, he saw Ophelia outside and immediately wanted to close the door.

But it's still too late.

Ophelia was seen holding the door with one hand, and then squeezed in.

"Mr. Ivan, we are very sincere this time. Please listen to our conditions."

Seeing that Ophelia had come in, Ivan could only give up the idea of ​​driving her out, so he went to the refrigerator, picked up a can, and opened it.

"You've been here more than a dozen times in the past few months. Tell me, what do you want this time?"

Looking at the man in front of her, still drinking beer in the cold weather, Ophelia smiled slightly.

"I can help you destroy Stark Enterprises, or let you take revenge yourself."

Ivan's beer-drinking hand paused.

"What can I do?"

His biggest wish in life is, of course, to clear his father's name and take revenge.

For this reason, he even personally tried to assassinate Tony, but unfortunately he failed and was even caught.

Only then did he have to join Hammer Industries in order to be free.

"I have a record about Howard's conspiracy against your father. If it is released, it will have a huge impact on Stark Industries.

In addition, I also have some data on Umbrella Industries' Sentinel robot. If you can decipher these data, you will be able to create a more powerful armor. "

After hearing these two conditions, Ivan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Of course it's not that he can't sell the Ark Reactor. After all, he only sold it once when he cooperated with Umbrella.

The reason why he didn't agree to Ophelia for so long was just to wait for a better price.

"I want to see those records and information first."

Ophelia saw this and nodded immediately.

"Yes, but only the upper part."

“A pleasure to work with.”

at the same time.

In the Umbrella Building, a press conference is being held.

I saw Luna wearing a sexy black evening dress, slowly walking onto the podium amidst a group of reporters and lights.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen, today’s press conference is mainly because our Umbrella Group has decided to become a new subsidiary.

Umbrella Sky Eye Corporation.

The company will lease one hundred satellites that our Umbrella Group currently has in space.

The main businesses include satellite calls, satellite positioning, satellite photography, satellite navigation, satellite rescue, etc. "

After some introductions, it was the reporter’s turn to ask questions.

"Miss Luna, there are rumors on the Internet that your satellite has attack capabilities. Is it true?"

Luna was naturally prepared for this kind of problem.

"Yes, and we will only develop this function for the military and will not provide it to any private companies."

"Miss Luna, what if you use this function to kill people?"

"Our satellites are all launched with the permission of the US government. What you are talking about will not exist."

"Miss Luna, what if your satellite is hacked and used for evil?"

"Don't worry about this. Currently, there is no technology in the world that can invade our satellites."

The reporters’ questions were basically directed at satellite-based space weapons.

And Luna's answer also satisfied everyone's curiosity.

After all, this is probably the first time in the world that a satellite attack has occurred.

at the same time.

On the top floor of the Umbrella Tower.

Li Feng also met with Chairman Robert.

"Your press conference this time put a lot of pressure on our Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Don't worry, our space-based weapons will not be used without permission."

"It's not this issue, it's that we signed a contract not to deploy offensive weapons in outer space."

"This is not an offensive weapon, but a defensive weapon."

"It's all the same."

After chatting for a while, Li Feng suddenly started talking about fishing.

And Robert naturally accepted it happily.

"Don't worry, your satellite just put a few pieces of glass on it, I will take care of it."

Ten minutes later, Robert left with satisfaction.

Li Feng looked at the other party's leaving figure and began to think about establishing a branch base abroad.

The appetites of the people in the United States are getting bigger and bigger, and I am afraid that I will not be able to satisfy them soon.

"Queen Red, let the satellite search for some uninhabited islands in the ocean. The bigger the better."

"Yes, Master."

It's time to find a way out.

Although the bases in other countries are good, they are still on other people's territory after all.

Moreover, the United States is still the number one country in the world. Even if it wants to move to another country, there will be threats and even the fate of being dismembered.

The only way is to find a place where there are no people.

This is why he is eager to start cloning technology.

Because clones can replace ordinary workers.

While thinking, time passed unknowingly.

The lights outside the window became brighter and brighter, and many of them were hung with colorful lights, but there were fewer and fewer pedestrians.

Everyone went back to celebrate Christmas together.

"Bang bang bang..."

A bright firework lit up, followed by the second and third.

Soon, the whole city was immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

This scene also reminded him of when he first arrived in the Marvel world.

At that time, he was still an orphan, wandering alone on the streets of New York, and the streets were also full of bright fireworks.

Most people were happy and happy at home enjoying family happiness.

But because his soul had not yet adapted to the new body, his abilities could not be exerted.

So because of hunger, he ran to the garbage dump to find food.

At that time, he was chased by a stray dog ​​and was almost bitten to death.

There was also a stranger who appeared behind him, saved him, and gave him food, which allowed him to get through the most difficult time.

"Knock, knock..."

At this moment, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in."

Soon, Luna came over in red high heels.


"Boss, the press conference is over."

Li Feng turned back to his chair and looked at the heroic and charming woman in front of him.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll give you a day off tomorrow."

Luna came directly in front of Li Feng and sat in his arms.

"Okay, but most places are still on holiday tomorrow. Let's go to the park to play."

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