Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 128 Robot Conference

Three days later.

In Ofelia's underground base.

At this time, a high-level secret meeting of Hydra was held again.

"The matter at Base Three should be settled."

It was Ophelia who spoke, and upon hearing this, several other people immediately looked at Dr. Zola.

After all, Base 3 has always been controlled by the other party. Last time, the other party said it wanted to borrow manpower from everyone, but they did not expect that all their elite troops would be gone and never returned.

Dr. Zola looked at everyone, the machine on his stomach looked livid.

"It's true that I didn't consider this matter carefully, but I lost a lot of men, and the No. 3 base is gone. Recently, it has been traced by organizations from various countries. If you are willing to accept my compensation and face the international crisis with me, I don’t mind investigating.”

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and then they looked at Ophelia.

"Did Ivan agree to cooperate?"

"The meeting you held this time probably wasn't about Dr. Zola's affairs."

"As long as Ivan agrees to cooperate, we will pay the price together."

Facing everyone's questions, Ophelia nodded.

"Ivan has agreed."

"Very good."

"Project Insight is getting closer."

"Now we just have to wait for SHIELD's three space carriers to be built."

Speaking of SHIELD, everyone suddenly paused.

At this time, Baron Zemo said with a gloomy face: "Recent news came from Pierce that the new director, Maria, seems to have noticed us."

When Dr. Faustus heard this, he suddenly had a playful look on his face.

"Then let that Maria die."

Baron Strucker nodded.

"It's a good idea, but now is not the time."

Ophelia nodded when she saw this.

"At this critical moment when the space carrier is still being manufactured, there is no room for surprises."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly became quiet.

Indeed, it would be bad if the insight plan was ruined for the sake of Maria.

"In this case, then use the Ark reactor on the space carrier."

"Well, that's it."

After a while, everyone moved the topic to the Umbrella Group, which has become increasingly popular recently.

"Umbrella's satellites pose too great a threat to our insight plan."

"Who is going to contact the Umbrella Group?"

But after deliberation for a while, Baron Zemo finally took over the task.

After all, the Umbrella Group is too mysterious, and there is almost no information about Mr. Li outside, so no one wants to contact each other.

After the high-level meeting of Hydra was over, Ophelia returned to her room.

After a while, her housekeepers came over.

"Miss Ophelia, Hammer Enterprises sent an invitation.

Seven days later in the evening, a formal press conference will be held about the steel robot. "

Ophelia nodded, almost understanding in her heart that Ivan was about to start.

In this case, let's go see a good show.

"Get ready."


The night after seven days.

In New York, outside the Hammer Building.

In the parking lot, luxury cars appeared one after another.

As soon as reporters on the roadside saw a luxury car appear, they immediately swarmed over, taking photos and asking questions.

Some celebrities and singers often choose to stop taking photos for reporters. Only major entrepreneurs will ignore reporters and walk into the hotel.

After a while, a luxury car stopped. When many reporters saw it, they immediately ran over.

"Mr. Hammer, what do you think of this robot launch conference?"

"Mr. Hammer, it is said that Umbrella Ordnance Industries is developing a new generation of robots. What do you want to say about this?"

"Mr. Hammer, Mr. Stark said your robots are scrap metal.

Even twenty can't catch up with Jean's level, what do you say? "

Justin, who originally didn't want to speak and entered the venue directly, suddenly had a gloomy look in his eyes after hearing Stark, but there was a smile on his face.

“That cocky guy Stark, I’m going to slap him in the face.

Today, I will release the robots of Hammer Industries to let everyone know that Hammer Industries is the most reliable military factory in the United States! "

After finishing speaking, he walked quickly inside.

The reporters began to surround other people one after another.

They are all unknown reporters or newspapers. Since they have no chance to go inside to cover the press conference, they can only stay outside.

After a while, another luxury car stopped.

Peibo, wearing a black evening gown and fur, walked down.

So reporters gathered around him again.

"Excuse me, Miss Potts, is Mr. Stark not here?"

"Miss Potts, what do you think of this press conference?"

"Miss Potts, will Stark Industries also develop and sell steel robots in the future?"

Pepper went straight into the press conference without stopping at all.

Many reporters were not disappointed, because this is the norm.

If they are reputable reporters or reputable newspapers, then the people being interviewed will naturally not ignore them.

But if they were famous, they wouldn't be outside.

After a while, another luxury car appeared.

Luna, wearing a red evening gown and high heels, walked down with a slender figure.

She was dressed normally tonight, but it couldn't hide her naturally curvy figure.

As soon as she appeared, she instantly overshadowed the stars and singers around her.

As for the reporters who came over, bodyguards naturally appeared and stopped them soon.

Not far away, several slightly famous stars looked at Luna who walked by with an indulgent and confident look, and immediately showed envy.

"Who is she? She is so beautiful and has such a good temperament."

"No way, you don't even know Miss Luna?"

"She just came to the United States from Longguo and is preparing to develop here. It's normal that she doesn't know Luna.

Bingbing, you have to remember that there are a few women in the United States who can't be messed with, and Luna is the biggest one among them.

She is the secretary of the chairman of the Umbrella Group and the CEO of many subsidiaries under Umbrella."

The woman called Bingbing immediately nodded guiltily when she heard this.

"So you're from Umbrella, which is the most famous technology group in recent years.

It's a pity that Umbrella only has some sales companies in Longguo, but never built a factory."

Several female stars nearby laughed "Haha..." and didn't respond.

Half an hour later.

The press conference of Hammer Industries began.

Justin walked up to the podium in a well-dressed black suit.

"Hammer Industries welcomes all gentlemen and ladies. You will witness a historic moment at this press conference."

As he finished speaking, rows of robots slowly walked to the podium.

This time, because there was plenty of time, there were far more robots than in the plot, at least more than 200.

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