Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 132 Savage Hulk


A series of sirens sounded in the distance.

A large number of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances showed up.

There were even anti-terrorist special forces who arrived at the Hammer Industrial press conference in a helicopter.

Justin, surrounded by a group of police officers, is still trying to extricate himself from the incident.

"This is all the fault of the designer of the weapons research and development department, that guy from the North Bear Country, it's all him!

And Obadiah, he is in charge of this press conference! "

But no matter how he explained and shied away the responsibility, the police escorted him to the police car and then took him back.

After a while, the policemen looked at the fighting in the distance, but hesitated and did not choose to go over.

In New York's S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maria also soon received news about Tony and Ivan's fight.

While Maria was still thinking about whether to send SHIELD agents for support, the door was violently pushed open.

I saw Nick with a dark face walking in quickly.

"Tony is in danger, send someone to support him quickly."

Maria did not get up, but just sat in her position, and said with hesitation and confusion: "I also want to support, but now is the most critical time within SHIELD, and everyone is under surveillance.

But if chaos breaks out, I don't know who will take the opportunity to spread important news. "

After listening to Maria's explanation, Nick just continued: "Now, immediately, immediately, send me someone to support Tony!"

As an old man in SHIELD, he has a lot of friendship with Tony's father, Howard.

In other words, Howard has a deep friendship with many high-level people in the United States.

This is why no matter how much Tony tries to commit suicide, no one dares to do anything to him.

For example, right now, Nick feels that the traitor in SHIELD can be let go, and saving Tony is the most important thing.

When Maria saw Nick being so persistent, she refused to give in at all. She just looked at the other person without speaking.

This is also the first time that the two people have differences in concepts.

But the deadlock was quickly broken.

Natasha was seen wearing a black tights and high heels walking quickly into the office.

When she saw Nick, she was stunned for a moment, but she immediately said: "Director, Umbrella's helicopter appeared on the scene, and they sent biological and chemical weapons to assist Tony."

The words "Director" made both of them think they were reporting to themselves.

This is also the cleverness of Natasha deliberately not calling out her name. The main idea is that neither of them will be offended.

Nick's reaction was faster than Maria's.

"How's Tony doing now?"

"Tony is currently fighting Ivan, but the situation is in a stalemate, because both of them are wearing armor made of Adamantium alloy, and neither one can do anything to the other."

Before Nick could ask more questions, Maria stood up and asked first, "Has anyone in the bureau done anything strange?"

"Just now, a person suddenly went to the bathroom and removed the hidden surveillance camera and microphone. He didn't know what he was doing in there."

When Nick heard this, he looked at Maria in disbelief.

"Are you crazy? You actually put these things in the bathroom..."

When Maria and Natasha heard this, they looked at each other awkwardly.

After all, this kind of thing is indeed a bit hard to say, especially if it is used on one's own people.


Maria coughed twice to break the awkward situation.

"Now is not the time to discuss this, Natasha, you come with me and see."


Seeing Maria and Natasha leaving, Nick thought for a while but still did not follow them.

Forget it, I've already left SHIELD, so don't get involved anymore.

at the press conference.

Tony and Ivan are still in a stalemate.

But as Ivan continued to increase the current, Hulk began to slowly change.


With a roar, Hulk's whole body began to turn dark green, his body became more and more swollen, and the muscles on his body became more obvious.

At the same time, traces of green gamma rays continued to emerge from his body.

Ivan, who was in a stalemate with Tony, immediately noticed something was wrong.

It seems that the Ark Reactor in his body is being sucked dry.

Before Ivan could react, Hulk used force to break the plasma whip on his body, then grabbed the other end of the plasma whip, threw Ivan over instead, and then smashed it to the ground.


A huge crater was instantly smashed into the ground, and the ground around it was cracked.

"Hao! Ke!"

An extremely harsh and loud roar instantly dispersed the clouds in the sky, revealing the bright moon in the sky.

The next second, Hulk pulled hard, threw Ivan over with the plasma whip, and grabbed the opponent's neck with his palm.

"What kind of monster are you...?"


Hulk didn't answer, but with a slight exertion, he broke Ivan's neck in an instant.

Then the other party's body was just thrown away casually by him.

When Tony saw this, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Hey man, are you okay..."

Hearing the sound, Hulk turned his head and looked at Tony.

The other person's eyes immediately startled Tony.

It was like looking at prey, with eyes full of killing and violence.


Although Hulk's consciousness will replace Banner after Banner becomes Hulk, Banner's will has been influencing Hulk during these years of training.

This is why Hulk has been helping him all the time and why he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now Hulk's eyes made him feel extremely strange, even a little scared.

Also, what's the matter with the opponent's power?

He actually twisted the armor made of adamantium alloy in one go.

Before Tony could react, the next moment, Hulk appeared in front of him, and a fist appeared in his field of vision.


With a punch, Tony flew away like a meteor.

When Hulk was about to chase and continue the attack, the surviving Lickers around him surrounded him.


With a roar, Hulk rushed into the Lickers.

Even though these Lickers were all strengthened second-generation, they were easily torn apart like toys in the face of the rampaging Hulk, and had no power to fight back.


There is a military camp in the suburbs of Washington, DC.

General Ross was demoted here because he failed to capture Hulk several times and caused a large number of civilian deaths.

At this time, General Ross also saw Hulk's rampage through secret channels.

Looking at Hulk's dark green skin, killing Ivan in one fell swoop, General Ross immediately stood up from the stool.

"Savage Hulk!"

This version of Hulk is the Hulk he has always pursued.

Not long after Hulk appeared, he mobilized all the troops in his hands to capture Hulk like a dragnet.

At one point, Hulk was pushed to the brink of despair.

And when he was about to capture Hulk, the other party became greener and stronger.

Then he destroyed a mountain with one punch, causing heavy losses to his troops, and then fled.

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