Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 135 Searching for Memory

On the streets of New York.

Maria drove with one hand and made a phone call.

"You want the formula for adamantium alloy?

Impossible, we don't have the formula either.

Who has it?

Go find Colonel Stryker, we bought it from him."

Maria is not Nick, and she has no friendship with Tony's father, so she just perfunctorily said a few words.

But at this moment, a truck suddenly appeared at high speed.

"Bang!" Maria.

The car Maria was in was instantly hit by the truck.

Fortunately, this is a bulletproof car. Although there are cracks on the glass, it is not deformed.

In a burst of pain, Maria immediately took out a pistol for self-defense, and looked around vigilantly.

At this time, she saw a group of people around her and raised their rifles.

"Da Da Da..."

A large number of bullets were released on the bulletproof glass and iron doors, causing cracks and grooves.

But this car is the car of the directors of SHIELD for generations, and it has excellent bulletproof performance, so it is impossible to be penetrated for a while.

However, after a while, Maria saw someone holding up a single-soldier rocket launcher, which made her heart tighten.

And at this tense moment, someone suddenly rushed out on a motorcycle and shot the enemy holding the rocket launcher with one shot.

"Da Da Da..."

Then with a burst of shooting, the enemy was immediately beaten and ran away.

Soon, the motorcycle stopped in front of the bulletproof car.

"Come out quickly!"

Looking at the one-eyed bald black man in front of her, Maria didn't care why the other party appeared, and immediately opened the door and ran out.

After sitting on the motorcycle, Nick immediately pulled the throttle and quickly left the scene.

But then, they encountered several waves of killers, but they all escaped safely.

After half an hour of pursuit, the two fled to a secret base, and then they could take a breath. =


Maria sat on the chair, put down the pistol that had been fired long ago, and then took a deep breath and drank a sip of water.

"Who are those people?"

Nick shook his head.

"I don't know, but they must be the ones we are looking for."

After that, he pulled out a row of bullets from the drawer and began to reload his pistol and rifle.

"I advised you not to push too hard last night, but you didn't listen to me."

Hearing this, Maria was silent for a while.

In fact, she heard Nick's hidden meaning last night, but she was unwilling to give up.

After all, she didn't show any results in the position of director. How could she, who was so strong, let go?

After a while, Nick changed the ammunition and threw the pistol to Maria.

"But there is also good news. At least they know your route, and they can mobilize so many people to assassinate you, which means it will only be those few people."

Maria nodded and checked the pistol.

"But who can I trust now?"

"Me, Natasha, Barton, Sharon, Sam..."

After saying a few names, Nick hesitated and continued: "There are also Logan and Victor."

Although these two people have only joined SHIELD for more than a year, their taciturnity and solitary character, who rarely communicate with others, make him feel trustworthy.

"Then let's contact them now."

After saying that, Maria took out her special communicator and prepared to call people.

But Nick reached out and pressed Maria's communicator.

"Since the enemy has already taken a high position, if you are the contact person, you will be discovered soon."

"What should we do then?"

"Seek external assistance."

"External assistance?"

"Yes, Stark. Only he can help us."


It was night.


Logan and Victor's life was not easy.

They found that they were being watched all the time, and wherever they went, someone would follow them.

As for the communicators in their hands, they had been confiscated long ago.

"Victor, should we leave?"

Victor looked at his brother in confusion.


"It's been a year, and we have found all the information we should find.

Now it's time to find our memories."

"You have the final say."

"Then let's go."

Seeing that his brother had no objection, Logan began to walk out the door.

Looking at the moon that began to appear outside, Logan was about to take a step when two agents in black suits came over.

"It's so late, where do you want to go?"

Since Logan wanted to leave, he naturally didn't talk nonsense with these people and ran over directly.

"Don't follow me anymore."

I let them go before because I still wanted to find my life experience in SHIELD.

But now that I want to leave, I naturally don't want to pay attention to them.

When the agents saw this, they immediately wanted to draw their pistols to keep Logan and Victor.

Victor, who was walking behind, saw them put their hands on their waists, and reacted quickly. He grabbed a person's throat with one hand, lifted him up and pressed him against the wall.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Compared to Logan, he has a more violent temper and a more ferocious look.

So after being glared at by him, the two agents really didn't dare to move, fearing that they would anger this killer.

Victor saw the two agents calm down, so he put them down and quickly followed Logan.

After leaving SHIELD, Logan and Victor went home first, found their green cards and money, and then prepared to fly to Michigan.

Because according to their investigation during this period, it seems that their last trace was in Michigan.

But when the two walked out of their house and were about to leave, they felt confused. When they woke up again, they found that they appeared at the door of the Umbrella Building.

"Victor? How did we get here?"

Looking at the red and white Umbrella logo in front of him, Logan was full of doubts.

Victor did not answer, but just raised his legs and walked forward.

His mind was relatively simple. Since he was here, he would go in and take a look.

It was already night, and there was no one at the gate of Umbrella. When they arrived at the door, the door opened automatically.

When they walked into the Umbrella Building, a row of lights inside also lit up instantly, as if to show them the way.

After a while, they followed the lights and came to the top floor and saw the chairman's office.


As the office door was pushed open, they saw a man behind the desk, looking at them.

"You are here."

Hearing this, Logan and Victor were in a trance for a moment, and then they remembered something.

After a while, Logan's eyes became much clearer, and he remembered what happened at the beginning.

When he and Victor were arrested, Li Feng did not make things difficult for them. He just took some blood and body tissues, and then did not restrict their freedom.

When they proposed to find their lost memories, Li Feng also gave them advice, which was to go to SHIELD to look for clues,

and they readily agreed, so they accepted the mental suggestion and forgot everything in Umbrella.

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