Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 145 I don't want to be a salesperson

After a while, Nick and his group went down in a daze to receive the products they had just purchased.

Sharon saw this and wanted to follow them, but was left alone by Li Feng.

At this time, she saw Li Feng sitting at the back of the office, with his head down, not knowing what to do, and suddenly felt guilty.

His heart was also in turmoil, wondering if his identity had been discovered.

After a while, Li Feng raised his head and looked at Sharon, who was sitting restlessly.



"I'm not... not nervous... I don't know what the boss wants me to do..."

"I know what you think."

Hearing this, Sharon immediately clenched her hands and her face turned pale.

It's over, I've been discovered.

Woohoo, a year's work has been in vain.

Seeing Sharon's nervous look, Li Feng smiled slightly.

"Don't be so nervous. I know you don't want to be a senior assistant or an assistant manager, but a salesperson. So when you saw the business, you immediately ran to bring people here.

How about this, I will meet your requirements and work as a salesperson tomorrow, starting from the grassroots level. I will recruit another assistant."

When Sharon heard this, her eyes were suddenly wide open with fear.

No, I don't want to be a salesperson.

And I have to start from the grassroots level.

"Boss, I..."

"By the way, don't contact those people just now next time. They are from SHIELD.

If it weren't for your diligent work this year, I would have suspected that you were a spy sent by SHIELD.

What did you call me just now?"

Sharon opened her mouth and felt her brain "buzzing...", all paste.

After a while, her eyes finally dimmed and she lowered her head.

"Nothing, I want to say that the boss understands me too much, I am so touched, woo woo..."

Li Feng smiled with relief and stepped forward to pat the other person's shoulder.

"Look at you, you are crying with joy, but it is also true that there are very few employees like me who care for their subordinates.

Let me ask them to give you the most difficult orders in Euro Continent tomorrow.

As long as you can give me a satisfactory result, I will upgrade you to regional manager. If you perform better, you can also be a manager.

Go down and get ready. I believe in you."

"Thank you, boss..."

Sharon didn't know how she walked downstairs, nor how she spent the day.

She only knew that her future was darker.

But the boss didn't find out that she was a spy, which could only be said to be a blessing in disguise.


Nick and others left Umbrella with a group of biological weapons.

Because the appearance of biological weapons is ugly, they are all installed in containers, and they are still frozen.

So they also bought a large truck.

At this time, they drove away in a truck.

"Where are we going now?"

The one who asked the question was Maria.

She was sitting in the co-pilot seat at this time.

And Nick was driving.

The others were sitting in the lounge in the back row.

Nick said as he drove, "Go to the Security Council."

"Security Council?"

"Yes, Boss Li is right. We can only eliminate these traitors peacefully if we get the support of the Security Council.

Otherwise, if things get out of hand, it will have a bad impact on SHIELD."

"But what should I do if it goes to the Security Council?"

Maria was a little resistant to this decision.

After all, she had just become the director, and this kind of thing happened right away. How would the Security Council see her?

By then, I'm afraid her position as director would be lost.

Nick glanced at Maria and said lightly, "Don't worry, I will take all the responsibility."

With Nick's guarantee, Maria stopped talking.

Don't blame her for being so realistic.

It's because she knows that if she is in the position of director, SHIELD will still be the SHIELD that is "dedicated to the United States".

If someone else takes the position of director, it's hard to say what will happen.

Maybe they will lean towards other countries.

After all, there are five countries in the Security Council, and it's not just the United States that has the final say.

Some time ago, after Dragon Country established the S.W.O.R.D., the Security Council also had great objections to S.H.I.E.L.D..

After a while, the truck drove into the city. Because of the traffic jam, it drove very slowly and even stopped sometimes.

This made Nick regret it a little.

Sure enough, just a dozen minutes later, a group of armed helicopters began to fly over not far away.

Seeing this, Tony couldn't help but curse inwardly.

"These people are too arrogant. They actually used armed helicopters in the city. Aren't they afraid of causing civilian casualties?"

Tony began to put on his armor and put down his mask.

"They dared to fire at me. Are they still afraid of causing civilian casualties?

Banner, I have to ask you to protect Pepper."

Banner nodded, and a green skin began to appear all over his body, turning into the Hulk.


Natasha and Barton also began to check their weapons.

At this time, Barton felt very sorry that his bow and arrow were too big and inconvenient to carry.

Otherwise, he would have shot down the armed helicopter directly at this time.

After a while, as the armed helicopter was getting closer, a rocket was fired.

Nick immediately stepped on the accelerator, knocked the car in front of him away, and then drifted to avoid the attack.


Other vehicles were hit instantly and turned into flames.

Ordinary people driving nearby saw this and immediately opened their car doors in panic and fled.



"The North Bear Country is coming!"

At this time, the armed helicopter flew not far above the truck, and even Barton and Natasha could shoot with rifles.

However, the bullets from the rifles hitting the armed helicopter were no different from tickling, and could not cause effective damage at all.

Seeing that the armed helicopter was about to launch a rocket, Tony hurriedly opened the window and flew out.


But in the next second, Nick felt a huge impact and was blasted to the ground.

Not far away, three more cars drove over.

In the leading car, Bucky was standing with a rocket launcher in his hand.

Just now, Tony wanted to fly up to attack the armed helicopter, but he was blasted down by him.

When the people on the truck saw this, they panicked, and Hulk made the worst plan, holding Pepper in his arms, intending to use his body to protect her from the explosion.

At this critical moment, a black man with metal wings flew over from a distance.

It was Falcon, Sam.

Two missiles were fired from the backpack behind Sam, and instantly hit the armed helicopter.

With a "boom..." sound, the armed helicopter began to crash.

Patton, who was behind, immediately replaced the rocket with ammunition expressionlessly, and then continued to pull the trigger.

Nick immediately turned left and blocked the attack with the car behind.


In the explosion, the Licker in the car was exposed.

"Maria, start the Licker for me."


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