Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 148 Genetic Code

"Yes, and the Licker. If we have a thousand of them, we can sweep across the Middle East."

"Yes, yes, I prefer the Tyrant. Although it's expensive, it's really strong, and its strength is not even inferior to Iron Man."

"And those electromagnetic rifles are much stronger than our gunpowder rifles."

"I want that exoskeleton armor. If I have a sentinel robot as a partner, I dare to challenge a brigade in the Middle East alone."

Watching the SHIELD agents start to make wishes, Maria suddenly felt a headache.

The prices of these things they are talking about are not cheap.

Tony paid for those before.

Although SHIELD has a lot of funds, after this rebellion, the Security Council has tightened its approval of SHIELD's funds.

So it is impossible to get funds as easily as before.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Seeing that everyone's wishes are getting more and more outrageous, she had to knock on the table to interrupt.

"Everyone, I know you like Umbrella products, but we can't rely on others for everything.

Now let's discuss the battle plan."

Just as Maria was about to continue speaking, Tony raised his hand again.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt you, but when will you give me the money from three days ago?"

Although Tony has Stark Enterprises and is not short of money, he is a little overwhelmed by spending more than 2 billion at once.

And this money is not spent on himself, but for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maria was embarrassed when she heard Tony's words.

"Well, I can only ask the Security Council for reimbursement after this operation is over."

Tony stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Then wait until you reimburse, and then talk to me about the Middle East."

He didn't want to get involved in the Middle East, and now he has an excuse.

Seeing this, Banner also stood up and followed Tony.

Maria stretched out her hand, but opened her mouth, but didn't know how to keep him.

In the end, she could only watch the two disappear, so she turned to look at the remaining agents.

"I'll continue to explain the plan."


Outside the SHIELD building.

Tony walked into his luxury car, and Banner next to him also opened the passenger seat and sat in.

"Are you sure you don't want to join their action?"

As the engine was ignited, Tony drove the car out of the garage expressionlessly.

"Didn't you hear it? The freedom of the United States, hehe..."

A ruthless laugh revealed his ridicule and disdain for the so-called freedom of the United States.

He is not unpatriotic.

Even under the patriotic education of the United States, he loves his country more than others.

But he knows more clearly that most of the chaos and wars in the world are brought by the United States.

For example, in the wars of the past ten years, every war is a manifestation of the United States showing its muscles for world hegemony.

But he doesn't want to do this.

The justice and conscience in his heart told him that it was wrong to do so.

But patriotism made him not want to go against the country.

So he would not hand over the Ark reactor technology or the armor.

Because he knew too well that if the top leaders of the United States obtained these technologies, how much chaos and disaster would it bring to the world.

And Banner's view was similar to Tony's.

After all, when he turned into the Hulk, he was often hunted by General Ross, so his impression of the United States was not much better.

He asked the question just now just to confirm whether Tony really thought so.

After a while, Tony's car drove onto the road, but did not drive to the villa by the sea.

Seeing this, Banner immediately asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Umbrella and find Mr. Li."

"What do you want to find Li for?"

"Have you studied the genes of the Lickers and Tyrants?"

"I have studied it. Didn't I look at it with you? There is no problem at all. There is no connection with zombies and insect people."

"But I feel it is the genetic code."

"Genetic code?"

"Yes, there is still a theoretical genetic code that can disrupt the combination of genes without changing the genome, making it look completely different."

Hearing this, Banner's face suddenly became solemn.

"You mean, Umbrella has developed genetic programming?"

Only with genetic programming can the genetic code that only exists in theory be used.

Tony nodded.

"Why do you think Umbrella wants to study genetic programming and set up genetic codes?"

"Nonsense, of course it's to prevent people from cracking the Licker and the Tyrant."

"What else?"

Banner turned his head and looked at Tony who was concentrating on driving.

"To hide something..."

"Yes, compared to the Middle East Alliance, I want to know what Li is hiding."

"But what can you do when you go there?"

"Of course, go there and buy some more products.

I believe that with my research, the genes of the Licker and the Tyrant will be cracked soon."

Speaking of this, Tony showed an extremely confident look.

But it's true that he has been a genius since he was a child, and there is really nothing that can stump him.

There are only things he doesn't want to do, and there is nothing he can't do.


At the same time.

On the top floor of Umbrella.

Li Feng is meeting another man.

He was holding a document in his hand and said calmly: "Reed Richards, a graduate of Harvard University.

I wonder if you are looking for me for something?"

Reed in front of him was still a young man in his early twenties.

Although the other party was white, he had short black hair and a hint of restraint and tension in his eyes.

At this time, Reed was not the genius Mr. Wonderful who graduated from multiple universities and obtained various doctoral certificates.

He was just a young man who had just graduated from college and started looking for his dream.

After a while, Reed took a deep breath.

"Mr. Li, I saw your genius youth fund plan."

"Yes, as long as the genius youth dares to think and do, I will fund it. What is your dream?"

In order to win over Mr. Wonderful, Li Feng has made a lot of efforts and preparations.

And the genius youth fund plan is the bait he casts to catch Reed.

"I want to go to the sky."

"Very good, although I have seen many genius teenagers, you are the first one who wants to see God at such a young age."

Reed heard this and immediately waved his hands hurriedly.

"No, no, I mean, I want to build a rocket and go to outer space."

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm kidding you.

Your idea is very good, and the future must belong to the sea of ​​stars.

You should be looking at our Starship Company.

After all, rocket recovery technology is currently the world's top technology."

Reed nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Li, but I'm not interested in rocket recovery technology."

"Oh? What do you think?"

"Rocket electromagnetic ejection technology."

Hearing this, Li Feng showed a slightly interested look.

"Tell me your idea in detail."

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