Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 15 S.H.I.E.L.D. takes action

Obadiah regretted again that Iron Monger was made too hastily, and there was not even an infrared ray, and he could not find anyone.

At this time, Tony finally had a little wisdom to match it.

He rushed out from behind Obadiah, grabbed the wire on the back of Iron Monger's head, and pulled it out.

This immediately made Iron Monger lose the outside picture, as well as the aiming system, etc.

So the impatient Obadiah grabbed Iron Man's head behind him and threw it forward.

The huge inertia immediately made Iron Man's helmet fall off, revealing Tony inside.

Because there was no video screen, Obadiah had to open Iron Monger's cabin.

But at this time, he had a confident expression on his face, and his eyes were full of ridicule and complacency.

"Actually, I don't like this iron thing, Tony.

But I have to admit that this armor is really good."

After squeezing Iron Man's helmet hard, he threw it in front of Tony.

At this time, as a villain, he activated his passive skills.

Before defeating the protagonist, you must talk nonsense for a while, and then let the protagonist turn the tables.

"You finally surpassed yourself, Tony.

Your father will be proud of you."

Pepper, who was in the factory, had turned on all the power supplies and turned off the safety device.

"Everything is ready, Tony, you should leave the roof quickly."

The Ark reactor began to emit blue light and the current continued to flow out because the electricity it produced could not be released, and the safety device would not stop automatically after it was turned off.

At this time, it was like a huge bomb, constantly charging.

However, when the Ark reactor was built, this point was obviously thought of, so a large amount of electricity was guided to the ground by the ground wire.

At this time, Obadiah on the roof raised his right hand, and the Gatling gun on the Iron Overlord kept spinning.


The dense bullets were fired instantly.

However, because the aiming system was damaged and he was not a professional, he naturally drew the human body.

It didn't even count as a human body drawing, because it was too far away.

Pepper, who heard the noise below, immediately shouted Tony's name in worry.

Obadiah put away his right hand on the roof at this time.

"It's ridiculous, Tony.

You want to keep the world away from weapons, but you invented the most powerful weapon in the world.

But now, I'm going to kill you with the weapon you made!"

After saying that, he smiled with a confident smile on his face, then raised his left hand and revealed a small rocket.

"Swish... Boom!"

However, after firing two rounds, the small rocket was fired off again.

So he had to step forward and approach Tony.

"Although you destroyed my aiming system, what about this!"

Tony saw Obadiah coming in front of him, so he immediately shouted: "Pepper, cut the ground wire!"

Hearing this, Pepper immediately took off the button, cut off the last protection of the Fontaine reactor, and cut off the ground wire.

"Zizizizi... Boom!"

The powerful electricity could not be vented, and immediately turned into an extremely powerful energy shock wave, shooting upwards.

Obadiah and Tony, who were on the roof, were instantly hit by the powerful energy.

However, they were protected by the armor, and the energy was rushing to the sky, so they did not turn into charcoal, but were numbed by the electricity and completely unable to move.

After a while, the energy of the Fontaine reactor was discharged, and the emergency plan was automatically activated, cutting off all operations and stopping the generation of electricity.

Tony, who had been stunned, immediately fell from the roof.

Unlike the plot, Obadiah was still a little conscious at this time and did not fall with him.

Because he had been injected with the T virus to strengthen, he resisted this wave of current.

"Oh, Tony, it seems that your plan has failed."

With a slight smile, he raised the small rocket in his left hand and aimed it downward.

At this time, Pepper had already run to Tony's side, watching Tony lose consciousness, and was very anxious.

"Tony, are you okay..."

"Pepper, let's be a desperate couple with your Tony!"

Just when Obadiah was about to launch a rocket, a sharp arrow suddenly flew across the sky and shot at the joint of Iron Monger's left hand.

With a "click..." sound, Iron Monger's left hand was instantly stuck and could not move.

Turning his head, he found that a man with a bow and arrow appeared thirty meters away from his left hand.

"Who are you?"

Faced with Obadiah's question, Barton did not speak, but just raised the bow and arrow and aimed at the other party.

At this time, Obadiah's hatch was wide open. As long as the order was given, he would be sure to shoot a headshot with one arrow.

Because he is Clint Barton, nicknamed Hawkeye, a level 7 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And this time he did not come alone.

Soon, Coulson limped to Barton with seven or eight agents.

"Dude, luckily you came in time, I almost died."

He had good physical fitness, and after being knocked away by Obadiah, he did not die, but was slightly injured.

"I think you'd better take someone down to check, Tony's condition is not very good."

Coulson glanced at Obadiah not far away and nodded.

"I'll leave this to you."

Seeing Coulson preparing to go down, Obadiah immediately raised his right hand, and the Gatling gun kept spinning.

But at this moment, a sharp arrow shot at him instantly.

"Swish... Ding..."

The arrow just got stuck in the Gatling gun and stopped spinning instantly.

Seeing this, Obadiah was furious.

"Damn it! You..."

Just as he ejected the small missile behind him and prepared to launch it, Barton shot another arrow and pierced his ear.


"I advise you not to move, otherwise I don't know where the next arrow will hit."

Looking at the arrow in his ear, Obadiah's anger disappeared instantly, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

After all, he is just a businessman, not a professional warrior.

If the arrow just now was a little off, he would be dead.

But watching Coulson go down to find Tony, he was full of reluctance in his heart.

If it goes on like this, then when Tony recovers, he will be finished.

First of all, he will definitely be deprived of his qualifications on the board of directors, and then he will be imprisoned, saying goodbye to his current life forever.

If Tony is more evil and has an accident, he won't even have the chance to go to jail alive.

What should I do?

When Obadiah was extremely anxious, six fully armed men also came to the roof.

"Mr. Obadiah, Miss Luna has a deal and wants to discuss it with you."

Hearing Luna's name, Obadiah was immediately happy.

"No matter what the deal is, as long as you can kill Tony, everything is negotiable!"

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