Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 156 Request for Mushroom Bombs

While Lorna and Eric were dealing with the tyrant, the surrounding lickers took the opportunity to rush over quickly.

But at this time, a tall figure rushed over and knocked away the tyrants.

It's the red tank.

I saw that the red tank was just like a real tank. No licker could withstand his impact and were knocked away one after another.

In the distance, Maria saw the tyrant and licker she purchased being suppressed and beaten, and her face became gloomy.

She didn't want to use them at first, mostly because Mei felt inhumane.

After all, Lickers and Tyrants look like what humans have become, and they are too evil.

So they all agreed that Lickers and Tyrants should only be used as a last resort.

But now it seems that this last resort is no longer possible.

So she came to Mei's side and said in a low voice: "If that doesn't work, apply for the use of mushroom bombs."

Upon hearing this, Mei was stunned for a moment, and then looked around.

"This is in the city..."

The implication is that it will cause casualties to ordinary people.

Maria naturally knew this, but she turned her head away and continued: "The city of Baghdad has long become a paradise for zombies. There are no ordinary people here at all."

When she said this, she didn't dare to look at Mei or anyone else.

Because what she meant by this was that she had already acquiesced that all the people here had died in the battle.

When Mei heard this, she looked at Maria with disbelief.

"How did you become like this? Have you forgotten the original intention of SHIELD and your original declaration to join SHIELD?"

She joined S.H.I.E.L.D. earlier than Maria. She can be said to be Maria's predecessor, and she watched Maria grow up to the position of director step by step.

Although she took a long break last year due to the death of a little girl, the Maria she knew was still the smart, wise, but kind-hearted girl she knew.

But when Maria heard this, her eyes turned slightly red.

"Mei, we can't go on like this.

Last year, due to the crisis of Apocalypse, more than a hundred people died in our S.H.I.E.L.D., followed by the zombie crisis, and the recent Hydra crisis.

Our fortune at SHIELD is almost gone.

If we die here too, then our SHIELD will exist in name only. "

After hearing this, Mei was silent for a while.

She also knew that the responsibility Maria shouldered was very large and heavy, and the pressure was unimaginable to her.

But she really didn't understand why so many people had to be sacrificed.

At this time, Maria continued: "The people on the Security Council secretly told me that if this crisis cannot be resolved, there will be no need for SHIELD to exist.

They want to disband S.H.I.E.L.D., and Dragon Kingdom's Skyward Sword Bureau is an attempt.

But what would this world be like without the protection of our SHIELD, you know?

Chaos, riots, death, crime, all kinds of super criminals are endless. "

In her heart, the stability of the world was achieved through the sacrifice of S.H.I.E.L.D.

So she felt that on her shoulders, she was not only responsible for the survival of SHIELD, but also the safety of the world.

After hearing this, Mei finally nodded.

"Well, I'll persuade the Council."

S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have the authority to use nuclear bombs, only members of the Security Council do.

Mei also knew what Maria meant, which was that she did not want to bear the responsibility of using mushroom bombs, so she was the only one who was most suitable to make this request.

She doesn't blame Maria for treating her as a scapegoat, because the current S.H.I.E.L.D. really cannot afford to lose Maria as director.

Otherwise, no one knows whether the next director will be from Hydra.


After finishing speaking, Maria bowed deeply towards Mei.

In the scene.

The battle between Lickers and Red Tanks continues.

But most of the lickers rushed towards Cassandra.

Lorna and Eric naturally tried their best to control the metal and protect them.

After a while, the tyrant, who they thought was dead, suddenly pushed away the metal pressing against him.


This roar immediately made Cassandra turn her head in surprise.

"What a tenacious vitality."

Just now she saw with her own eyes that the monster's head was crushed, but now the monster's head has recovered.

Not only that, even if she stripped away flesh and blood, only the bones of the arm were restored.

"It seems the world is much more fun."

So she reached out again, intending to strip away all flesh and blood to see if the monster could recover.

But after the tyrant escaped from the suppression of the metal, he grabbed a licker next to him, put it in his mouth and bit it.

"Click... click..."

Listening to that sound, it's like eating spicy strips.

And after eating one after another, there was no intention of stopping.

at the same time.

In the Umbrella Building in New York, USA.

Li Feng felt helpless for a while.

"I never thought a tyrant could escape control like this."

As for the method of controlling the tyrant, he installs a chip in the other person's brain and then transmits various information through the chip.

This chip will allow the tyrant to see that the owner is a more powerful monster, so he will be obedient. When he sees the enemy, he will see it as food, so he will attack.

However, the chip will be broken when Eric squeezes his head.

The tyrant's recovery ability allowed the brain to recover, but the chip could not be restored.

"It seems that newer control methods must be studied."

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at the sun rising slowly in the distance, and the people who were getting up to go to work.

A smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Absolutely, no one is allowed to destroy my world."


At the battle scene in Baghdad.

The moonlight here was slowly covered by dark clouds, and the world fell into darkness.

With the cover of the night, the whereabouts of the lickers became more and more weird.

But the situation gradually got out of control.

As the tyrant lost control, he began to eat the lickers as snacks, and soon there were only forty or fifty of the more than one hundred lickers.

After all, the lickers' recovery ability is indeed strong, but they can't be resurrected after being digested.

Cassandra also discovered this situation, so she showed a little interest, and asked Natasha, Daisy and others to return to her side, intending to watch the show.

But soon, she noticed that a helicopter appeared not far away and took away several people from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Forget it, just a few ants, just run away."

After fighting for a while, the number of lickers around became fewer and fewer, and soon there were only a few left.

But at this time, Cassandra suddenly noticed a missile in the distance.

In the dark night sky, the light of the rocket's tail flame was particularly obvious.

But judging from the height, the missile seemed to have just passed by.

And the next second, Cassandra suddenly felt that the time around her stopped.

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