Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 158 The Runaway Tyrant

In the city of Baghdad.

With Cassandra gone, all those controlled were restored instantly.

Natasha and Daisy looked around blankly.

"What happened?"

But soon, they remembered something and looked at Lorna and Eric.

Lorna and Eric also recovered at this time, but Eric became powerful at this time and controlled the surrounding metal to start attacking indiscriminately.

Don't forget, he has been turned into a zombie by Lorna.

Now without Cassandra's control, nature took on its true nature.

Not only did he launch indiscriminate metal attacks on the surroundings, he also grabbed some corpses and started eating them.

The tyrant not far away saw someone competing with him for food, so he immediately noticed Eric.



There was a roar, and the two of them fought together.

I saw a huge piece of metal being thrown over, but the tyrant deftly jumped to the left and avoided the attack.

After losing control, the tyrant's fighting talent completely exploded.

Next, the tyrant kept dodging left and right, dodging one attack after another while approaching Eric.


A roar and powerful sound wave immediately made Eric, a zombie, dizzy. Then the tyrant jumped up and punched him.

If this was hit, Eric would definitely die.

But soon, a piece of metal flew from the side and stood in front of him.

It turned out that Lorna took action.

Only a "bang!" was heard.

The tyrant's fist smashed away the metal block, then fell to the ground and looked at Lorna not far away.

Lorna took a slight step back under the tyrant's fierce gaze.

"Natasha, Daisy, help me."

Daisy glanced at Natasha next to her, who nodded.

The next second, a powerful shock force was struck.

When the tyrant saw this, he clenched his fist and struck him.

There was a loud noise of "Boom...".

A cracked ground with a diameter of thirty to forty meters suddenly appeared on the ground, but the tyrant only bent down slightly, immediately stood upright, and then continued to rush past.

When Daisy saw this, she immediately controlled a metal weighing several thousand tons and smashed it over.


There was another loud noise.

I saw that this huge metal block with a diameter of more than fifty meters was shattered by the tyrant's punch.

However, the tyrant was knocked back a few steps again.

The powerful impact suddenly formed a wave of air that swept out, making the surrounding ground clean.

Qi Lang came in front of everyone, and Daisy immediately punched out again, defeating Qi Lang with the powerful power of Cathay.

But even so, the strong airflow still made everyone unsteady for a while.

When Natasha saw this scene, she put away the electromagnetic rifle she had just raised with an embarrassed look.

Well, in a battle of this level, it would be best for an ordinary person like her to stay aside.

Sam, who was still in love with Logan and Victor in the distance, was also swept away by the air wave and fell to the side, unable to get up.

After all, his body was even worse than Natasha's, and no one could resist the powerful air wave, so he was naturally seriously injured.

At this time, Logan finally used his self-healing factor to come to Sam's side like an immortal little strongman, dragging one of his legs and walking towards Victor.

at the same time.

In mid-air.

SHIELD's space carrier is flying into the distance very fast.

But when Maria discovered that the mushroom bomb had not exploded, she suddenly felt uneasy.

"What's going on? Why didn't the mushroom eggs explode?"

After hearing this, several subordinates nearby immediately started to check the situation in front of the computer.

After a while, a subordinate came over in a panic.

"Director, it's bad. We have lost any contact with the mushroom bombs. It's like we have disappeared."

"What? How could this be possible? This is a mushroom bomb!"

"We don't know the situation either. Do we need to send someone over to check the situation?"

Just when Maria was still hesitating, a shadow suddenly appeared in mid-air.

It was a middle-aged white man with a Mediterranean hairstyle. He was wearing a military uniform instead of a suit.

"Stop firing the mushroom bombs, Cassandra has been captured."

After hearing this, Maria immediately looked at the shadow with disbelief.

"General Silvera? What happened? Why didn't we know?"

General Silvera is the military adviser of the United States in the Security Council. He is considered a very powerful person and does not usually appear at all.

Usually those who come into contact with SHIELD are civilian personnel.

This time General Silvera appeared, making Maria suddenly feel uneasy.

Silvera ignored Maria's words and just said calmly: "Some of us have already taken action. Your mission is over. When you go back, you will accept the judgment of the Security Council."

After saying that, the projection also disappeared.

Maria suddenly looked disappointed.

Unexpectedly, SHIELD eventually reached this point.

The subordinate next to him seemed to notice something was wrong with Maria, so he asked cautiously: "Director, do we still send someone to check the situation?"

"Go ahead, it's best to get the mushroom eggs back..."

After finishing speaking, Maria seemed to have lost her strength, lowered her head, and left the command room.

In Umbrella's basement in New York, USA.

Seeing Charles and Cassandra join forces, Li Feng's expression did not change.

He even had the leisure to pay attention to what was happening in Baghdad.

After discovering that the tyrant was out of control, he became even stronger and showed an extremely strong fighting instinct, and he also understood something.

"It seems that my previous thinking was indeed wrong. Blindly controlling will only lead to the production of a bunch of machines.

And how can a machine be out of the original program?

No wonder the tyrant's strengthening research has been unable to break through. It turns out that control has restricted the tyrant's growth."

"Fighting with us, what's the difference!"

At this time, Cassandra controlled her telekinesis and rushed over, stretching out her hand to control Li Feng.

In addition to mental control, she is also good at telekinesis control.

That is, putting your hand in someone else's head.

Facing Cassandra's attack, Li Feng just waved his hand lightly, and completely froze the other party's figure.

"Next time you fight someone, don't get off the ground easily, otherwise you won't even have a leverage point."

After saying that, he asked the ceiling to drop an X-Gene Inhibitor, which was worn on the opponent's neck like a collar.

After controlling Cassandra, he turned his head and looked at Charles, who was still using his mental power to try to enter his mind.

"Do you want to try again?"

Charles did not answer, but used his ever-increasing mental power to make his own answer.

So soon, another X-Gene Inhibitor dropped from the ceiling and was put on Charles' neck.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't seize it.

Red Queen, keep freezing them both."

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