Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 162 Old Green Devil's Choice

But just as the Green Goblin turned around, several black armors suddenly flew out from the ruins on a high place and blocked him in front.

Then several more black armors flew out and blocked him behind him, above him and below him.

There were a total of twelve black armors, surrounding him.

These black armors were about three meters high, looked very burly, full of power, and the patterns on the whole body were very beautiful.

Before the Green Goblin asked, the twelve black armors started to attack together.

They raised their right hands and a laser shot out instantly.

The Green Goblin didn't even have time to react before he was hit by the laser.

The expected pain did not appear, because these lasers hit his Green Goblin armor and skateboard very accurately.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" With a few sounds, the Green Goblin armor and Green Goblin skateboard were scrapped instantly, revealing Norman's naked body.

Norman, who lost the Green Goblin skateboard, began to fall instantly, but was caught by a black armor and flew to the higher level where he was still alive.

He was desperate because he had no power to fight back.

"Who are you! Let me go!"

Norman was still struggling until he reached the window of the room.

But soon, when he entered the room and saw a man, he was stunned.

Li Feng was wearing pajamas, sitting on the sofa with a comfortable look on his face, shaking the red wine glass in his palm with one hand and holding his waist with the other hand.

But there was some dust on his clothes, and it was obvious that he was not completely unaffected by the explosion just now.

"Norman, good evening.

What are you doing here so late?

You are so angry that you blew up my room without saying a word."

Seeing that Li Feng was still alive, Norman's heart suddenly turned cold.

But he immediately shouted to the black armor beside him: "As long as you are willing to kill him, I am willing to give half of the shares of Osborn Enterprises!

No, 80%! 90% is also OK!"

He did not face Li Feng, because he knew that when he was caught by the other party, it meant that he had no bargaining chips with the other party.

The only chance at this time is to take out all his billions of assets in exchange for the betrayal of these mysterious armors.

But these black armors did not move at all when they heard his words, and there was not even a sound.

This made Norman's heart instantly cold.

"Puff... Hahaha..."

At this time, Li Feng laughed loudly, and a playful look appeared in his eyes.

"Red Queen, open the helmet to make him give up."

"Yes, Master."

The next second, the black armors holding Norman opened the helmets on their heads one after another.

There were only a bunch of electronic components inside, and there were no human faces at all.

It turned out that these black armors were all robots, not controlled by humans.

This scene immediately made Norman curse in his heart.

Since it is not worn by humans, why make it into a human shape? Just for the sake of beauty?

You must know that the reason why the armor is in human form is for humans to wear.

In fact, the human form is not the best shape for machines.

After a while, the helmet of the black armor was closed again, and Li Feng also stood up and came to Norman.

"I now own 10% of Osborne Enterprises. Do you want to go to jail or go home to retire?"

Hearing that the other party had 10% of the shares, Norman was immediately incredulous.

But soon, he immediately remembered something.

"Sherlock Fund is yours? By the way, I seem to have heard that it has a lot to do with you.

Unexpectedly, your target has always been me. I was careless...Haha...Hahaha..."

Norman laughed wildly without knowing what he thought of.

But Li Feng heard the other party's loss, helplessness and despair from his laughter.

After all, no matter who it is, if they suddenly find that everything they do is arranged by others, they will definitely be hit hard.

And people as proud as Norman can't accept this.

After a while, Norman's laughter ended, Li Feng returned to the sofa, and asked lightly: "So, what's your answer?"

Norman raised his head and looked at Li Feng.

"I choose the third!"

After saying that, he exerted force on his thighs and directly twisted his arm that was caught by the black armor, and then crashed into the glass behind him.

"Bang!" The glass shattered.

Norman's body fell from more than 100 meters.

This was the only way he could think of to break the current situation.

That was to sacrifice himself.

He knew very well what the outcome would be of the two answers given by Li Feng.

The first option was that he went to prison, and Umbrella, which owned 10% of the shares, naturally became the largest shareholder, and Osborn Enterprises also fell into his hands.

The second option was to return to his hometown, and the price was naturally to hand over the shares at a low price, and the loss was the interests of their Osborn family.

No matter which option was chosen, the Osborn family would decline from then on, and Osborn Enterprises would fall into the hands of the other party.

So the only way was to die, and then the Osborn family could still keep everything they had now.

Just thinking that Harry was only eleven years old and had to bear the news of his own death, and the intrigues of Osborn Enterprises, he felt uncomfortable and apologetic.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I can't complete the Disneyland I promised you."

"Bang!" The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded.

"Woo woo woo..." The vehicle alarm sounded immediately afterwards.

Li Feng, who was on the upper floor, came to the window, looked at the corpse below, and just shook his head lightly.

He could save the other person easily, but there was no need.

After all, the United States has an antitrust law.

In the pharmaceutical industry, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals is the first and Osborn Enterprises is the second. If Osborn is annexed by himself, it will undoubtedly touch the bottom line of some people.

So even if he wants to annex, he can only command remotely.

In this case, it doesn’t matter whether Norman is dead or alive.

After all, Harry is only 11 years old and there is no threat at all.

Osborn Enterprises finally has the final say.

"Red Queen, let someone prepare to move into Osborn Enterprises."



June 21st.


In Osborn Villa.

Harry was wearing a black suit, looking at his father's black and white frame, tears rolled in his eyes, but he didn't fall.

Since he was a child, Norman taught him that boys can't cry and must be strong.

At this time, he really wanted to tell his father that he was strong and didn't cry.

But seeing his only relative leave like this, he felt that he couldn't hold back.

At this time, Pete appeared from the gate, threw down his schoolbag and ran over in a hurry.

"Harry, what's wrong? Why did Uncle Norman suddenly..."

Pete was going to go to school in the morning, but he received the news from his friend and rushed over immediately.

Harry couldn't control his tears when he saw his best friend appear, and hugged Pete and burst into tears.

"Wow... Pete! My father is dead... Wow..."

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