Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 164 Thor Appears

The results of the second-generation Sentinel shocked all countries in the world in an instant.

Especially the North Bear Country and the Dragon Country.

They naturally started to develop mecha-type war machines a long time ago.

However, due to energy and material problems, the research and development progress was almost zero.

When they didn't even have a clue, the United States developed the second-generation Sentinel, and it was like a killing god. How could they accept this?

So they immediately sent people to contact Umbrella, expressing their willingness to provide land free of charge and a ten-year tax-free policy, just asking Umbrella to build a factory there.

Li Feng handed this matter over to Luna.

Because he had more important things to deal with.

The Sky Eye satellite discovered violent energy fluctuations in the sky above New Mexico.

It felt that the photos taken by the satellite seemed to show that the clouds were rotating around a central point, and there was also a rainbow.

Calculating the time, it should be that unlucky Thor who appeared.


It was night.

A silver moon hung high in the sky, shining a faint moonlight.

In a barren land in New Mexico, there is a small town called Puente Antique.

There are not many residents here, only tens of thousands of people, and because the land is barren and the arable land is small, most of the food can only be transported from other places.

At this time, in the hospital.

A burly man with blond hair shawl is getting familiar from the bed.

Who am I? Where am I? What happened?

Thor looked at the snow-white ceiling, and soon his memory slowly emerged.

By the way, my name is Thor, the god of thunder in Asgard, the son of Odin.

Because the frost giants repeatedly invaded Asgard through unknown methods and killed the brave Asgardian warriors, he took a group of brothers to the hometown of the frost giants, the world of Jotunheim, and wanted to kill the king of the frost giants, Laufey.

But he didn't expect Laufey to be so powerful and have so many subordinates, so he soon fell into a desperate situation.

Fortunately, Heimdall appeared in time and opened the rainbow bridge to save them.

But because of his reckless actions, his father, Odin, deprived him of his power and the power of Thor, and even Thor's hammer had nothing to do with him.

No, my father said that as long as he was recognized by Thor's hammer, he could regain his power.

Thinking of this, Thor immediately got up from the bed and wanted to find Thor's hammer.

But the doctors around him immediately found Thor standing up, and they all came over.

"Hey, you still need to lie down and rest well."

"We are examining you, you seem to be seriously injured."

"Lie down well, don't pull out the needle!"

Thor, who was still a little conscious, saw these people in white clothes surrounding him, so he immediately pushed one person away.

"How dare you sneak attack the son of Odin!"

Seeing this, the others immediately came over to hug Thor and wanted to suppress him.

"Come and help!"

"Call the security!"

"Security, come to the emergency room No. 3 immediately!"

But although Thor had lost his power, his power as a god was still there.

So soon, he overturned several doctors and ran outside.

Even the security guard who ran over was overturned to the ground.

So the noise caused by Thor became louder and louder, until a doctor suddenly injected a sedative behind him.

Thor suddenly felt weak all over.

"How dare you use despicable poison..."


Time quickly came to the next morning.

On a hillside in New Mexico, someone drove here early in the morning to find the place where it fell last night.

So the Thor's hammer that fell on the ground was soon discovered.

Several people in the car got out of the car and looked at the huge pit on the ground, and they were immediately unbelievable and excited.

"My God, what did we find!"

"Meteorite! It's the meteorite from last night, let's go and have a look."

"Wait, why does this meteorite look like a hammer!"

"God, is this a miracle?"

Before these passers-by finished sighing, there was a burst of propeller sounds in the sky.

Looking up, I saw more than a dozen helicopters flying over.

The outside of these helicopters were printed with red and white umbrella logos, and a container was hung underneath.

Before the passers-by could react, the helicopter flew into the sky and began to drop containers one by one.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The containers were very heavy, and they fell to the ground one by one, making loud noises.

In just a moment, these containers surrounded Thor's hammer and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At this time, several men in black armor jumped directly from the helicopter and landed in front of several passers-by, then showed the electromagnetic rifles in their hands.

"This place has been taken over by our Umbrella Group, and those who have nothing to do with it should leave here quickly."

The few passers-by who came over didn't look easy to mess with, and they all looked fierce.

But at this time, they faced Umbrella's U.S.S. combat team, but they didn't have any temper at all.

"We'll leave now."

After saying that, several people immediately climbed into the car, started the engine, and ran away with one foot on the accelerator.

Watching these passers-by running away, the leading warrior put down his mask, revealing William's face.

"They are smart. Come on, go and see if there are any more people around."


Soon, several men left here and went to patrol the surroundings.

At this time, Psylocke came over with two swords on her back.

"William, what is that hammer?"

"Oh? Did you go to see it just now?"

"Not only did I see it, I also tried to pull it out, but it didn't move."

"Haha, it must take a man like me to pull it out. Come on, I'll take you to see it."

After saying that, William controlled the armor to walk towards Thor's hammer.

At this time, more than a dozen helicopters in the sky began to turn around and leave after dropping containers and soldiers.

A few minutes later, William came to Thor's hammer, but there was someone who came earlier than him.

It was the captain of the U.S.S., Frank Cassel.

Frank turned his head to look at William, then turned back and put his hand on Thor's hammer.

Seeing this, William immediately said unwillingly: "Alas, it's over, it's still a step too late, the credit will be taken away by him again."

But Frank pulled it out for a while, but there was no movement.

This immediately gave William hope.

Sure enough, after trying for a while, Frank let go, stepped back a few steps, and then turned to look at William.

Although he didn't say anything, William felt that the other party was saying that you can't pull it out.

Seeing this, William took a few steps forward with confidence and said: "The boss said that whoever can take this hammer will own it. When I pull it out, don't grab it."

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