Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 166 Asgard

Of course, Sol, a straight man, didn't understand what Jian said and walked directly to the refrigerator.

"This mortal body is too weak and I want to eat."

After saying that, he opened the refrigerator to look for food.

He had just seen a few people getting drinks from the refrigerator, so he knew this was where food was kept.

But Jane and the other three astronomers don't know how to cook, so naturally there won't be anything delicious in the refrigerator.

Eric, who was looking up information nearby, couldn't help frowning and crossing his arms when he saw Sol's familiar look.

Did they invite an ancestor?

But when I thought about the photos taken last night, I felt curious about the mortal body that Thor mentioned.

It seems that only non-human beings would say this.

Eric Selvig is the only man among the folk astronomers. He is about forty or fifty years old and has a lot of white hair.

At this time, he saw that Sol seemed to be overturning the entire refrigerator, and finally couldn't help but said, "I'll take you out to eat."

But when he thought of his shriveled wallet, he couldn't help but feel sad.

The three of them are folk astronomers, or it would be better to describe them as astronomy enthusiasts.

Because there is no formal job, there is naturally no stable income.

I usually get paid by taking pictures of meteors, full moons, astronomical wonders, etc., and then selling the copyright of the photos, or sending them to websites, newspapers, etc.

And their income is just enough for food and clothing, and they don't have much money at all.

at the same time.

In the distant Asgard realm.

Odin held the Eternal Spear and looked ahead with a frown on his face.

And his gaze, as if penetrating the endless starry sky, reached the atrium, and then scanned continuously.

Just now he felt that someone was about to pick up Mjolnir, but that person was not Thor, so he quickly used powerful magic to intimidate the other party.

Although the man gave up, it still made him feel a little anxious.

Frigga, who was beside her, noticed something was wrong with her husband, so she slowly walked over.

"What's wrong? My God King."

Odin heard his wife's voice and looked away from the court.

"It's okay. Just now I felt like someone was about to pick up Mjolnir, but that person was not Thor."

After hearing this, Frigga just asked doubtfully: "Isn't this normal? Didn't you say that anyone with good qualities can pick up Thor's hammer?

This shows that the quality of the people in Zhongting is not bad. "

Odin shook his head and said in a low voice: "And he must have the blood of the Asgardian royal family..."

These words immediately made Frigga roll her eyes.

Doesn't this mean that Sol can take it?

After all, besides Odin and Thor, who else in this world has the blood of the Asgardian royal family.

But soon, she seemed to think of something, and her eyes suddenly dimmed slightly.

Odin looked at his beloved wife's look and immediately knew that she seemed to be thinking of the unfilial daughter, so he quickly held her hand and said comfortingly: "It's okay. Thor will understand my painstaking efforts after he has experienced it. Will bring him back as soon as possible.”


In Asgard, in addition to Odin and Frigga, there are several people who are worried about Thor.

Fandral, Hogan, Vostak, Sif and Loki.

Fandral is a 1.8-meter-tall man with short blond hair. The weapon he uses is a two-handed sword. He is proficient in fighting skills and various weapons.

Hogan is a man about 1.78 meters tall with long black hair, and the weapon he uses is a mace.

Vostak is a two-meter-tall fat man with long brown hair and a beard. The weapon he uses is a double-edged battle axe.

Sif is a beauty with long brown hair, about 1.7 meters tall, with long white legs and a big heart.

Her weapon was a one-handed sword, and she wore a women's short breastplate and combat trousers, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

And the pair of metal combat boots showed off her slender and powerful thighs, which made people want to conquer her.

The first three of them are called the Three Warriors of Asgard, and the latter are called the Asgardian Valkyries.

Of course, this Valkyrie is Heimdall's sister, not a real Valkyrie, just called a Valkyrie.

Because all the real Valkyries have died long ago, and only the last one is left somewhere in the universe.

The four of them were walking around the room restlessly, sitting on chairs and thinking, or leaning against the wall in deep thought.

They were wondering how to get Thor back.

After a while, Vostak, who was sitting on the gold chair, held a gold wine glass and said with a look of remorse: "We shouldn't have let him go."

This him refers to Sol.

When Thor wanted to go to Jotunheim, they were the first people he looked for.

And instead of stopping it, they actively participated in the action.

This led to what happened next.

Sif, who was sitting on another golden chair, heard this and said in a low voice: "No one can stop him."

As a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Sol, she knew Sol's temper all too well.

Just like a cow, once a decision is made, no one can stop it.

Even the God King Odin is the same.

Hearing the discouraged conversation between the two, Fandral, who was walking around anxiously in the room, said irritably: "He was just exiled, not dead."

Hogan, who was sitting on the golden chair, saw the three people complaining constantly, and suddenly couldn't help but say: "If Heimdall hadn't told Odin where we were going, we might have died."

As the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, anyone in Asgard who wanted to go out must pass Heimdall.

At this time, Loki, who had been leaning against the wall and remained silent, couldn't help looking at his arm.

He still remembered that when he was besieged by the Frost Giants in Jotunheim, he burst out with the same power as the Frost Giants.

This made him begin to doubt his identity and some rumors in Asgard.

Legend has it that he is not the son of the Queen of Gods Frigga, but was picked up from outside.

After all, when Fuli was born, she was not pregnant. Suddenly there was another child, and naturally there were rumors.

After hearing what Hogan said, Volstark couldn't help but ask, "How did Heimdall know?"

Loki asked for credit and said, "I told him."

Hearing this, the four looked at Loki in surprise.


"I told him to tell Odin after we left.

He was too slow, and he should be whipped by Eden.

We should have been stopped before reaching Jotunheim."

Hearing that Loki seemed to be very pleased with himself, Volstark couldn't help but ask, "You actually tipped him off!"

Loki said disapprovingly, "This saved our lives, and Thor's.

But I didn't expect my father to expel Thor."

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