Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 169 Odin's Divine Sleep

Seeing Thor being violent, the guards around him immediately put down their things and raised their electromagnetic rifles to aim at the enemy.

Jane saw the enemy raise his gun and immediately said in panic: "I'm leaving now, don't shoot!"

But at this time, Wade looked at Thor and showed a little interest.

"This guy is good, come and compete with me.

If you win, I'll give you the things back."

Hearing this, Thor pushed Jane away who was blocking him.

"Can you make the decision?"

"Don't worry, I can definitely make the decision. Everyone here listens to me. I tell them to do whatever I tell them to do..."


Before the other party finished speaking, Thor waved his fist and rushed over.

And Wade's reaction was also very fast. He turned around immediately, dodged Thor's sneak attack, and then stepped on the other party's face.

"Haha, a rookie, actually dared to play tricks with me, really looking for death..."

Before he finished speaking, Thor seized the opportunity of his distraction and turned over to press him under him.

"Oh, you big fool, let me go quickly, you're too strong..."

Hearing these strange words, everyone present was stunned.

Wade saw that Thor had not let go of him, so he could only say: "Okay, I admit defeat, and I'll give you all the things."

In fact, he could use the power of the black light virus to fight back, but he didn't really want to collect these things from the beginning.

After all, who is he, Deadpool.

How could he really be willing to work for Umbrella.

It's just because of the contract that he had to work for Umbrella.

The original black light virus experiment was not obtained for free, but a fifty-year contract was signed.

It doesn't matter if the experiment fails, if the experiment succeeds, how could Umbrella let the experiment go free?

And Wade, who was already in the late stage of cancer at the time, held the mentality that he was going to die anyway, so he didn't care about signing it.

But after the experiment was completed, he began to regret it again.

Just like Wade in other universes, the first thing he did after the experiment succeeded was to betray.

But Umbrella is not an unknown laboratory, so he dared not rebel openly, he could only work without effort, disgusting Umbrella.

Seeing Deadpool admit defeat, Thor also let him go.

After a while, all the things were returned to their original owners, and Jane and others immediately had a good impression of Wade.

But now they are in a hurry to find meteorites, so they just made sure that the things would not be moved away, and then hurried to find meteorites.

At the same time.

In Asgard, Odin was lying in the golden energy shield and fell into a deep sleep.

There were only Loki and Frigga next to him.

I saw Frigga stroking the energy shield with a deep affection, looking at the sleeping Odin inside.

"I'm really not used to seeing him like this.

But his divine sleep has been delayed for too long, I'm a little worried..."

As the god king of Asgard, Odin has the extremely powerful Odin power, but this Odin power will also bring great burden to his body.

Especially as he gets older, his body can no longer bear the pressure of Odin's power, so he needs to sleep to relieve this pressure.

Odin should have been in sleep a few years ago, but because there were constant rebellions in the Nine Realms, he was worried about Thor and Loki, so the time of sleep was postponed again and again.

Unexpectedly, the pressure of Thor's affairs would be so great that he would enter sleep directly.

At this time, Loki only told Frigga that Odin was too sad because of Thor's affairs and he would enter sleep passively, and he didn't know that Loki deliberately angered Odin.

After watching for a while, Loki asked, "How long will this last?"

He was calculating in his heart how long he could become the acting king of the gods, and whether he would have the opportunity to implement his plan.

Frigga didn't know what Loki was thinking, but just shook her head in disappointment.

"I don't know. The situation this time is different. We are unprepared..."

"Why did he lie to me?"

"He kept his revenge on you a secret because he didn't like you to feel like an alien, and he didn't like others looking at you differently.

You are our son, Loki.

We are your family.

We can't give up hope. We must believe that your father will wake up sooner or later."

At this point, Frigga looked at Loki affectionately and continued, "And your brother..."

But she didn't know that this sentence completely stimulated Loki's fragile and inferior psychology.

So Loki made up his mind, but asked with confusion on his face: "What hope does Thor have?"

"Your father has his intentions for everything he does."

Well, it seems that you forced me.

Loki lowered his head, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

And as Odin fell into the divine sleep, Loki automatically became the acting god king.


Time passed slowly.

In the blue star.

When Jane and others brought Thor to the meteorite, it was already night.

The reason why it was so late was mainly because Umbrella had set up checkpoints on the surrounding roads and did not allow anyone to enter.

They finally entered the blocked area by taking various mountain roads.

And when they drove over a hillside, they finally saw the bright lights in the canyon.

So Jane hurriedly stepped on the brakes, fearing that their whereabouts would be discovered.

After the four people got out of the car, they were all shocked when they saw the situation in front of them.

They saw that the container was used to build a wall here.

A large number of searchlights can be seen on the wall, making the surroundings as bright as daytime, and it is impossible for anyone to sneak in.

At the same time, there are a large number of people guarding the surroundings.

These people hold rifles in their hands, walking from time to time, or turning around to look around.

And some lights and temporary buildings can be seen in the wall.

As for what is inside, they have no idea.

"Damn Umbrella Group, they can't trample on our free territory like this!"

At this time, Darcy had seen the Umbrella logo on the container, so he began to feel indignant.

Eric next to him heard the words and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, this is a free land, we can go anywhere we want."

Jane heard what the two of them said, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Could it be that you go to the military base to try?

Although the United States has freedom, this freedom is also limited.

For example, you can curse the president, curse the stars, but you can't curse the squid.

You can discriminate against white people, you can discriminate against yellow people, but you can't discriminate against black people.

Children under the age of 18 cannot drink alcohol, but they can carry guns, take drugs, have promiscuous sex, and choose their own gender.

However, although Darcy and Eric cursed fiercely, they didn't dare to take a step forward.

After all, the soldiers around them didn't look easy to mess with no matter how they looked.

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