Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 176 Fierce Battle

More than ten kilometers away.

As the tornado fell, a three-meter-tall iron man made of metal appeared on the ground.

William was confused when he saw this.

"Is this the boss's new product? Or is it a new toy from Stark Enterprises or Hammer Industries?"

At present, except for Umbrella, Stark Enterprises and Hammer Industries, no company has developed a battle armor.

So it is normal for him to have such doubts.

But the next second, the Destroyer's mask opened, and with a burst of light, powerful energy was instantly launched.

William saw this and immediately dodged.

So the energy shot to the car next to it.


The car exploded instantly.

This made everyone present change their faces.

The guy in front of him seemed to be ill-intentioned.

William didn't have time to put on his battle armor, his whole body began to swell, turned into a tyrant form, and flew over.

"Go to hell!"

But the Destroyer just raised his hand calmly, grabbed William's neck, and then shot out a stream of energy.


Fortunately, William's head dodged to the left and avoided being shot in the head.

But his shoulder was burned over a large area.


After a roar, William immediately became furious again, his whole body swelled again, and he came to the second form of the Tyrant.

At this time, Psylocke suddenly drove a mecha to rescue, and slashed down with an energy long knife in her hand.

"Ding!" A sound.

Psylocke in the mecha felt that her arm was numb from the shock.

This shocked her heart.

You know, she was in the mecha.

Without waiting for Psylocke to think more, the Destroyer waved his other hand and slapped her away directly.

When the other members of the Omicron team around saw the captain being captured, they immediately came to support.

But the Destroyer slapped these people away like slapping flies, and used energy rays to continuously kill the enemy.

Just when the Destroyer was killing people everywhere, William took the opportunity to escape from the Destroyer's palm in the second form, and then launched an attack carefully.

However, his strength, defense, and speed were still inferior to those of the Destroyer, so he could not pose a threat to the Destroyer.

His escape finally allowed the others to let go and start using electromagnetic guns to launch long-range attacks.

"Da Da Da..."

But the bullets hit the Destroyer, but there was no trace left.

Just as the Destroyer was killing, a gray figure suddenly landed behind it and punched it away.

It turned out that the Abomination came to support.

He was in the second transformation form, with spikes all over his body, and he roared.


But the next second, the Destroyer flew back, punched the Abomination away, and at the same time, the mask opened, and powerful red energy continued to spray out.

William turned his head and looked behind him, and sure enough, he saw Frank coming with the Alpha Team to support.

At the same time.

In the town of Puente Antique, Thor also felt the breath of the Destroyer.

"It is the guardian of Odin's treasury, and Loki sent it down."

Upon hearing this, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard immediately took out their weapons.

Thor continued, "Jane, you guys go."

Jane asked, "What about you?"

"I'm going to stay here and fight."

Vostak said proudly, "Thor wants to fight with us."

But Thor looked strange when he heard this.

"My friends, I've lost my power and am just an ordinary person now.

The battle with the Destroyer will be a burden to you, but I can help the people around me move to a safe place."

This was the best way he could think of.

Running away would chill the four friends.

Fighting, I'm afraid I'll be killed as soon as I meet him.

So staying here but not participating in the battle is the best way.

But when Jane heard this, she immediately said, "If you don't leave, I won't leave either."

It took a lot of effort to spend three days together, and she couldn't bear to part like this.

Looking at Jane's determined expression, Thor didn't say anything, but pointed to the people around him and said, "We're going to get them to a safe place."

So soon, Thor left with the three of them, leaving Sif and the three warriors of Asgard behind.

But they waited and waited, but the Destroyer didn't show up.

"What's going on? Isn't the Destroyer here to assassinate Thor?"

"Or to warn us?"

"I don't know, Loki must have some conspiracy."

"What should we do now?"

At this time, the passers-by around them all hid far away under persuasion.

But nothing happened for a long time, which made the passers-by start to sneak back again.

After thinking about it, Sif said, "Let's go and take a look."

The three warriors of Asgard nodded.

Thor saw the four people leaving the town, and he was also confused.

Didn't his brother want to kill him?

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the distance.


The violent explosion was very clear even in the town more than ten kilometers away.


At the battle scene.

Frank looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, and then looked at his secret weapon, and suddenly a trace of heartache flashed across his mind.

"One of my hydrogen-oxygen bombs is worth one million Mi Yuan."

But looking at the Destroyer that had been shattered in the sea of ​​fire, he felt it was worth it.

This Destroyer was the most difficult and powerful enemy he had ever seen in his life.

Except the boss.

"Everyone start to treat the wounded..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth in disbelief.

The Destroyer in the sea of ​​fire, the metal all over his body began to recover and turned into its original appearance.

"Oh, damn it, this is the first time I see a robot that can recover."

William, who was not far away, was as surprised as Frank at this time.

"Damn, this guy is immortal?"

Psylocke came to him and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Are there any new orders?"


"Then keep fighting."

Soon, a new round of battle began.

After a while, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard came nearby and saw this scene.

The Destroyer was very powerful and kept attacking the enemy.

Although the enemy could only passively take the beating and fight back from time to time, they could not cause any effective damage to the Destroyer.

"The Destroyer was made by the most outstanding craftsman of the dwarves, then enchanted by the strongest witch, and driven by the power of the Asgardian gods. It is impossible for them to really cause any damage to the Destroyer."

"Let's go and help them."

"No, wait, although they can't beat the Destroyer, they seem to be quite strong."

"Don't wait any longer, we can't watch innocent people being killed by the Destroyer because of us."

Sif and the three warriors of Asgard still had a strong sense of justice, so after discussing for a while, they rushed out immediately.

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