Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 19: Remain true to our original aspiration


In Tony's villa.

Tony sat on the sofa with a thoughtful look on his face, lowering his head and wondering what he was thinking.

And Pepper also sat beside Tony in a daze, with her mind full of the scene of being kicked out.

She had never thought that one day she would be kicked out of the company in such a miserable way.

In the morning, she thought Obadiah would definitely go in, but unexpectedly, the appearance of Umbrella shattered all illusions.

At this time, they can be said to have completely lost.

According to regulations, unless in an emergency, the board of directors can only be held once a month.

In other words, even if they get the support of SHIELD, they will have to wait a month before they can hold the board of directors.

She didn't believe that according to Obadiah's methods, they would be given a month without any action.

Sure enough, she soon received a message from a subordinate who was still in the company.

Obadiah applied to the Securities Regulatory Commission for a financing quota of 1 billion shares.

Hearing this news, Pepper suddenly felt a twitch and discomfort in her heart.

At present, Stark Enterprises has only 1 billion shares in total, and the share price is 100 per share.

If the Securities and Exchange Commission approves the proposal, the number of shares of Stark Enterprises will double, and the equity will also be diluted.

And Tony's 39% equity will become 19.5%.

At that time, even if SHIELD supports them, the equity will still be insufficient.

When she thought of this, she immediately told Tony about the matter with worry.

But Tony's reaction was very calm, just nodded lightly.

This made Pepper confused.

"Tony, what's wrong with you?"


"Don't you know what equity dilution means? We may never go back in the future."

"Maybe, it's better not to go back."

At this point, Tony sighed slightly.

The votes of the shareholders and senior executives at noon today broke his heart and made him understand some things.

He used to think that he was an indispensable person in Stark Enterprises.

But this scene at noon told him that the company didn't need him anymore.

Maybe letting go is the best choice.

After all, he is just a scientific researcher and probably not suitable for management.

When Pepper heard Tony's discouraging words, her eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

But thinking of the other party's past, she felt that this was Tony's character.

After all, the other party had always been a hands-off boss. Every day, he either dated Miss Victoria's Secret or took a bath with a little star, and rarely went back to the company.

But now is the most difficult time, and the other party must not be discouraged.

Thinking of this, she said, "Tony, Stark Enterprises is left to you by your father, and Mr. Howard certainly doesn't want to see Stark Enterprises become an accomplice in the massacre of civilians.

So you must cheer up and never give up!"

Facing Pepper's PUA, Tony looked at the other party strangely.

"Pepper, I'm very sorry, I'm not suitable for management, I'll leave it to you in the future, I have other things to do."

After hearing about the massacre of civilians, he suddenly remembered that he had other things to do.

So after he finished speaking, he got up and went to the laboratory.

"Jarvis, is there any new discovery about the gene last time?"

The insect man did not find the X gene, so he is not a mutant, but probably a kind of enhanced person.

Since the United States proposed the super soldier plan in 1941, and Dr. Abraham Erskine created Captain America, the world has started the super soldier plan one after another.

For example, the Round Table Knights Meeting of the Sunset Empire, Captain Sunset, and the Red House Plan of the North Bear Country to cultivate the "Black Widow".

Even the Osborn Group, he heard that there is a new enhancement technology.

So he had a vague premonition in his heart that the insect man was an enhanced person of some evil force.

The Ten Rings Gang used this enhancement technology to enslave Middle Eastern civilians and killed countless people, but he hated it.

He even felt that he had the responsibility and obligation to eliminate this evil force.

"Mr. Stark, I'm very sorry, I don't have any new discoveries."

"Well, it seems that I have to find some professional people."

On the other side, Pepper saw Tony plunge into the laboratory, and could only shake his head helplessly, and then went to work on his own.

At the same time.

A banquet was being held in Obadiah's villa.

Most of the shareholders and senior executives of Stark Enterprises were holding wine glasses with a smile on their faces.

The waiters carrying wine glasses and food kept walking through the crowd.

After a while, Obadiah, wearing a straight suit, walked to the scene with his wife.

When the people around saw him, they immediately raised their glasses.

"Let's congratulate Obadiah!"

"Cheers for Obadiah!"

"For Stark Enterprises to create more glory!"

Seeing this, Obadiah also raised his glass in response one by one, showing great enthusiasm.

After all, it was thanks to these shareholders that he could come back to life today, so he would naturally not ignore them.

After a while, he saw Luna, who was alone in a corner not far away, so he walked over with his wife.

"Miss Luna, this is my wife, Elena."

Luna heard the voice, turned her head and looked at the other party and his wife, then raised the wine glass in her hand.

"Hello, Mrs. Stani."

After getting married, American women all take their husband's surname.

So no matter what Elena's surname was before, she now has the same surname as Obadiah, Stani.

Elena is a woman in her forties with long yellow hair and snow-white skin, wearing a tight purple high-cut evening dress.

At the same time, some fish-eye wrinkles can be seen on her face, and the wrinkles are more obvious when she smiles.

"Hello, Miss Luna."

After the three of them greeted each other, Luna said to Obadiah: "Congratulations, you will have the final say in Stark Enterprises in the future."


After Obadiah laughed heartily for a while, he raised his glass.

"Thank you for your advice and help, otherwise I would not have been able to survive the crisis. This glass is for you."

After saying that, he drank the wine in his hand in one gulp.

This immediately made Elena next to him frown slightly, and she felt distressed.

"Be careful, the doctor said you can't drink too much."

Obadiah said confidently, "It's okay, dear, I'm better now than ever before."

After saying that, he patted his chest to show that he was physically strong.

Since the injection of the T-2 virus, his body functions have returned to their peak.

At this time, he felt that he could even arm wrestle with a tiger.

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