Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 21 New Research

After reading the news and understanding the situation of Stark's stock market, Tony and Pepper immediately showed a confident smile.

"Tony, you are right. Stark Enterprises can't leave you."

Tony's mouth corners slightly raised, with a smug look on his face.

"Well, Stark Enterprises will be handed over to you. If those shareholders come to you, just say I am busy and don't see guests."

After that, he stood up and walked towards the luxury car outside.

Yesterday, Jarvis had made an appointment for him with some biological experts. He wanted to meet these experts and then study the flesh and blood of the monster.

He couldn't let go of the monster in his heart.

When Pepper saw Tony leave, he began to think about how he would control these people if the senior executives of Stark Enterprises came.


Just then, a mobile phone rang suddenly.

"Could they be so impatient so soon?"

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile.

But when she saw the caller ID, her brows slightly frowned.

Because the caller was Coulson.

"Agent Coulson, thank God, you're fine."

"Oh? Miss Pepper, you know everything?"

"Well, someone told me yesterday that someone reported you by real name."

There was silence on the phone for a while.

"I wonder what Miss Pepper wants to talk to me about?"

"It's like this."

After a while, Pepper briefly told me about yesterday's shareholders' meeting.

After listening, Coulson did not answer immediately, but said he would ask his superiors for instructions.

Pepper naturally understood this.

"By the way, if someone talks to you about what happened the night before yesterday, you insist that you saw technology beyond your cognition."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"It means literally. I don't have time. You must remember it."

"Beep beep beep..."

Looking at the hung up call, Pepper looked confused and didn't understand what the other party meant.


In the corridor of the SHIELD building.

After Coulson hung up the phone, a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, SHIELD was in a turbulent period. I didn't expect Tony to be kicked out of the board of directors again.

If Director Nick knew this news, he would probably have a headache again.

At this moment, a man in a suit and tie came over, his eyes full of confusion.

"Agent Coulson, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the man appear, Coulson immediately hid his phone and smiled kindly.

"Sir, I didn't do anything, I was just too tired, take a break."

The man in the suit nodded coldly.

"Go back to the meeting room now, it's your turn soon."

"Okay, I'll come now."

After saying that, he took advantage of the other party's inattention and secretly threw the phone into the vase by the corridor.

In fact, the consequences of SHIELD being reported by real name this time are far more serious than Pepper thought.

As the largest official agency managing extraordinary things, SHIELD has great power, but it is also closely watched by the Security Council.

Moreover, the members of the Security Council at that time were not as tense or even hostile as in later generations, so their views on SHIELD were still very consistent.

If they dared to interfere in the affairs of ordinary people today, would they interfere in the affairs of the Security Council tomorrow?

This precedent must not be set.

So this time, the investigation team composed of five members of the Security Council was launched in a grand manner.

SHIELD, from top to bottom, was also subject to the most severe interrogation.

Three days later.

In the underground laboratory of the Umbrella Building.

Li Feng's eyes showed a rare look of interest, looking at the G-3 virus experiment in front of him.

The new experiment has reached the third stage of the G virus, growing to more than two meters tall, the eyeball of the right arm has become slightly smaller, but an eye has also grown on the leg.

The tumor that was protruding from the right chest has now become a bone spur. The original head of the experimental subject has almost completely sunk into the body and become twisted. The left arm has also become a huge claw, but it has no eyeballs so it is slightly smaller than the right arm. Under the original hands, a pair of new claws have grown, which can move freely.

At this time, the experimental subject has completely lost human characteristics from the appearance. The original hands have moved back, like the wings of a fallen angel, and its appearance is extremely hideous and terrifying.

"The G-3 virus allows the experimental subject to choose conditional evolution under certain circumstances, instead of completely disordered evolution.

For example, if too much sedative is injected, antibodies to sedatives will be born, and because of the need to struggle against the chains, the strength is increased.

It is estimated that if it needs to fly, the huge hands can also become real wings.

I just don't know how long it will take to evolve to the fourth stage. As for the fifth stage, it must be suppressed."

From the existing data, the G virus is not the more stages of evolution, the better.

Although the fourth stage is still acceptable and the strength will be greatly improved, the fifth stage is almost useless.

It will turn into a reptilian monster, and its body will be huge and almost immobile. Although its defense is greatly improved, its attack is almost gone.

According to modern firepower, a few mortars can kill it. It can be described as degenerate.

However, Li Feng believed that he could improve the evolution direction of the G virus and prevent it from becoming more and more useless.

At this moment, the sound of high heels sounded.

"Da Da Da..."

Soon, at the other end of the corridor, a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a white chemical protective suit and holding a document appeared.

Although her figure was not as hot as Luna's and her height was only about 1.6 meters, her face curve was softer, and with the glasses on her nose, she looked intellectually beautiful.

"Boss, the research on the T-4 virus has already made some progress."


Hearing this, Li Feng finally turned his head and looked at the other party.

"Report the situation."

The other party's name was Filia, an orphan adopted in the same batch as Luna.

However, unlike Luna who specialized in administration, Filia chose biological research and was arranged by herself to study the T-4 virus in the experiment.

Although Red Queen is good, it is artificial intelligence after all, and is not as good as humans in innovation and research and development.

Filia picked up the document in her hand and opened her small red lips.

"Boss, I improved the strain of T-4 virus. In addition to having stronger power and speed than T-3, we also added a set of X genes.

This X gene can make the user have rock-hard skin.

However, the recovery ability has been weakened, only about one-third of the original.

In addition, we have greatly suppressed the evolution of the licker, which means that it must consume more than fifty times more energy than T-1 to evolve into a licker."

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