Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 32 The story of the X-Men begins

"Zi Zi..."

There was a sound of electromagnetic rotation of the door opening.

I saw two security personnel wearing black combat uniforms dragging the unconscious Night Walker in.

"Boss, the man has been caught, and he has taken three doses that can anesthetize an elephant."

"That's right. Lock it in a special cage and study it slowly in the future."

He is not covetous of Nightcrawler's ability to flash.

Because he knew that Nightcrawler's ability actually belonged to the magic side, and it was about spatial transfer through different spaces.

The black smoke and sulfur smell when the other party flickers is flowing out from another space.

There is also a group of demonic mutants from ancient times sealed in this different space, whose leader is the Red Devil.

Therefore, the other party's superpower is currently meaningless to me, because even if it is researched, it is not the blood of the devil. Entering a different space is equivalent to feeding those devils, and there is no way to get out.

If the other party hadn't followed Mystique all the way to Umbrella, he wouldn't have even bothered to let anyone catch him.

As Nightcrawler was taken away, Li Feng's eyes turned to Mystique.

"Start extracting genes."

Under his order, a group of scientific researchers around him started working.

The next morning.

At the foot of a snowy mountain in North Dakota.

In July, when other places are hot, it snows heavily here, and the temperature is around minus 4 or 5 degrees Celsius.

In a seedy bar.

Some fires can be seen in the corner of the bar, giving the place a touch of warmth.

At this time, Logan was sitting in his seat, drinking wine and smoking a cigar, and began to think about where to go to find his lost memories.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed someone looking at him from the side.

Turning around, he saw a little girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Although the other party was wearing a black robe and a hat, judging from his fair face, he should not be from the same group as him.

So he turned his head and ignored the other party.

At this time, the old TV set in the bar started playing the news.

“Ellis Island, once a gateway for immigrants to the United States, is once again in the spotlight today.

In six days, the United Nations Summit will be held here, and heads of state will come to participate. The number of participating countries will be unprecedented.

More than two hundred heads of state will discuss the economy, arms deals, and the impact of mutants on the world.

Many U.S. lawmakers believe that the top priority is reaching a consensus on mutant management. "

At this time, suddenly a strong man came behind him.

"I think that money should be given to me."

Turning his head to look, Logan found that it was the kid who had a black fist fight with him just now.

Because he lost his memory and had no other means of making a living, he could only make a living by playing black boxing.

But what does it mean when the other party wants his own money?

At this time, the other party continued: "It is impossible for a normal person to be beaten without any injuries."

The meaning was obvious. The other party suspected that he was a mutant and threatened him with the secret of being a mutant.

Logan felt bored for a while, so he turned back and ignored the other party.

I don't know who I am, whether I am a mutant or not, it doesn't matter.

The other party saw that Logan ignored him, so he came closer and whispered: "I know what you are, if you don't want me to snitch..."

Before he could finish speaking, Logan said coldly: "If you continue to pester me, you will lose more than just money."

Upon hearing this, the man immediately pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed him.

The girl who had been paying attention immediately screamed when she saw this.


Logan turned around and suppressed the opponent with one hand, pressing him against the wall. At the same time, three iron claws stretched out from the fist of the other hand.

Seeing this, other guests in the bar immediately noticed this.

At this time, the owner of the tavern appeared from behind with a shotgun and put it at the back of Logan's head.

"Monster, get out of my tavern."

From here we can see that ordinary people in this world are still very resistant to mutants.

Feeling that his life was threatened, Logan was filled with anger.

The next second, he turned around quickly, cut off the shotgun with his iron claw, and then pointed it at the tavern owner.


At this time, Logan's eyes were slightly red, and his murderous intent was raging.

But after a while, he slowly calmed down, put away the iron claw in his hand, then picked up his backpack and walked out of the tavern.

The little girl who had been standing next to him saw this and after hesitating for a while, he also followed.

Logan came outside the tavern with a cigar hanging from his mouth and immediately felt a chill.

Even with his strong physique and super resilience, he still couldn't bear the ice and snow outside.

Soon, he returned to his RV, started the engine, and then looked at his fist, lost in thought.

He doesn't know what happened to him because he has completely lost all memories.

He only knew that three iron claws could pop out of his fists, and that his recovery ability was also different from ordinary people.

After a while, he drove away.

At this time, the sky was dim and bright, and it was obviously almost night.

There was snow and dry trees all the way.

After driving for an unknown amount of time, he felt a need to urinate, so he stopped the car and prepared to go to the RV behind to settle the matter.

When he came to the back of the RV, he suddenly heard some noises coming from the trailer behind the RV.

So he pulled open the canvas and saw a girl.

It was the one he saw in the bar just now.

She just reminded him to be careful, so she was a good person.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl stood up and looked at Logan apologetically.

"Sorry, I want to hitchhike, I thought you would help me."

"Go away."

Logan was impatient.

Having lost his memory, he didn't want to have too much contact with other people.

"Where do you want me to go?"

The girl said as she climbed down the cargo box.

Ever since she found out that she could absorb other people's energy, she was treated as a monster by her classmates and family.

So she left that home and wandered outside, without a fixed place to live.

Now she finally found someone who was also an alien, or a mutant, and thought she could be a companion.

It seems that she thought too much.

"Do you not know or don't care?"

Logan looked impatient.

After seeing the girl get off the cargo box, he walked towards the car.

"I saved you."


With his skills and recovery ability, the situation just now could not be dangerous at all.

After getting in the car, he drove away.

But after driving about ten meters, he stopped again.

Looking at the helpless look of the girl behind him, the kindness in his heart finally prevailed.

When the girl saw the car stop, she was also excited and immediately picked up her small bag and ran over.

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