Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 35 Summit Meeting

Jean, who was waiting outside the search room, soon heard Charles's screams.

So she immediately opened the door and saw Charles, who was paralyzed in a wheelchair.

"Professor! What's wrong with you?"

The anxious Qin came to the wheelchair, looked at Charles who had no reaction at all, and quickly pushed the wheelchair to the medical room.

After some examination, she found that there was nothing wrong with Charles' body.

This shows that there is a mental problem.

As for the mental problems, she was helpless.

After all, with current human technology, there is no drug that can cure mental trauma, otherwise we would be helpless against people in a vegetative state.

"Professor, what happened to you? It can actually hurt you."

There is a rough hierarchy of strength among mutants.

Level 1 Ypsilon, Level 2 Delta, Level 3 Gamma, Level 4 Beta, Level 5 Alpha, and the highest level, Omega, which represents infinite possibilities.

And Charles is defined as an Alpha-level strongman.

Not even an Alpha-level expert could be injured so badly. She really couldn't imagine what the professor had encountered.

"And where are Scott and Ororo?"

In New York, in the underground base of the Umbrella Tower.

Li Feng withdrew his mental power and turned to look at the three people in the laboratory.

Sabretooth, Wolverine and Rugrats.

By this time the saber-toothed tiger's arms and legs had grown back.

If you want to study the black light virus, you must have the X gene of the self-healing system and the absorption system, and the three people in front of you just meet this condition.

"Is there anyone here? Where are you? Why are you arresting me?"

The little naughty girl in the cell gradually woke up from the effects of anesthesia. Looking at the scene around her, she suddenly became frightened.

Surrounded by a white wall, she saw Logan and the person who had just attacked lying on her left and right sides, and they were all tightly locked with iron cuffs.

But she soon discovered that she was not handcuffed.

This immediately made her feel confused.

At this time, the door was opened and a group of people wearing white chemical protective suits walked in.

"Who are you?"

The group ignored the Rugrats and took out syringes and began to draw the blood of Wolverine and Sabretooth.

At this moment, Logan suddenly opened his eyes and exerted force all over his body, trying to grab someone as a hostage.

But after a while, he found that no matter how hard he tried, the iron cuffs on his limbs would not move at all.

The scientific researchers just glanced at Wolverine and then continued to draw blood calmly.

Not only did they draw blood, they also cut some hair, collected some cells and tissues, etc.

At this time, two men came to the little naughty man.

"Hand out."

The little naughty boy saw these people wrapped up, as well as several security personnel with guns at the door, and he immediately stretched out his hand obediently.

After a while, her blood was drawn, and some of her hair and nails were cut.

Compared to the encounters between Wolverine and Saber-toothed Tiger, these people have a relatively better attitude towards the little naughty people.

The reason for this is naturally because there is no threat from the little naughty boy.

After doing this, a group of people began to leave in an orderly manner.

At this time, Logan turned to look at the saber-toothed tiger.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, I know you're awake."

When the saber-toothed tiger heard this, he opened his eyes.

"Ho ho ho..."

But he just roared twice and stopped talking.

In fact, he recovered from the anesthesia very early, even earlier than Logan.

But after trying the iron cuffs on his hands, he gave up trying.

"We are in a very bad situation now, so we have no choice but to join forces."

"Ho ho ho..."

"You can't speak?"

"Ho ho ho..."

After discovering that the other party really couldn't speak, Logan was speechless.

The only person who seemed to have some fighting ability was actually unable to communicate.

At this time, the little naughty guy came to Logan and tried to open the iron cuffs.

But after trying it for a few times, I had no choice but to give up.

After a while, the door to the laboratory was opened again, and this time a beautiful woman with long black hair came in.

"Hello, my name is Filia."

Filia looked at the three people in front of her, with curiosity and novelty in her eyes.

Are these people the key to unlocking the black light virus that the boss misses so much?

"Where is this place? Why do you want to arrest us?"

The one who asked the question was Naughty, and Logan looked at Filia warily.

In response, Filia just pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"This is the Umbrella Research Base, and the reason why I arrested you is naturally to study your X gene.

But don’t worry, our research will not put your lives in danger, of course, provided you cooperate well.

And if you cooperate well, we might be able to solve some of your problems.

For example, let your superpowers be freely controlled.

And the two of you, the lost memories. "

Five nights later.

In the suburbs of Westchester, New York, at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Qin looked at Professor Charles who was still in a coma, feeling confused.

During this period, she tried all methods, but she could not wake him up.

Will Professor Charles become a vegetative state and remain in a coma for the rest of his life?

"Professor, what should I do?"

"Congressman Kelly, what do you think of the UN summit tonight?"

At this time, the sound on the TV attracted Qin's attention.

Turning around, she saw Congressman Kelly with a heavy look on his face.

"Tonight, I will definitely pass the mutant registration bill!

Let my assistant, Guy Ritchie's incident never happen again!

At the same time, put shackles on the necks of all mutants so that they dare not trample on the law and life recklessly again!"

"I heard that Guy Ritchie was killed by mutants. Is this true?"

"Yes, I have all the videos and evidence here.

A mutant named Mystique killed my assistant and turned into him in order to murder me.

Fortunately, someone saw through her trick and didn't let her succeed.

But Mr. Guy Ritchie left us forever..."

At this point, Congressman Kelly's eyes were red and he looked sad.

"I'm very sorry to bring up Congressman Kelly's sadness.

Now let's take a look at the situation at the global summit."

As the screen turned, the TV showed the entrance of heads of state, as well as fireworks in the distance.

When Qin saw this scene, she felt even more sad.

If the Mutant Registration Act is passed, mutants around the world will be known to ordinary people.

At that time, mutants living among ordinary people will face unprecedented difficulties.

Being discriminated against, hated, and even bullied and abused by ordinary people.

Not all mutants have such powerful powers.

Many mutants' superpowers are actually only level 1, just a little bit stronger than ordinary people.

How can mutants survive in the face of a large number of ordinary people?

"Oh my God, what is the white light on the Statue of Liberty?"

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the TV.

I saw a ball of white light slowly spreading in the Statue of Liberty.

Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of Disguise Your Tenderness and Book Friend 20210517135735674

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