Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 39 Charles Visits

New York is brightly lit at night.

Under the illumination of tall buildings and a large number of car lights on the road, the city looks magnificent.

Of course, if you look closely, you won't feel beautiful.

Because on the dark streets, homeless people can be seen everywhere, as well as urine and feces, and the stench in the air will definitely let you know what it means to only look at it from a distance and not to look at it closely.

But it's different in Manhattan, a wealthy area.

It's clean, tidy, and orderly here, and there are not even homeless people.

At this time, in Obadiah's villa.

It's brightly lit here, and luxury cars, rich people, celebrities and others appear from time to time.

Although it's a private party, because of the sharp rise in stock prices today, many reporters came outside the villa to get first-hand information.


With a sound of brakes, Tony took Pepper's hand and got out of the luxury car.

The reporters around saw Tony and Pepper appear, and they immediately came to take pictures.

"Mr. Stark, I wonder what you think about the big rise of Stark Enterprises today?"

"Ms. Pepper, I heard that you were kicked out of Stark Enterprises because of business ability issues. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Today, Stark Enterprises and Umbrella signed a new energy cooperation for the Ark Reactor. I wonder what you think?"

If she had faced these reporters in the past, Pepper might have had some patience.

But after hearing these tricky questions, she could only leave quickly with a cold face and holding Tony's hand.

And Obadiah, who was receiving VIPs, immediately saw the two of them, so after an apology, he walked over with a glass of wine.

"Oh, my Tony, I'm so happy that you can come."

Although the two had grievances, they were the major shareholders of Stark Enterprises after all, so Obadiah had no reason not to invite the other party.

Of course, the main reason was that he wanted Tony to see that Stark Enterprises was climbing higher and higher under his leadership and was better than before.

In fact, he thought the other party would not come, but he didn't expect that he would come.

Tony looked at the elder whom he once thought he respected the most, and his feelings were very complicated.

"Uncle Stani, please allow me to call you this for the last time. For Stark Enterprises, stop it.

Umbrella Group is just using you. They will swallow up Stark Enterprises sooner or later."

Hearing this, Obadiah smiled slightly and took a sip of the wine glass.

"Of course I know, but I am not without a backup plan.

Tony, just be assured of being your young master. Stark Enterprises will move towards a better future under my leadership."

After saying that, he stepped forward and patted Tony on the shoulder affectionately, and it was completely impossible to see that he wanted to kill the other person half a month ago.

This is also the norm in the United States.

The family celebrates in front of people, and they work together behind the scenes.

Just like before, Obadiah's heart was bleeding for Tony's return from the Middle East, but he still maintained the appearance of a good uncle on the surface.

Seeing this, Pepper, who was standing next to him, immediately said in a low voice: "Obadiah, the harm of Umbrella is far beyond your imagination. It is best not to let Stark Enterprises cooperate with them."

Obadiah glanced at Pepper, then turned his head to look at the gate.

I saw an ordinary car stop, and then a handsome Asian man and a blonde beauty walked down.

"Of course I know their harm, but don't underestimate me too much."

After saying that, he ignored Tony and Pepper and went to greet Li Feng and Luna who had just got off the car.

"Oh, my God, Miss Luna is the most beautiful in the audience tonight.

She is just like an angel who has fallen to the earth.

This must be the chairman of Umbrella, Mr. Li Feng."

Luna held Li Feng's arm with one hand and put one hand in front of her mouth and smiled slightly.

"I think Mr. Obadiah must have deceived many girls when he was young.

I can't recognize myself anymore, haha."

Li Feng also smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Li Feng."

"Hello, Obadiah."

After shaking hands, the two quickly let go, and then they walked inside while chatting.

However, the two did not talk about any actual topics, but just flattered each other for business, and Obadiah went to greet other VIPs.

Not far away, Tony looked at Li Feng with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Last time Jarvis was hacked, he always suspected that it was Umbrella.

After all, it was hacked as soon as he entered the Umbrella Building. How could it be such a coincidence.

However, because Jarvis's data was restarted, he had no evidence and didn't know how the other party did it, so he didn't take the next step.

But now looking at the boss of Umbrella, it seems that there is nothing special except that he is a little handsome.

After a while, Tony found that Li Feng turned his head to look at him, so he quickly looked away and turned his head to look elsewhere.

However, through the corner of his eye, he found that the other party was walking over with Luna.

"Mr. Stark, it's a great honor to meet you."

Hearing this, Tony couldn't pretend not to hear it.

"Hello, who are you?"

"You can call me Li, the chairman of Umbrella."

"It turns out to be Mr. Li."

After saying this briefly, he hurriedly pulled Pepper away.


After not seeing Li Feng anymore, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Strange, why do I feel guilty?

Is it because I sneaked into the other company last time?"

Still in the same place.

Li Feng watched Tony leave in a hurry, with a slight smile on his face.

"Interesting big boy."

This was the first time he and Tony met.

This Marvel protagonist, now it seems, has not fully grown up.

After a while, he turned his head to look at Obadiah and found that he was discussing political donations with some politicians.

He just smiled slightly.


The next morning, the sun had not yet appeared, and the sky was already slightly bright.

After Tony got up, he kissed Pepper who was still sleeping.

"Dear, I'm going to Sakura Country for a few days."

"Well, be careful."

After Pepper finished speaking in a daze, she turned over and continued to sleep.

After getting out of bed, Tony felt a little cold.

"Huh, the weather is getting colder."

"Yes, Mr. Stark, according to the weather forecast, the temperature has dropped by seven degrees recently. It's even colder in Tokyo. I suggest you bring more clothes."

"Got it."

I came to the kitchen downstairs. Just after breakfast, I picked up the Mark V suitcase and heard the doorbell ring.

"Ding Dong..."

"Strange, who would come to see me at this time?"

When he opened the door, he saw a bald old man sitting in a wheelchair and a red-haired beauty behind the wheelchair.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, my name is Charles Francis Xavier."

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