Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 43 Iron Man Goes Out

When Tony got in the car, he understood what happened.

So he immediately asked the driver to stop the car.

"No, I can't leave, I have to see what this virus is!"

As a superhero, although he has a playboy and cynical personality, he has never lacked justice in his heart.

At this time, this terrible virus broke out in Kyushu Island, so he naturally wouldn't run away.

Soon, he put on the Mark V armor on the street and flew towards Kyushu Island.

"Mr. Stark! Stark..."

Watching Tony fly away, Ando Miyun's face turned slightly cold, and then took out her mobile phone.

"Boss, Stark has gone to Kyushu Island."


In the sky above Kyushu Island.

Tony saw a lot of smoke rising.

Obviously, there was a fire on the ground.

At the same time, a large number of helicopters flew in the air, and there were also a large number of armed forces guarding various checkpoints on the ground.

At this time, the situation in Kyushu Island was extremely chaotic.

And after watching for a while, Tony found those infected people.

Although they are called human beings, they are almost the same as monsters.

They are agile and extremely fast.

According to his visual estimation, it takes at least seven or eight seconds to run a hundred meters.

And they are extremely powerful, and some can even tear a living person apart directly.

It can be said that ordinary people have almost no ability to fight back against these monsters without firepower weapons.

No, even if there are firepower weapons, it may not work.

Looking down, Tony found a wave of hundreds of monsters rushing towards a checkpoint.

This is a T-shaped road, and behind the road is the police station.

Guarding the checkpoint are a group of police officers.

They hid behind police cars and sundries, watching the zombies rushing in from a distance, and their hearts were full of fear.

"Oh my God, so many monsters!"

"What should we do?"

"Woo woo, we are dead."

Seeing that the morale of the crowd was so low, the director in the crowd knew that if this continued, the defense line might collapse before the fight even started.

So the director in his forties raised his pistol and walked out.

"Everyone, I know you are worried, but behind us are our wives, children and parents, and the glory and hope of our Great Sakura Empire.

I will fight side by side with you here, and I will never retreat even if I die in battle!"

After saying that, he took the lead and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang!"

Unfortunately, the Sakura police generally use P230 pistols with a caliber of only 7.65mm. The bullets hit the zombies and can't kill them at all.

Not only can they not kill them, but they can't even stop the speed of the zombies.

When the other police officers saw the chief taking the lead, they seemed to be encouraged and began to pull the trigger sporadically.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Unfortunately, although they had the courage to fight, the results were limited.

Only some lucky bullets shot into the zombies' eyes and blew up their brains, while more bullets hit their bodies, but they couldn't affect the zombies' progress at all.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer and closer, they were about to rush into the defense line and start killing, and a red and white figure fell from the sky.

With a "boom..." sound, Tony stepped on the two zombies with his feet, and then fired the palm cannon in his hand.

"Puff! Puff!"

The two zombies' heads were blown up in an instant.

"Mr. Stark, according to analysis, the weaknesses of these monsters are in the brain and cervical vertebrae.

Blowing up the brain can kill the monster, and breaking the cervical vertebrae can make the monster lose its ability to move."

"Got it."

As the words fell, Tony continued to attack the zombies with the palm cannon.

Because the Mark V was to be light and easy to carry, he did not install mini missiles, decoy bombs, armor-piercing bombs and other weapons.

The only way to attack was the palm cannon.

Fortunately, the reactor in his chest was powerful, so it could support him to fire continuously.

The surrounding police officers cheered immediately when they saw Iron Man appear.

"Look, this must be military support!"

"Oh my god, has our country already developed robots!"

"Long live the Great Sakura Empire!"

"The government will not abandon any of us!"

Because they mistakenly thought that Iron Man was a robot from the Sakura Country, these police officers were immediately encouraged and pulled the trigger and changed bullets faster.

With Tony's participation, the hundreds of zombies were quickly killed one by one.

The director dragged his tired body and came to Tony.

"Thank you very much... um..."

As the director, he naturally knew that the other party was not a military support, nor a government person, but a superhero who was just passing by.

"You're welcome."

Tony didn't drag his feet at all. After saying hello, he took off immediately and left here to the next place.


In Tony's beach villa in New York, the United States.

Because of the time difference, it was night here.

Pepper, who had just returned home from a busy social event, threw away her bag and high heels, sat on the sofa with a lazy look on her face, and turned on the TV.

"According to our reporter, a horrible virus broke out in Sakura Country last night. The infected will turn into a bloodthirsty monster and bite anyone they see.

Our Congress has held an emergency meeting to decide whether to send troops to Sakura Country."

"CBS reports the latest news for you. Six months later, it was the day for the election of the head of state of Sakura Country.

But just yesterday, a strange virus broke out in Kyushu, Sakura Country. People infected by the virus will become a zombie-like existence similar to the movie.

The United Nations issued an emergency epidemic prevention notice and will suspend all flights to Sakura Country. ”

“Umbrella announced that it will cooperate with the North Bear Country to establish a new branch.”

“This is a reporter from Sakura Country. Here you can see that the Sakura Country Self-Defense Force and our US soldiers have built an isolation belt on the border of Kyushu Island.

This is to prevent the emergence of a terrifying monster. These monsters are like zombies. They can’t be killed and have a strong ability to spread. ”

Several TV stations were changed in a row, but most of them were reporting on the virus incident in Sakura Country.

This made Pepper look much more solemn.

After all, Tony is still in Sakura Country.

Thinking of this, she immediately called.

Fortunately, it was connected in just a moment.

“Hello, Tony, where are you?”


“I’m busy. Is there anything? "

"Da Da Da..."

Listening to the explosions and gunshots on the other end of the phone, Pepper suddenly became nervous.

"Tony, are you okay? Why do you seem to be fighting over there?"

"Oh, Pepper, you may not believe it, there was an accident here, and a zombie-like monster appeared."

"In other words, you are fighting zombies, right!"

"Don't get excited, I'm safe, my armor will protect me."

"No, I hope you come back, I want you to come back safely."

"I have something to do, I won't talk to you anymore, I will be back later."

Seeing Tony hang up the phone, Pepper was worried.

She knew Tony's character.


Just like when he said he would close the weapons research and development and production department, he closed it without considering the consequences.

And now she can't persuade Tony back.

After thinking about it, she made another call.

"Hello, Professor Charles, there is something I need your help with. "

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