Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 48 New Discovery

When the collapse happened on the opposite side, Barton and Natasha hid in a safe place with their agility.

Jean used her mental power to control herself to take off and did not fall.

Tony's Mark V grabbed the injured Victor and flew in the air.

Only Logan actually fell with him.

After a panic, the dust dispersed slightly, and everyone began to check the surrounding situation.

Ichiro Yashida in the wheelchair was dead.

But because he was old and weak in recent years, he had been hiding behind the scenes, and not many people knew about it.

So for Ichiro Yashida's death, everyone just took a look and ignored it.

Mariko Yashida was still quite active, so everyone still looked for her for a while.

But it was only for a while, and they had to give up the search.

"Let's go down and see what the situation is."

"Yes, and find the antidote for the zombie virus."

"How are Victor's companions? Go and save them."

A few minutes later, everyone came to the bottom floor of Yashida Company and saw a group of security guards surrounding the silver samurai.

"President, are you okay?"

"President? President!"

"President is silent, woo woo..."

At this time, someone found Tony and others coming down from above, so they immediately took out their pistols.

"Revenge for the president!"

"Bang! Bang!"

"Kill them!"


Because there were too many enemies, and the Sakura Self-Defense Force appeared outside.

So after confirming that Shingen Yashida was dead and finding Logan, everyone began to retreat.


One hour later.

In the SHIELD aircraft carrier.

Nick looked at everyone with a gloomy face.

"You killed Shingen Yashida? Didn't you say you would arrest him?"

Natasha and Barton didn't say anything.

Because they knew Nick's temper, they were just angry about Shingen Yashida's death, and didn't mean to blame them.

But Tony didn't tolerate Nick's bad temper at all, and stood up and prepared to leave.

But when he thought that Victor and Logan were still receiving treatment in the infirmary, he finally held back.

He couldn't abandon the two people who saved his life.

"You don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time. The silver warrior mecha of Shingen Yashida had almost no weaknesses.

If we don't kill him, we will all die!"

Nick looked at Tony who seemed to be going berserk, and said coldly: "What about the antidote? What about the lives of millions of people in Kyushu Island?"

Tony wanted to say that this had nothing to do with him.

But when he thought of those horrible zombies, innocent women, old people, and children, he didn't say anything in the end.

The kindness and justice in his heart made him unable to ignore the lives of millions of people.

Seeing that Tony was temporarily submissive, Nick also stopped and looked at others.

"Now the top leaders of Sakura Country and the Self-Defense Forces are asking me to kill Shingen Yashida.

What do you think we should do?"

"Maybe we should ask them to explain why an electrical and home appliance company has such lethal equipment."

At this time, Charles' voice sounded from the door.

I saw the other party sitting in a wheelchair, being slowly pushed in by Qin.

Perhaps because of the goodwill of the bald man, Nick nodded expressionlessly.

"Well, this excuse is good, but I don't know if it will work."

For him, the death of Shingen Yashida is not important, and the pressure from the top leaders of Sakura Country is not important.

The important thing is that he can take this opportunity to suppress Tony's temper so that he can use it for his own benefit in the future.

If Professor Charles can obey, it will be even better.

In this way, his Avengers will have one more general.

"The most important thing now is to find the antidote for the zombie virus.

Even if the antidote cannot be found, it is possible to find the original virus.

Although it will waste a little time, our professional scientists can also develop vaccines or something.

Natasha, Barton, I still need you to work hard to lurk in Yashida Company and find the target."


"Professor Charles, please find the research base of Yashida Company and the distribution of personnel."



At night.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, making the entire Sakura Country look extremely depressed and dark.

In the Yashida family, white cloth was hung everywhere at this time, and there were cries.

However, Mariko Yashida did not wear the widow's black clothes, but a tight white short dress, holding a cloth bag the size of a basketball in her hand, and opened the hidden button on the wall.

Amid the sound of "sizzling..." gear transmission, a door appeared on the wall of the bedroom.

So she stepped on her high heels and walked slowly down.

As the door of the secret room closed, the bedroom fell into darkness again.

And in the secret room, a faint light came on.

After walking down for a while, Mariko Yashida finally arrived at her destination.

This is a black room with nothing around.

The next second, a projection fell from above, and the figure of a little girl in red clothes appeared.

"Mariko, how did the task go?"

Hearing this somewhat mechanical voice, Mariko Yashida threw down the cloth bag in her hand, and with a rolling, a human head was revealed.

Looking closely, it was the head of Masanobu Tanigawa.

"Here is the head."

After saying that, she took out a palm-sized USB flash drive from her bosom.

"Here is the formula of adamantium alloy and the blueprint of the silver warrior."

The Red Queen nodded with satisfaction in an anthropomorphic way.

"Yes, Umbrella will do its best to help you seize control of the Yashida Company."

After saying that, she lowered a data cable from the ceiling, inserted it into the USB flash drive, and read the data.

The Yashida Company attempted to take over Umbrella's T-3, and Umbrella had no idea about the Yashida Company.

"Where is the reward that the master promised?"

"Don't worry, you will be rewarded with the T-3 virus, but now that the zombie virus has broken out in Sakura Country, it may take a little longer.

In addition, the master has another task for you."

"Please tell me."

"When you become the president of Yashida Company, the master will give you the antidote for the zombie virus.

You should take this opportunity to enter the government and run for the position of head of state!"

Hearing the position of head of state, Yashida Mariko's whole body trembled slightly, her eyes full of desire and expectation.

But she was a little uncertain.

"But Sakura Country has never had a precedent of a woman becoming head of state."

"Don't worry, the US military will support the people's votes at that time!

No matter if the people object!"

Hearing this, Yashida Mariko immediately knelt on one knee.

"Everything is subject to the master's orders."


Three days later.

In the SHIELD aircraft carrier over Sakura Country.

A group of people were dejected and looked worried.

"Why can't we find the antidote for the zombie virus?"

"Yes, even the original virus is not there."

"Is it true that our intelligence is wrong and it was not made by Yashida Company?"

"Impossible, we have verified it from many sources."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Charles suddenly pushed the door open.

"Everyone, I have a new discovery."

Thank you very much for Cha Cha, my master, C.Z.Q_AD's monthly ticket

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