Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 5 Mark III


The moon hangs high in the sky, bringing a ray of light to the land with its weak moonlight.

On a cliff by the New York seaside, there is a large white villa.

The facilities here are extremely luxurious, with swimming pools, gardens, woods, various artworks and statues, etc.

"Woo woo..."

At this time, a luxury car drove from a distance and stopped at the door of the villa, and then Tony opened the door with an angry face.

"I will never allow anyone to use my weapons to massacre civilians."

Since being kidnapped by the dark forces in the Middle East, he has seen the cruelty and bloodiness of war, as well as the disasters caused by modern weapons to people.

Those corpses, crying people, and even children who were starving to the point of being skin and bones, deeply stimulated his conscience.

So after he escaped from the clutches of the dark forces, the first thing he did when he returned to the United States was to close the weapons research and development department of Stark Enterprises.

He used to be naive and thought that doing so would prevent the weapons he developed from entering the Middle East and being used as accomplices in the massacre of civilians.

But the conversation with Obadiah made him realize that he was indeed too naive.

Even after the weapons research and development department was closed, Stark Enterprises has been providing arms to the dark forces in the Middle East.

This made him feel mixed emotions, full of grief and anger, and he felt sorry for those who sacrificed to save him.

So he didn't even care about Pepper's wine and hurried back home.

After entering his villa, he immediately came to the research institute in the basement.

"Jarvis, how is Mark III?"

Jarvis is the artificial intelligence butler he developed.

And the name Jarvis is the name of the butler of their Stark family for decades.

Since the death of the old butler, Tony has not recruited a butler for some reason, but instead developed artificial intelligence to replace the role of the butler.

However, after years of improvement, Jarvis is no longer just a butler, but also a helper and assistant in his various research.

"Sir, the accessories of Mark III have been manufactured."


Hearing Jarvis's answer, Tony immediately took out the modified mechanical arm and turned on the TV at the same time.

Soon, a piece of news appeared.

"In the area fifteen kilometers away from Gumira, this place can be called the journey of death.

A new warlord appeared and drove away the farmers and herdsmen who had lived here for generations, forcing them to leave their homes and become displaced.

This new warlord force is called the Ten Rings Gang by the local people."

"Ten Rings Gang!"

Seeing this news, Tony was furious, so he began to screw the mechanical arm and check the situation.

The news on TV continued.

"A child asked innocently, where are my parents?

These refugees have fallen into despair and can only hope in their hearts, who can save them."

Tony, who had completed the transformation of the Mark III arm, looked up at the mirror, and then fired a palm cannon.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the mirror was broken instantly.

Looking at the power of the palm cannon, Tony nodded with satisfaction, and then began to wear a full set of Mark III armor.

It's time to abandon your innocence and solve the problem in a manly way.

Ten Rings Gang, you wait for me.

"Boom..." Soon, a roar sounded, and a golden and red figure flew out of the villa and disappeared into the clouds.


Gumira, this is the name of a certain area in the Middle East.

In the past, the name of this area was not very eye-catching, and it was not even known to the world.

But because of the emergence of a dark force called the Ten Rings Gang, it is now gradually becoming known.

This Ten Rings Gang can be said to be notorious, and has created many dark events and killed many people internationally.

For some reason, the United States and Western forces have not appeared, and just watched the Ten Rings Gang do evil and massacre civilians.

A few hours later, Tony flew here wearing the Iron Man armor.

Because of the time difference, it was noon here, and the sky was sunny.

"Da Da Da..."

"Ah! Help!"

"Don't kill me!"

"Dad, Dad!"

"Save me, don't..."

The sound of gunfire, shelling, screaming, and cries for help continued to sound in the Gumira area.

I saw a group of veiled dark elements holding rifles and shooting civilians.

After controlling these civilians, the dark elements began to capture civilians and escorted them to trucks, and no one knew where they were going.

"Get in the car!"

"Put down your things and stand still!"

"Dad, Dad!"

At this time, a boy was unwilling to separate from his father, so he pushed away the dark elements around him and ran towards his father.

Seeing this, a dark element immediately flashed a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, raised his rifle without hesitation, and pulled the trigger.

"Da Da Da..."

Seeing that the boy was about to fall under the muzzle of the gun, a golden and red robot suddenly fell and blocked the boy.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

A sound of steel collision sounded.

I saw that the bullets hit the robot, but it was just a little paint.

Tony looked up and looked coldly at the enemy who shot at him. The next second, one of them stepped forward and punched him.


With the help of Mark III, he was like a little Superman, punching the enemy more than ten meters away.

Then he turned around and blasted an enemy away with a palm cannon, and then blasted another enemy away with another palm cannon.

Seeing this, the dark forces members around immediately picked up their weapons and aimed them at the hostages around them.

"Put down your weapons!"

"What kind of monster are you!"

"If you don't want them to die, leave here!"

Of course, they all spoke in the local language, which Tony couldn't understand at all.

But Tony also understood the actions of these people pointing weapons at civilians, so his face was gloomy and he put down his palms obediently.

And this action immediately made the dark forces members more arrogant.

However, because the bullets just now did not cause any damage to the robots in front of them, they were not stupid enough to continue attacking with the rifles in their hands.

Tony also took advantage of the panic of the dark elements to activate the auxiliary aiming system on the Mark III and began to aim at these dark elements one by one.

The next second, two mini magazines popped out from the shoulders of Mark III, and then eight mini missiles were fired, instantly killing the eight dark elements in front of them one by one.

Seeing all the dark elements dead, the civilians did not cheer, but just looked at the robot that suddenly appeared in front of them with horror and fear.

The dark leader hiding behind the wall saw that the robot was so cruel, so he took out his mobile phone and began to ask for help from his men in other places.

At this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from behind the wall, grabbed the leader's shoulder directly, and then threw him out.


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