Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 53: Reversal of the Situation

Tony, who was originally going to sit and watch Pepper tear Obadiah apart, suddenly heard someone saying that his father was a thief. He immediately stood up and looked at Ivan.

"What did you say? Say it again if you dare!"

Although he hated that his father was busy working every day when he was a child and rarely got together with him, which made him lack fatherly love, it did not mean that others could slander his father.

In his heart, Howard may not be a good father, but he is definitely a hero, a good scientist, and a good capitalist.

He single-handedly created Stark Enterprises and invented many technologies, which have brought countless benefits to mankind.

Such a great man should be loved by everyone, instead of being slandered as a thief.

It can be said that his father is his reverse scale.

Ivan saw Tony furious, and he was not to be outdone at all.

“Your father is a thief! A robber!

He stole my father's research results, slandered my father for stealing technology, and drove my father out of Stark Enterprises, leaving him to die of illness in bed! "

"You're talking nonsense! Your father is a thief! You are the son of a thief!"

"You fuxx are the thief!"

Seeing the two of them crawling out of the table and about to fight, everyone quickly stepped forward to stop them.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"Mr. Stark, don't be impulsive!"

"Mr. Vanke, this is the shareholders' meeting!"

"Everyone, get back to your seats!"

After some tugging, the two finally calmed down a bit and returned to their respective seats.

But the two of them still glared at each other, and seemed to fight each other if they disagreed.

Obadiah said at this time: “Okay, we are not children anymore.

Now let’s start counting the equity in each hand. "

After some calculations, the general situation was the same as what Pepper thought.

The equity in their hands, together with a group of veterans and senior executives, amounts to 33% of the equity.

Obadiah and Umbrella, plus some senior executives, own 24% of the shares.

With a nine-point equity gap, the initiative at this time is entirely on their side.

This put a smile on Pepper's face again.

But after a while, Obadiah stood up with a confident smile.

"Everyone, here I would like to introduce to you a new shareholder, the general manager of Sherlock Fund Company, Mr. Sherlock."

"Pa bang bang..."

After finishing speaking, Obadiah took the lead in applauding, and people on his side immediately followed suit.

People on Pepper's side frowned.

"Sherlock Fund Company? I heard that it seems to be a fund company that is about to go bankrupt?"

"Yes, because the investment failed last month, it was said that it would be withdrawn by the bank."

"But I heard that Sherlock Fund received a large amount of investment and also bought a lot of shares in Stark Enterprises."

"Well, we made a lot of money while our Stark Enterprises stock rose sharply."

Obadiah nodded.

“It seems that everyone knows Sherlock Fund Company, so I don’t need to introduce it anymore.

According to the current shareholding ratio, Mr. Sherlock owns 10% of the shares. "

Upon hearing the ten percent equity, everyone present took a breath.

You must know that the current share price of Stark Enterprises is around 180, and this is the price after issuing 500 million shares.

This means that the market value of Stark Enterprises has reached about 270 billion, making it one of the top super-large enterprises in the United States.

And this Sherlock actually owns 10% of the shares, which is worth about 27 billion, and he is also the second largest shareholder of Stark Enterprises.

At present, Stark is still the largest shareholder, owning 26% of the shares.

"How could he have so much money?"

"Yes, how can a fund company that went bankrupt last month get so much money?"

"Isn't it fake? We don't know anything about him having such a stake?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Sherlock smiled slightly, then opened his briefcase and took out various equity documents.

"Our Sherlock Fund has actually been listed for a long time, but maybe because there have been so many things happening recently, you may not have noticed."

Indeed, recent news about the mass graves in the Middle East, mutants trying to sabotage the United Nations summit, the zombie virus in Sakura Country, the occupation of Gumila by the Ten Ring Gang, etc., have constantly refreshed the major news media.

Therefore, news like Sherlock's listing can only occupy a small corner of the news section and is ignored by others.

Pepper looked at the equity registration information and various listing announcements in his hand, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his hands began to tremble slightly.

Tony, who was next to her, immediately noticed her situation and immediately held the other person's little hand.

"Pepper, are you okay?"

Pepper looked at Tony, who looked concerned, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"It's okay, let's watch the voting..."

At this point, she knew in her heart that she would probably lose this vote.

But she still had the last bit of luck, hoping that Sherlock would abstain from voting.

"Now that the respective votes have been tallied, the first round of voting has begun, and Mr. Stark returns to the board of directors."

There was no doubt about the outcome of the vote. Obadiah's side won by a slim margin of thirty-four to thirty-three, one point.

Tony didn't get to attend the shareholders' meeting.

After getting this ending, Tony slumped in his chair with a dazed look on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Pepper lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Tony.

She knew that she had screwed up and betrayed Tony's trust.

She thought she had won, but now it seemed so ridiculous.

Ivan was also laughing at this time.

"This is the retribution of robbers! Things that are robbed will be lost sooner or later!"

Tony didn't care about him at this time, but looked at Sherlock.

"Who are you? Why do you want to help Obadiah!"

Sherlock lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Tony, and didn't even say a word.

In fact, only he knew his suffering.

What 10% of Stark shares, what Sherlock Fund Company, is just a glove.

Umbrella is completely in control behind the scenes.

This is the charm of the US capital country. As long as it is well operated, it can leverage more than 20 billion with 50 million.

However, this is also because Umbrella has funded many congressmen and cooperated with the military, so it has the confidence to do so.

If it were an ordinary person, the Securities Regulatory Commission and the capitalists would have eaten it up long ago.

As the voting results came out, the people on Pepper's side also turned pale.

Those corporate veterans were fine, at most they were dismissed from their positions, anyway, with the stocks in their hands, they could still live comfortably.

But the senior executives were different.

The equity in their hands was brought by their positions, for example, the general manager could have 0.5% of the company's dividends and equity.

But if they lost their positions, the equity and dividends would naturally have nothing to do with them.

So next, it was time for Obadiah to take revenge.

Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of Tingnei Guanhai, Xingchen Dahai, and Chiwenlong

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