Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 59 The Incredible Hulk (First Order Request)

It was afternoon.

In a desert military base in the United States.

General Ross was processing documents in his office.

"Knock, knock..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

As the door opened, a soldier walked in.

"General, someone was found to have excessive gamma radiation in his body after drinking a bottle of soda water.

According to our investigation, there was blood mixed in the soda water, and the source of the gamma radiation was this blood."

General Ross immediately put down the documents in his hand.

"Is it Dr. Banner?"

"Yes, after we compared the DNA of the blood, it was 100% consistent with Dr. Banner."

"Where is the soda water produced?"

"A factory in Rocinha, Brazil."

"What are you waiting for, go catch him now!"

"Yes, General!"

"Wait, have Umbrella's products arrived?"

"Only ten have been delivered."

"I'll contact Umbrella and ask them to send them all to me.

Also, I need an ace special forces."


The next morning.

Rocinha's slum.

This is the largest slum in Brazil, with 250,000 people living there.

It is only one street away from the rich area. On the other side of the street are expensive high-rise buildings, and on this side of the street are low and dilapidated houses. The streets are full of garbage and excrement.

At this time, Banner was carrying a schoolbag, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and black pants, and walking quickly on the dirty and messy streets.

After a while, he came to a martial arts hall and met the owner here.

A middle-aged white Brazilian man.

"You are here."

Banner nodded.

"Get ready."

A few minutes later, Banner, who changed into a white sleeveless vest, came to the center of the martial arts hall.

Because it was too early and it was not the official opening time of the martial arts hall, there were only him and the owner here.

Then the two had a wrestling match, and after warming up, they began to sit down and share their experience.

"You have to adjust your breathing and keep yourself calm.

And the emotions are here."

The owner said while patting his chest, where his heart was.

At this time, Banner listened very seriously.

He was learning how to control his emotions to avoid the appearance of Hulk.

"Then breathe like this."

The gym owner patted his lower abdomen, then continued to bulge and contract, using his lower abdomen to exhale.


Banner followed suit and began to try to exhale from his lower abdomen.

"The way to control your anger is to control your body and your pulse.

Exhale, exhale."


As soon as he finished speaking, the gym owner slapped Banner in the face.

Banner exhaled from his lower abdomen to control his anger.


Another slap.

At this time, Banner found that the pulse reminder watch on his wrist began to ring.

Turning his hand, he found that his pulse had reached more than 160, so he immediately reminded the gym owner to stop practicing.

He was afraid that he could not control Hulk, so he transformed and slapped the other party flat.

Half an hour later.

Banner returned to the soda factory and started working.

During this period, someone provoked him, but they all controlled their emotions very well.

This made him more and more hopeful about life.

As long as he could control his emotions perfectly, he could return to Elizabeth and continue his life.

He worked as a mechanical equipment maintenance worker in the factory and also worked as a temporary delivery worker.

After a tiring day of work, he returned home and lay down on the bed to rest.

Half an hour later.


At this time, his laptop rang with a message notification.

It was a message from Mr. Lan.

There must be a result.

A few days ago, he sent a blood sample to Mr. Lan, whom he had never met, hoping that the other party could develop drugs to inhibit gamma rays.

Although he knew it was dangerous to send his blood sample to a stranger, he couldn't put all his hopes on controlling anger.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up and came to the table and opened his notebook.

After a while of encryption, he clicked on the chat software.

"Hello, Mr. Green.

In the preliminary blood sample test, the gamma rays were significantly reduced."

"Can you cure me?"


Seeing this news, Banner was excited and excited.

"But I need more data."

"Radiation purity, gamma concentration, cell saturation."

"Impossible, the data is not here."

In order to avoid being discovered, he lied to Mr. Lan and said it was one of his patients.


This news immediately made Banner tangled and hesitant.

Because he didn't know whether what the other party said was true or just a lie.

Looking at the photo of Elizabeth next to him, he finally made a decision.


He loved his girlfriend, and he didn't want to live like this forever.

He wanted to remove the gamma rays and become an ordinary person.

After closing the notebook, he began to lie down and rest, planning to send some more samples tomorrow morning.


At the same time,

On the streets of the slums, a large black van began to drive by.

There were several fully armed soldiers in the car.

After a while, they reached their destination, so they got off the car and walked towards the target's home.

They were very quiet and orderly throughout the journey.

Obviously, this was a well-trained special forces.

After using anesthetics to deal with several stray dogs along the way, they arrived at Banner's door.

But they didn't rush in.

Because according to General Ross's information, the other party was a vicious person who had killed two professors and more than a dozen researchers, and was also guilty of treason.

But strangely, General Ross insisted that they capture the other party alive.

Although it was very puzzled, as a soldier's duty is to obey orders, so they can't be too reckless.

So soon, they took out the pinhole camera and went in from under the door to check the situation.

They saw someone on the bed, which should be the target.

But before they could take a closer look, a puppy came over and bit the pinhole camera, so they had to withdraw.

After confirming that Banner was on the bed, they immediately took out the TNT bomb and stuck it on the door lock.


As the detonator detonated the TNT, they immediately rushed in and fired at the bed.

But when they lifted the sheets, there was only a pillow inside.

The target was missing!

General Ross, who was in the black van, saw the video and his face suddenly became gloomy.

It seems that there is no way to end it peacefully.

Originally, he thought it would be best to capture the other party alive for the sake of his daughter, but now it seems impossible.

"The target escaped."

At this time, Emil's voice sounded in the microphone beside General Ross's ear.

Emil Bronsky is also the captain of this ace special forces.

"Where did he escape to?"

Emil opened the kitchen window and looked at the still swinging rope. He immediately knew that the target had not run far.


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