Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 63: Lickers Appear

"Oh God, what is this?"

"It's so cruel. Did someone commit a massacre here?"

"To be able to do such a thing, these beasts are simply not human!"

"Captain Sam, we must report the situation here."

Sam nodded at his men's suggestion.

“It will be reported, but we need to find out what happened here.

Now let's move on. "

After a while, everyone returned to the off-road vehicle and continued to set off.

Sam looked back at the white view not far away and had a bad feeling in his heart.

I'm afraid this mission is far from being as simple as it appears.


At this time, a burst of thunder sounded.

The moon in the sky disappeared and hid behind the clouds.

This also made the world around him darker.

Sam looked up at the sky and said in a low voice, "It's going to rain."

Sure enough, it started to rain lightly after a while.

The three convertible off-road vehicles immediately opened their lids, thus preventing everyone from becoming drowned rats.

After marching for a while, with the help of the car's lights, they looked at several more Beijing temples, and each one was bigger than the last.

This caused a strong haze to appear in everyone's hearts.

Just from what they saw in Jingguan, the death toll was at least a thousand.

This was simply an inhumane massacre.

And over the years, SHIELD has not reported anything about Jingguan.

Apparently someone suppressed this.

Ten minutes later, everyone finally drove to a ruined village in the increasingly heavy rain.

Calling it a ruin is an overestimation. It can be said to be a wreck.

There is no intact house on the ground, only some broken eaves and broken walls, indicating that a village once existed here.

"Everyone separates to look for clues."

After giving the order, Sam put on his waterproof cloak and got out of the car to take a look around.

But the uneasiness in his heart made him return to the car and bring two rifles.

At this time, he found that other men turned on their flashlights and looked for clues around them. Only Logan and Victor were still in the car and did not move.

"You guys come with me."

After thinking about it, he still called them.

They may be a bit overwhelmed because they just joined SHIELD, so they behave more withdrawn.

As long as you educate them with friendship, you will surely become good friends.

When Logan and Victor heard Sam's words, they just glanced at each other and then followed them silently.

"What did he tell us to do?"

"I don't know, I don't even know why he wants us to act together."

"Let's go and see what he wants us to do."


In fact, they don't know why they want to join SHIELD and do missions with each other.

It's just that there seems to be a voice in their minds telling them that if they want to find memories, just let nature take its course.

So they restrained some of their bad tempers and followed Sam silently in the rain without holding an umbrella or wearing a raincoat.

As we searched all the way, half an hour passed quickly.

But apart from the wreckage, no one found anything.

Even the several cellars that were discovered had been burned, leaving nothing but rainwater and black coke inside.

"Are there no clues left?"

Looking at the heavy rain around him, he felt a hint of coldness.

In addition to being cold because of the rain, I was also feeling cold inside.

When Sam was about to go back, he suddenly felt something was wrong with the sound under his feet.

There seemed to be some echo down there, and it was empty.

Of course, most people can't hear this sound at all, but his ears are also very sensitive and he can hear this subtle difference.

"Quick! Here! Dig down!"

As he finished speaking, he threw down the flashlight, picked up the shovel and started digging.

Seeing this, Logan and Victor also went to help.

The rain is getting heavier.

After digging for a while, Sam found something hard.

So he put down the shovel and opened the basement door with Logan and Victor.


A flash of lightning appeared in the sky.

This brief light also allowed the three of them to see clearly what was below.


The situation inside also made the three of them take a breath.

I saw several mummies lying inside.

These mummies have all lost their hair, and their pale skin is so dry that they can be said to be skin and bones.

But the next second, these mummies opened their eyes.



Sam exclaimed.

However, these zombies have obviously been hungry for too long and have entered a low-power mode. Even getting up is very slow, which is far different from the flying zombies on Kyushu Island.


At this moment, there was a sudden scream in the distance.

But under the cover of heavy rain, the screams were a bit unreal.

Sam closed the basement door to prevent zombies from coming out.

"What did you hear?"

Victor shook his head.

Logan said with a puzzled look on his face: "I think I heard someone screaming."

"Help! Ah!"

At this time, another burst of screams sounded, and it was closer.

Now even Victor heard it.

"Someone was screaming for help."

Sam picked up the rifle at his waist.

"I heard you, get ready to fight!"

Logan raised his hands, and the claws of adamantium alloy appeared immediately.

Victor bent down and looked around warily, with sharp nails on his fingertips.

Soon, there were more screams around.

The SHIELD agents who were obviously searching for clues around were killed.

Sam shouted: "Everyone, gather around me!"

After he shouted this, the screams around disappeared, and there was only the sound of "crash..." rain.


At this time, a flash of lightning lit up.

With the help of his eagle-like vision, Sam vaguely saw a monster in the distance.

This monster was lying on the ground, with no skin on his body, revealing bright red muscles and bones, even the brain was exposed, and there was a long tongue and sharp claws.

"Oh, God, what kind of monster is this!"

After the lightning disappeared, he immediately lost the trace of the monster.

But he had a feeling that the monster was approaching him.

"Logan, Victor, let's go back to the car first!"

His wing backpack was still in the car, and he had to go back to ensure his combat effectiveness.

After saying that, he picked up the flashlight on the ground and shone it around.

Just as he walked cautiously towards the car, a black figure suddenly appeared.

But he didn't shoot immediately because it was a SHIELD agent.

After seeing Sam, the agent's eyes instantly burned with hope.

"Captain Sam, save me!"

Before Sam ran over to save people, a red tongue suddenly appeared, wrapped around the agent's waist, and then was thrown back.

"Save me! Ah!"

With a scream and the sound of bones being chewed, Sam stopped with a pale face.

Thank you very much to General Sun Yuanliang, from Constantine to Istanbul, and the monthly ticket of Ehrosgard

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