Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 68: Another Suppression

Nick's face changed slightly when he heard Maria's words.

You know, Banner is the Avengers member he has reserved. If he is caught by General Ross, it will be troublesome.

But after thinking about it, he was over the Hoopoe Bird Country. Even if he rushed back with all his strength, it would be too late.

So he shook his head.

"Let's go and find the zombie virus."

Maria nodded immediately after hearing this.

At this time, Nick suddenly said, "Isn't Tony in New York? Let him go and check the situation."


Then Nick said worriedly, "Call General Ross and ask him to keep Banner alive."


Nick opened his mouth again, but finally waved his hand.

"Forget it, that's all."

Watching Maria leave, he rubbed his brows.

For the future of Blue Star, he was worried about it.


In Tony's villa in New York.

At this time, Tony had a messy hair, a bitter face, and drank green chlorophyll.

The bitter taste made him frown deeply.

Since he was diagnosed with palladium poisoning, he rarely went out. He stayed at home every day to study substances that could replace palladium.

"Tony, I'm going out."

At this time, Pepper's voice sounded outside.

So Tony quickly put the bottle of chlorophyll away.

And Pepper quickly opened the door and saw him.

"Honey, you should dress yourself up."

"Well, I know, I'll go to customize a suit tonight and get a haircut."

"You've said this countless times."

Pepper shook her head helplessly and continued, "I'm going out first. Coulson said he found some clues."

"Okay, bye."


Seeing Pepper go out, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, then took out the bottle of chlorophyll and continued to drink.


At this time, a phone rang.

He didn't want to answer it, but when he saw that it was a call from SHIELD, he remembered that Coulson had been helping them, and there was also the equity in SHIELD's hands, so he put it in chlorophyll again.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"It's me."

"What's going on?"

"There's something going on at Vernissage Asia, and I need you to go and take care of it."

"I'm busy."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Going to Vernissage Asia, he hadn't even worn Iron Man's armor during this period of time, fearing that he would be more poisoned by the palladium element.

How could he work for someone for free?

After drinking chlorophyll, Tony quickly continued his research on new elements.

He hadn't reached despair yet, and there was still a lot of time to study slowly.


In the Umbrella underground base in New York.

At this time, Li Feng was studying a pool of green blood.

This blood was the most special blood cell he had ever seen, and it also contained the most power.

It can be said that each cell is a generator, constantly radiating power.

I really don't know how Banner usually survives.

However, under normal circumstances, Banner's blood cells are red, which means that this condition should be self-controlled.

Just as he was still continuing his research, the projection of the Red Queen suddenly appeared.

"Master, Banner's traces have been found."

"Oh? Where?"

"Fernigi Asia University City."

"Oh? It seems that General Ross found him?"

"Yes, the two sides are currently fighting."

"Is there a surveillance camera over there?"

"Not yet, Master."

"Well, it seems that the Sky Eye Project needs to be accelerated.

How many shares of Starship Corporation have we acquired so far?"

"Twenty-one-seven percent, but we encountered the same sniping attack from the Life Foundation, and the current stock price has been raised by about double."

"Life Foundation... I didn't expect them to show up too.

Red Queen, how is the sale of Stark Enterprises' shares going?"

"According to your instructions, one-third has been sold without affecting the stock price."

"You can speed up a bit, even if it affects the stock price a little, it's okay, you must go all out to acquire Starship."

"Yes, Master."

Seeing the Red Queen's projection disappear, Li Feng continued to lower his head to study the green blood.

At the same time, he began to think about the Life Foundation.

I just don't know if the Life Foundation can launch rockets and bring back those parasitic aliens because of my appearance and the lack of starships.

Those parasitic aliens are excellent research subjects.

Parasitism, strengthening, repairing the host, neural intersection connection.

Maybe it can bring different changes to my 4 series of viruses.

Especially in the G virus, replacing the role of the Nemesis parasite may have unexpected effects.

If it doesn't work, I can also launch a few rockets to the other party after acquiring the starship.

As long as I can bring back those parasitic aliens, it will be fine.

Fernigi Asia University City.


The nearly three-meter-tall Hulk crushed the ultrasonic tank with one foot.


With a roar, General Ross's face in the distance suddenly changed slightly.

I didn't expect that this ultrasonic tank, which was praised by Obadiah, was so vulnerable.

It seems that not all products produced by Stark Industries are fine.

But he also knew that this could not be blamed on the ultrasonic tank, it was because Hulk was too powerful.

"Where are the helicopters? Send out the G products, and the armed helicopters, all move!"

After the death of 100 G products last time, he bought some G products from Umbrella.

But this time the price is one million dollars each, but it is said that the combat power is stronger.

After a while.

While Hulk was still roaring and venting his anger, helicopters flew over.

There were containers hanging under these helicopters, and after dropping the containers, the helicopters flew away immediately.

The containers hit the ground, making a "bang! bang! bang!" sound.

The soldiers around moved away from here.

Hulk looked at these containers and showed a solemn look.

And soon, these containers were opened one by one, and the terrifying and hideous G products showed their true faces under the sun for the first time.


Different from the previous G products, which were basically all in the third form, some of these G products had black scales, some had sharp claws, and some had a pair of weird flesh wings on their backs.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. These G products look more powerful and fierce than before.

This is indeed the case.

The G products with scales or shields took the lead in launching the attack and surrounded Hulk.

Then, those G products with particularly large claws or sickle-shaped arms attacked from behind.

And those G products with wings fell from the sky from time to time.


The angry Hulk, after a roar, punched a G product away.

But he was immediately entangled by other G products again.

Although the G product that was knocked away had all its bones broken and collapsed to the ground, it can be seen that its injuries are recovering very quickly.

Thank you very much to book friend 20210412141059909, book friend 20180222205237925, Xue Mengyao, lost hope in life, and book friend 20230923660758 for their monthly tickets.

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