Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 70 The gears of fate

After searching for three days without finding any clues, Nick finally decided to leave.

Not long after he left, a group of mysterious people appeared, and then began a blanket search.

The next afternoon.

Sakura country.

As the zombie crisis on Kyushu Island was brought under control, zombies that had not been able to eat for a long time began to fall into a state of standby.

So except for the blockade of Kyushu Island, Sakura Country returned to its usual life.

In a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Yamashita dragged his exhausted body back home after finishing a day's work all night long.

"Ding dong..."

I rang the doorbell twice, but no one opened the door.

So he could only take out the key and open the door himself.

But after entering the home, he found that his mother was not at home, which immediately gave him a bad premonition.


Footsteps hit the floor, and there was a rushing sound.

Soon, Yamashita ran to his room all night, and then rummaged through the closet.

When he saw the empty box, he suddenly fell to the ground in despair.

"No more, all gone..."

At this time, there was a sound of opening the door downstairs, and then my mother's voice sounded.

"Cheyejun? Are you back?"

Hearing the sound, Yamashita ran downstairs all night and saw a middle-aged woman.

The other party was wearing a fashionable dress, and her appearance and makeup were quite exquisite.

But it couldn't cover up the crow's feet at the corners of the other person's eyes.

She is Shanxia Qiye’s mother, Shanxia Yangzi.

"Mother, where did my money go? Did you take it?"

Seeing his son's excitement, Yamashita Yangzi suddenly had a look of panic in his eyes.

"Well, I..."

When Yamashita saw this all night, he quickly grabbed his mother's arm and said excitedly: "Money, where is the money? You won't donate it to that Unification Church again! You tell me!"

"Be gentle, your scratching hurts me."

Yamashita Yoko broke away from his son's hand with a dissatisfied look on his face and continued: "I donated it to the Unification Church. Don't worry, the Unification Church will recommend me to Anbei Rinzan next year.

You must know that that is the church supported by Anbei Linshan, and it is the biggest favorite for the head of state this year.

When I get promoted and become rich, I will return the money to you and make you the second generation official. "

Yamashita said all night long that he was immune to his mother's paintings.

"Come on, let's get the money back now!"

To know what the other party said, he has been talking about it since he was a child.

At that time, their family's life was pretty good and they were still middle class.

But since the father died and the mother became obsessed with the Unification Church, the family began to go to a dead end.

My mother first sold all the family assets and donated them to the Unification Church, and then started working part-time to donate money.

Not even satisfied with this, his mother donated all the money he and his sister earned from working.

For this reason, his sister left the family and rarely had contact with the family.

And now, in his thirties, he still doesn't have a girlfriend.

He finally saved some money, but now his mother donated it. How could he be willing to do so?

After pulling a few times, Yamashita found that his mother was clinging to the doorframe all night long.

"No! How can we get the donation back?

And I will be a high official soon. If I try to get back now, I will fall short! "

"Mother, when are you going to wake up? They lied to you!"

"They didn't lie to me, I even saw Anbei Rinshan come to the church, how could they lie to me.

It's because you don't want to see me become a high-ranking official and you're deliberately trying to embarrass me. Just give up on this idea. "

"How can you say that about your son!"

Yamashita Yangzi took advantage of his son's anger to break free from the other's hand and ran to the side.

"You also know that he is my son, but you still don't want me to be a high official! I gave birth to you in vain!"

Leaving behind an angry word, Shanxia Yangzi ran out of the house.

Watching his mother leave, Yamashita sat down on the ground with a look of despair.

"Why is this happening...

Am I destined to be like this for the rest of my life..."

Once upon a time, like all ordinary people, he longed for sweet love, a family, a lover, and children.

But all this was ruined by his mother.

No, it’s not Mother, it’s the Unification Church.

It was they who confused the mother.

If the Unification Church disappears, then mother will definitely come back.

"Excuse me, is this Shanxia's home for the whole night?"

At this time, a pleasant voice sounded in front of him.

Looking up, he found that at some point, a long-legged beauty wearing black stockings appeared in front of him.

The other party was wearing a small black suit, and the tight-fitting clothes outlined his huge fruits and his slim waist.

There was also a smile on that stern face.

So beautiful.

"I...I am the one who stays under the mountain all night long..."

After he finished speaking, his face suddenly turned red.

This was the first time in his life that such a beautiful woman was talking to him so close.

"Hello, my name is Bai Danako. I am a neighbor who just moved here. Please give me your advice in the future."

After finishing speaking, Bai Danako stretched out her hand and showed a sunny smile.

Yamashita suddenly felt a touch of warmth in his world all night long.

In the Kingdom of the Pharaohs, Cairo, near the ruins of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

These days, a group of mysterious people came here.

They bought the surrounding land and built a simple house. Then every day, a group of people wearing headscarves and veils can be seen coming in and out.

Although the people around are very curious about this, they dare not get close because there are security guards outside.

More than a hundred meters away from here.

Sam took Logan and Victor and observed the situation here with a telescope.

"This group is the third group of people to go in today."

The taciturn Logan and Victor did not speak, and Sam was used to their temper, so he continued to talk to himself: "There are more than a dozen people each time, and the same number of people leave.

This means that they did not do any living sacrifice, but the situation here is too mysterious. What are they doing?"

After analyzing for a while, he put down the telescope, sat on the chair and began to rest.

This surveillance mission is considered a vacation given to him by Nick.

Because as long as there is no unrest here, SHIELD is not going to care about what happens here.

After all, the election in Sakura Country is in full swing, the original virus of zombies has not been found, Hulk has appeared in the United States, and Tony seems to have some problems.

A lot of problems, it is impossible for Nick to waste too much energy on these seemingly insignificant things.

After resting for a while, Sam saw the sun rising, it was the hottest time.

So he picked up the chair and prepared to return to the room.

But at this time, he found that the destination of the surveillance seemed to be shining with golden light.

When he rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, he found nothing.

"Is it too tired? Forget it, call two girls tonight and reward yourself."

Thank you very much for the monthly ticket of Weiwuxiongzhuang.

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