Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 81: Rule the New World

Kingdom of the Pharaohs.

After more than a week of recovery, Tianqi finally launched an earthquake and returned to the world.

Looking at the modern world, he fell into confusion.

Where is this place? The clothes people wear are of such high quality that they are similar to those of the nobles in the past.

But these people have yellow faces and thin bodies, and they look like poor people at first glance.

And those iron boxes that can run away, with people still inside, what are they?

Just as Tianqi was passing by a small alley, he was suddenly surrounded by three people holding pistols.

"Old man, hand over all the money you have."

"Brothers may be able to spare your life."

"Otherwise, I'll let you see the Sun God."

Because Tianqi wore a gray rag robe and had gray skin, he was regarded as an old man.

The elderly who are old and weak and have no ability to resist are the easiest targets for these people.

Just when Tianqi was about to take action, a young woman with long green hair walked out.

"Hey, you three, what are you going to do to an old man?"

The other party is a beautiful woman with a high nose bridge and green eyes, but the thick smoky makeup on her face ruins this beauty.

And he was dressed like a hip-hop artist, with loose clothes and pants full of holes. It was impossible to tell what his figure was like.

After Tianqi saw the other party, he immediately showed a slightly interested look.

Because he felt the X gene in the other party and that the other party was a mutant.

"Hey, little girl, it's none of your business here, get out of here."

"Wait a minute, brother, this chick feels pretty good."

"Yes, brother, I think I can do it."

Facing the lewd looks of the three men, the woman immediately shook her head and then raised her hand.

With a flash of green light in her hand, the pistols in the hands of the three people immediately broke away from the control, flew into the air, and then pointed at the three people.

"Ah! What's going on?"

"It's a mutant!"

"Isn't there a Mutant Registration Act?"

Seeing the three people retreating in fear, the woman just waved her hand impatiently.

"Go away yet!"

When the three of them heard this, they immediately spread their legs and ran away.

But at this time, Tianqi took action.

He raised his hand slightly, and the three people who were running away immediately felt their feet go soft, and they sank into the quicksand and disappeared.


With a scream, the three people disappeared without a trace.

When the woman saw this, she immediately looked at Tianqi warily.

"Are you a mutant too? Why do you want to kill them?"

Tianqi did not answer, but asked with a condescending and indifferent expression: "As a people of God, why do you behave like this?"

In the age of the apocalypse, mutants were still called the people of God, and they were the most advanced group of people.

He didn't understand why it was like this now.

The woman gave a wry smile.

"What are the people of God? It should be said that it is a curse from God. There will probably be a mutant registration bill in the next few years. By then, we mutants will have no choice but to hide in these remote places in poor villages."

This is why she did not stay in the United States and went to the Pharaoh's country.

Because recently the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress has initially passed the Mutant Registration Act, and now it is waiting for the Senate to pass it, and then the president will sign it, and the law will officially take effect.

Not just her, many mutants in the United States began to flee.

Hearing this, Tianqi just nodded lightly.

I didn’t expect that God’s people are in such misery now. It seems that I want to establish a new order in the new world.

"Do you know where I can learn what I know now?"


The woman looked at the other person up and down in confusion.

This request is so strange.

But after thinking about it, she nodded.

"Come on, come with me."

Apocalypse follows the opponent's footsteps.

"Woman, what's your name?"

"My name is Lorna Dane, what's yours?"

I don't know why, but looking at the old man in front of me, Lorna always felt like she was facing her father, or even her leader.

So I unconsciously used you in my tone.

"No one has dared to mention my name for a long time, let me think about it.

By the way, his name is En Sabah Noor. "

After a while, the two came to a dilapidated house, and Lorna turned on the TV.

"You watch TV, that's all I have."

Looking at the novel TV in front of him, Tianqi was very calm.

After all, he has seen a lot of new things along the way.

After a while, he put his hand on the TV and immediately understood how it worked.

Then, he began to use his mental power to pass through the TV waves and spread to surrounding signal stations, eventually linking satellites and the world.

After ten minutes, he opened his eyes again.

“Nuclear bombs, airplanes, tanks, battleships, humans now have power that does not belong to them.

Lorna, are you willing to be my knight and protect me? "

Lorna, who was eating bread on the side, immediately rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"What knight? He's on TV."

"You will understand. Follow the gift of God."

After finishing speaking, Apocalypse put his hand on Lorna's head, and then a powerful energy was emitted.


Stimulated by this powerful energy, Dane couldn't help but let out a painful scream, then fell to the ground and huddled up.

After a few minutes, the energy in Dane's body completely activated her X gene, making her hair longer and greener.

"I feel a strong power."

After saying that, she waved her hand casually, a flash of light flashed, and all the metal around her floated.

Looking at this scene, she looked at her hands in disbelief.

You know, only her father has been able to control metal so easily.

I didn't expect that I would be so strong now.

Apocalypse looked at the changed Lorna and nodded with satisfaction.

"My knight, do you know other people of God?"

He wanted to recreate the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, and then establish a new order in this new world, an order that belongs to him.


In the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in the United States, there is the most strictly controlled prison in the United States.

And Magneto, Eric, was imprisoned in the lowest ten underground floors.

Since Eric was captured, all metals have been removed here, and everyone can only use plastic products, and Eric has also been wearing an X gene suppression device.

Isolation devices were also set up around to ensure that Eric could not escape even if he took down the X-gene suppression device.

It can be said that unless something unexpected happens, Eric will be imprisoned here for life.

At this time, Eric sat on the chair in the prison, boredly looking at the book in his hand.

After a few minutes, he seemed to sense something and looked up in the distant direction.

"It seems that something has changed."

Thank you very much to the book friends 20210602215048982 and the six-handed black pupil eagle for their monthly tickets

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