Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 85 The Strange Avengers

The prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, ten floors underground.

Eric looked at the newspaper expressionlessly and ate his breakfast bread.

After a while, suddenly there was a "clicking..." sound outside.

So he raised his head in confusion and looked outside.

You must know that he was detained here for more than two months. Except for someone who came to extract his genes and ask him some questions at the beginning, basically no one came here afterwards.

At this time, he saw several men in black uniforms walking in.

"Eric, we at SHIELD recruit you on behalf of the country and need your power."

Hearing this, Eric just looked at them coldly and said nothing.

Just kidding, the first thing he did when he gained power was to kill ordinary people like them and then give them power. How could that be possible?

As for coaxing them into taking action once they were free, he didn't bother to do such a thing.

He is Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood, and has his own pride.

Seeing Eric ignoring him, the leading S.H.I.E.L.D. agent continued: "Your daughter, Lorna, is in his hands. If you don't take action, her end will be tragic."

Hearing Lorna's name, Eric could no longer maintain his indifferent expression and stood up.

"Where is she?!"


In a villa on the beach in New York.

Tony woke up from the bed with a tired look on his face, then took off Pepper's hands and feet, preparing to get up and continue research.

Since returning to Stark Enterprises, he has received a lot of resource support, and his research on new elements has been much faster.

However, many studies have ultimately shown that they are all on the wrong path, so until now, the progress is still almost zero.

Just when he came to the kitchen, opened the milk and was drinking, suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Ding dong..."


After a while, he opened the door and saw Coulson outside.

"Pepper is still sleeping, you can come over later."

"Mr. Stark, I'm here to see you this time."

"Oh? What do you want from me?"

As he spoke, Tony returned to the house and continued to drink milk and eat cookies.

"The world needs you to save it."

Upon hearing this, Tony suddenly made a "pop..." sound and spurted out the milk in his mouth.

"What did you say? I save the world? I'm a playboy, it's okay for you to let me pick up girls..."

"What about picking up girls?"

At this time, Pepper's voice sounded from the stairs.

I saw her walking down the stairs wearing a set of white silk pajamas.

Seeing Pepper coming to him, Tony immediately stood up in panic.

"Dear, listen to my quibbles... No, it's an explanation. I was just joking with him..."

Pepper glanced at Coulson and did not continue to cause trouble for Tony.

After all, you still have to give Tony some face in front of outsiders.

"Mr. Colson, I wonder what's the reason for your coming here this time?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Stark about the safety of the world."

Hearing this, Pepper frowned, and then said coldly: "Tony is just a playboy. He can pick up girls. Find someone else to save the world."

For her, saving the world was not as important as Tony's safety.

Moreover, the safety of the world was at stake as soon as she spoke, and she knew it was something dangerous as soon as she heard it. She didn't want Tony to take any risks.

Coulson shook his head, took out his tablet, and showed some confidential footage.

"At around 12 o'clock last night, mushroom bombs were launched from all countries in the world, and their destination was space.

We concluded that this was an operation to destroy mushroom bombs. "

Pepper interrupted the other person and said: "Isn't this great? It's simply a savior."

Coulson did not respond to the other party's intention, but continued: "The person who did this behavior is named Apocalypse. The other party has very powerful abilities. He also kidnapped Professor Charles last night."

Hearing Charles, Pepper suddenly hesitated.

After all, this is a professor at his own university.

But when she thought about Tony's safety, she still shook her head decisively.

"What does it matter? We pay so much tax every year. If your American government can't even solve this problem, then what's the use of you?"

"According to our information, Apocalypse also has the ability to seize bodies. If he successfully builds a pyramid and then obtains Charles' ability, then he will have the ability to instantly control human consciousness around the world."

Hearing this, both Pepper and Tony fell silent.

If things are really as the other party said, then the matter is indeed related to the safety of the world.

No one in the world can live alone.

"Who else but Tony?"

"The initial candidates are Eric, Natasha, Barton, Jean, Sam, Logan, Victor, Blonsky...Banner."

In a mountain forest in Michigan, USA.

Banner was in a house, eating a freshly prepared breakfast.

In order not to reveal his identity, he is almost isolated from the outside world and grows and picks his own food.

As for the taste?

Because there are no condiments, I can only say that I can barely eat it.

"Dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, which immediately made Banner very alert. He ran to the wall and picked up the shotgun.

After a while, he opened the door a crack.


"Hello, Mr. Banner, we are from SHIELD."

Hearing the other party call out his name, Banner suddenly became nervous, and the hand holding the shotgun began to slowly turn green.

The SHIELD agent outside the door was also afraid that Banner would go berserk, so he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Banner, we are not here to arrest you, but to ask you to save the world."

"Save the world?"

Hearing this, Banner's mind was full of question marks.

The SHIELD agent immediately told him what happened last night.

He was even afraid that Banner would not believe it, so he took out the tablet and played the video.

Seeing this, Banner opened the door and let the SHIELD agent in.

"But Hulk is not under my control..."

"It's okay. In addition to Hulk, we also want your wisdom."

"General Ross..."

"Don't worry, we have already told him that you will be incorporated into our SHIELD in the future, and he will not come to trouble you in the future."

"Where is your car?"



It was already night here.

Apocalypse brought a group of mutant men to the pyramid under construction.

But the pyramid he wanted to build was not small. Even with the current human civilization, it would not be completed in a few days.

Moreover, the foundation was still being laid.

And the progress of the project immediately made Apocalypse dissatisfied, and he had the idea of ​​building a pyramid himself.

However, thinking that he could not lack an audience when he ascended to the throne of God, he finally did not rush to do it.

After all, if he really did it himself, Cairo would probably be gone.

"Use your superpowers to speed up the construction."

When the mutants behind him heard it, they immediately nodded.

"Yes, Lord Apocalypse."

With the participation of several mutants with very strong strength and speed, the pyramid project immediately sped up.

Some large stones were even carried up without machines.

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