Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 99 Banner's Discovery

In the Umbrella base in Khabarovsk, Northern Bear Country.

After a thrilling battle, Li Feng sat cross-legged and began to meditate.

On the bed, Mariko could still be seen with a lazy and satisfied expression.

After more than ten minutes.

Mariko finally recovered from the cloud, and immediately hugged Li Feng from behind.

"My Lord, we have finished here. Do you want to go to Sakura Country? You haven't been here for a long time."

Li Feng opened his eyes while meditating.

"You came all the way from Sakura Country just to let me go?"

After finishing the inspection of the base in the evening, Mariko suddenly came from Sakura Country.

Of course, now that she is the head of state, she announced to the public that she came to Khabarovsk City for inspection.

And when she arrived here, she showed her true colors and turned into a female leader.

"Someone has been deliberately creating rumors in Sakura Country recently, smearing your Umbrella Group."

"Oh? What did they say?"

Mariko rested her head on Li Feng's shoulder, took a breath greedily, and showed an obsessed look.

"It's mainly attacking Umbrella's vaccines and antidotes, which cannot completely prevent the zombie virus, and cosmetics contain hormones, which are not good for the skin, etc.

In addition, they attacked the nation, saying that the Umbrella Group did not donate during the zombie virus last year, and treated Sakura Country employees more harshly."

"Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know, they have a lot of black gloves, it's hard to find out."

"I see."

Li Feng nodded and began to think about which companies it would be.

At this moment, the figure of Red Queen appeared.

"Master, Magneto's matter is over."

"Oh? What's the result?"

"Erica asked SHIELD to pay 1 billion US dollars as the loss of Magneto's damage to the Sentinel robot."

After waiting for a while, Li Feng did not hear any other news.

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"They even used space-based weapons, and this is the result?"

"Yes, Master."

Li Feng shook his head a little disappointed.

"Red Queen, you ask the Ministry of Justice to sue Magneto and S.H.I.E.L.D. for privately destroying other people's important property and illegally making trouble. Let the Ministry of Justice think about other charges."

"Yes, Master."

But it's true. Erica is cautious by nature, otherwise she wouldn't be given the position of U.S.S. captain, but can only lead the Zeta team.

"Remove Erica's position as U.S.S. captain. Whoever can handle this matter to my satisfaction will be the captain."

"Yes, Master."

Seeing that Li Feng had handled the matter, Mariko immediately pestered him again.

"Master, when will you come to Sakura Country? I'll take you to the President's Palace to have fun."

When she said "play", she emphasized the word very much.

Obviously, this "play" is not an ordinary "play".

"After we finish dealing with things here, the next stop will be Sakura Country to see who is doing things secretly.

We also need to go to the branch on the European continent."


In the conference room at the headquarters of SHIELD in New York, the United States.

Tony looked at the photo in his hand, frowned slightly, fell into deep thought, and did not speak for a long time.

And Nick next to him just waited for him.

After a while, Tony finally spoke.

"The beam coming down from the sky should be launched from a satellite."

"No more?"

"Hey, man, I'm not a god. What can I see from these blurry photos?"

"Don't you think it looks like the palm cannon of your armor?"

Tony rolled his eyes.

"Isn't this normal? Laser weapons are all the same.

Or do you suspect that I helped them design weapons?"

Nick looked at Tony deeply, and then noticed the black blood vessels on his neck.

In the original plot, Tony should have been so serious two years later.

But several crises forced Tony to use the armor frequently and output a lot of energy.

So in just one year, the palladium poisoning was very serious.

Tony noticed Nick's gaze and quickly buttoned up.

"You don't have much time left."

"I won't die for the time being."

Nick winked at Natasha next to him.

Natasha immediately understood and took out a syringe to give Tony an injection in the neck.

The black blood vessels on Tony's neck began to slowly recede.

"What did you inject me with?"

"Lithium dioxide, a drug that can temporarily suppress palladium, but it is very burdensome to the kidneys. You can't use it again within three years."

After that, Natasha took out another box.

Nick said: "This is the last gift your father left for you. He asked me to give it to you when you are more mature, but now it seems that I have to give it to you in advance."

Looking at the box in front of him, Tony felt a little irritated.

"I know."

Picking up the box, he stood up and left.

In this year, he has already found out about his father and Anton.

So his father's majestic image was shattered in his heart.

So he was not very interested in this box.

Nick watched Tony leave, a solemn look flashing in his eyes.

After a while, he asked Natasha beside him: "Has there been no news from Sharon recently?"

"Except for some confidential information about Osborn, there is nothing else."

"It's been a year, and there's been no useful information. It seems that he has been excluded from the core circle."

"Director, how about I try?"

"Your identity has been exposed for a long time."

At this time, Maria pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

"Director, Congress has rejected our investigation of the Umbrella satellite."


Nick had expected this decision of Congress.

In this year, the Umbrella Group has provided political donations to the Donkey Party every month, about 10 million US dollars.

In addition to the support of Robert, the chairman of the Senate, everyone dared not offend this financial sponsor.

Even if there are a few congressmen who don't like Umbrella, they can't cause any big waves in this democratic country.

"Maria, go to the Security Council to report the situation."



After returning to the villa, Tony put down his father's box with a tangled face.

At this time, Banner came over.

"Tony, I finally unlocked those genetic codes."

A year ago, after killing Apocalypse, Banner went back with Tony.

The reason why he didn't go to SHIELD was because Banner didn't like SHIELD and didn't want to be an agent.

And Tony became his best choice.

After all, following Tony can live in a civilized society, not a primitive life.

"Oh? You mean the genes of those insect people?"

"Yes, I found that there is a strange gene in the original fragments of these genes, which is a bit similar to plants."

"Plants? You said that the strengthening potion of these insect people comes from plants?"

"It's just possible, maybe it was added later."

"Come on, take me to see."

Thank you very much for Huiyao ii, book friend 20200904201812218's monthly ticket

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