
Chapter 16- Contact contd.

He kept a straight enough face, but I could tell he was perturbed. Maybe it was the qi exercises improving my senses? As far as I knew, it wasn't a hold over from Resonances. Nobody in Overwatch had a background in psychology. In any case, it was a nice skill to see in action.

Coulson was clearly thinking about how to deal with me. Seeing as he was stunned, I decided to head towards the lair. I wasn't worried about leading him there. Either he was going to stop me in a second, or he was going to let me go. If he let me go, he was definitely going to follow, but at a distance where I should be able to Resonate and lose him. Maybe even turn the tables on him and have a little chat with him as Genji or someone else.

Well, either way, I intended to make that kind of direct contact.

"Hey, kid!"

As expected, I didn't get far before Coulson decided to stop me. Stifling a smile, I turned around to face him.


"You named the group that is working here. Now, I can't say about who I work for-"

Well, there was the "I can neither confirm nor deny," I thought.

"But I will say this: we have not heard anything about them having a name. So how do you know?"

"I can't quite say it's the word on the street. Nobody knows who they are or where they're from. Which is to say, I've met them. Or at least, some of them. Big gorilla in a spacesuit. Really polite guy. Asked me for directions to some café. Didn't know, but I wanted to talk to him for a while because who wouldn't? I mean, how often do you get to meet a talking gorilla? And did I mention he wears a space suit with a jet pack? So, I walked with him trying to find out where he came from, and one of his friends, a robot ninja with a glowing green visor jumped down out of nowhere and talked with him, and the word 'Overwatch' came up. I really wish I had a camera. First a talking gorilla and then a robot ninja? Best night ever."

"And so you, a ten year old kid, are just wandering about at night in what is not really the nicest part of town, hoping to meet a strange organization?"

"Sounds about right. Wrong organization, but didn't I find you?"

Coulson seemed stunned. I guess if I wasn't a superhero and just a normal kid, I would seem pretty stupid. Well, that was the way of things- bravery is just stupidity unless it pays off.

Which, it did, in my case. I found SHIELD by taking a walk.

"So, I've told you what I know. Can I go now? I have some things to do."

"What kind of stuff? Go home, kid."

"Okay, okay, I'm going. But just a tip, you're probably not going to find them. Hang out for a while, and they might find you."

I turned and kept going where I had meant, straight to my lair. I had some things to make, like a computer. I kept turning around as I walked just to be sure that Coulson wasn't following me. It was really tempting to just turn around and scare him as Genji, maybe Winston for the extra what factor, but I just had to get started on my projects. Besides, it didn't seem like Coulson had been in town for long. There would be plenty of opportunities to meet with him.

For now, I had to finish the power source. I walked down the now familiar tunnel to my lair. Opening the door, I took a deep breath. It was time for the lair to be more or less fully operational. I Resonated with Winston to get things started. While it was admittedly difficult to work with such huge hands, it would have been much harder to teach myself what Winston knew for me to do it as myself.

Unfortunately, I was unable to finish my work in one session. So, when the Resonance wore off, I went to the pile of chips and wiring that I was planning to make a computer from. Since I had some experience from my past life, I didn't need to do a Resonance for it. Although, for about five minutes, I did use Sombra's experience for a little extra boost.

After about an hour of on and off work, I was finally ready to give my power source a test run. Even after putting it together, I didn't understand how it worked. I did know that it would only run for so long but would put out more than enough energy for a small workplace. I mean, this was put into cars that could maintain hovering 24/7 without a problem, and currently, it was having a much lighter load.

I looked over the device. It was roughly cylindrical and had a touch screen on one side that would give me basic readings on the output. Someday, I was really going to have to thank Justin Hammer for unwittingly funding my little operation here; I had a lot of great stuff to work with.

I could probably visit him in jail sometime. Ruin his day again. Thinking about it, I almost pity the fool.

Almost. He's still an idiot.

Shaking just a little, I pushed the buŧŧon on the top of the cylinder. As it sank in, the whole thing started to vibrate on the table. I jumped back as quickly as I could and dove behind a table. If it was going to explode or something like that, now was the time.

After a few moments, the vibrations settled into a low hum. Then, with a bright chiming sound, the screen on the side lit up, and I straightened up out of my cover.

"It's alive. It's alive! It's aliiiiiiiiiivvvvveeee!!!!"

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