
Chapter 18- In a Pinch

I jumped back and released a set of three shurikens into my hand. I threw them all at once at the three closest ninjas, aiming at their ċhėsts. They did what comes to ninjas naturally. One did a slide right out of the Matrix, one deflected it with their blade, and one just turned, letting the shuriken slice past his arm. Flipping ninjas. Won't even lose easily to a robot ninja.

I threw another set of shuriken and jumped off the building. Maybe I could turn the tide of battle back into my favor with a more restrictive battle area. As I fell, I heard a voice shouting in Chinese. Calling for backup. Into a headset, most likely, considering the wording. As much as it made sense, it took a little of the mystery out of the ninjas, knowing they had radios to call each other with. But, an old organization like the Hand wouldn't have lasted long without being able to adapt.

Then again, I understand that chi based magic is hard to come by in the Marvel universe. Mental note to self: look into finding sorcerors for magic training. Maybe I could learn from Doctor Strange himself. You know, as long as I can resist calling him Steve, or Banana Dash Bandersnatch, or Sherlock. Second note to self: make sure to make at least one "no kidding Sherlock" with Tony Stark and Doctor Strange. Preferably with both at the same time, but the window for that would be very difficult.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Ninjas. Chasing me.

I hadn't stopped moving while I was distracted in thoughts. As the ninjas jumped down after me, I threw more shurikens at them. Can't dodge while you're in the air. Three ninjas were hit in the shoulders, deadening their arms, including the one I had disabled an arm of before. Recognizing he was taken out of the fight for now, he backed off. However, he kept in sight, just to make sure that he could track me, I guess. All ninjas with at least one working arm kept after me. Hand training includes ambidexterity?

I lunged forward with my wakizashi. I had to take these guys out of the fight completely before their backup showed up. Even with Genji's experience, skills, and dexterity at hand, I couldn't take on a large group of ninjas all at once.

And besides, I had another problem: uptime. I had about three minutes before I would be forced out of Resonance. Then there would be six seconds in which I would be vulnerable, and my identity revealed. If I could take all these guys out at once, get out of sight, and let my Resonance down, that would be great.

Unfortunately, I had allowed myself to be injured, which meant this was going to take some time. I jumped back and sheathed my wakizashi. Reaching back, I prepared to draw the katana. I didn't particularly want to go for the kill, but maybe the Dragonblade would scare them. If that didn't work… well…

"Ryujin no ken wo kurae!" I shouted as I drew my katana. The familiar green dragon snaked its way up the blade and followed my movements as I attacked.

For the first time in this fight, I saw fear in the eyes of the ninjas that were attacking me. In this world, qi magic is hard to come by- only the Iron Fist, monks of K'un L'un, and highest members of the hand knew it. I briefly wondered if the Hand had ever met with Doctor Strange type sorcerers, but that didn't matter right now.

As a cyborg ninja, I had the speed to advance on the first enemy before the fear even fully registered on their faces. I raised my sword and slashed him from his shoulder across to his hip. I didn't cut too deep, but considering the qi dragon enhancing my attack, and what it did in my tests before, it was no surprise that this time, the ninja fell to the ground writhing in pain. Out of the fight for good. By my reckoning, the effect of the qi was more significant on this guy than it had been on inanimate matter in my training.

All of a sudden, I felt two sharp pains in my arm. I grit my teeth together to bear with the pain. It wasn't safe to go Mercy and heal it. I had to get off the streets and to safety.

Clutching my arm, I staggered out of the alley and onto the street. Things were quiet, as the city night life had gone on without any attacks from ninjas like I had faced. I pulled my hood over my head and kept my head down. Now that I was in a more public area, I should be safe, right?

A minute or two later, I was proved wrong, as a soft rustling movement from overhead came to my attention. Cautiously, I looked up to find out what it was. Unfortunately, it was another group of ninjas. Slowly, trying not to draw attention with a sharp movement, I turned back to the street. Which, of course, was a little too empty for my comfort.

As if on cue with my realization, a rustle and a thud came behind me.

I don't know an adequate curse for how I felt. How about "aqasipodhfjpoqiadgjlzxckl?" A bit long and unpronounceable, but feels about right.

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