
Chapter 2 - Prologue 2?

My name is Venn Gooseman. I used to be just a normal nerd playing lots of Overwatch and consuming copious amounts of media of all kinds. I had just an average life, with few friends and family, but I was okay with that. I made enough fixing people's computers to keep my apartment, food, and internet connection, so I was fine.

That all changed when I was hit by a truck on my way home from the grocery store.

It was rather disappointing, actually. I had been so looking forward to seeing who would win the Overwatch League, but then I died.

However, instead of going to heaven (or hell, for that matter, or anywhere else that departed souls could go) I found myself in an empty black space. Just as I finished wondering where the heck I was, I heard a voice.

"Welcome, sir. You have been selected to go to a new world! Rejoice, for you have another chance at life!"

"Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? This is really happening to me?"

"Yes, Venn, it is happening. For your life being cut short, I have decided to give you a few special perks to help you to survive in your next life. For one thing, you will retain most of your memories. Use them well, for you will need them in order to prepare for the trials that are about to befall your new world. Second, I will warn you that…"

Her voice slowly faded away from my awareness. I was silent as I tried to wrap my head around the reality that was unfolding before me. I was dead? Reincarnating into a new world? Then another thought occurred to me.

So you're telling me all those manga and s I've read are actually plausible?

"Excuse me, are you listening?"

The cool, feminine voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. I wasn't quite sure how things would work here, but I couldn't afford to offend this lady for the sake of my future.

"Well, it's fine. I'm sure you have a lot going through your mind right now. The recently deceased usually are. I will now give you your new ability. It was based on your hobbies in your past life."

Suddenly a pillar of light appeared above my head, and I could feel something getting imprinted into my mind. I didn't quite know how to use it, yet I knew I could and that the power was there. And running through the details of the power was…

"Is this Overwatch?"

"Yes. Since you played and watched so much right up to your death, it was determined that this was a power you could appreciate and use well. Now, go on, your next life awaits!"

With a strong pull that I really felt in my guts I was pulled into the darkness.

"Just wait a second," I yelled futilely. The voice, it seemed, was not going to give me more options on my powers or anything.


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