
Chapter 4 - 2- Taking Stock

Over the next few days, I found a notebook and filled it with everything I knew about the MCU in a simple code. Starting from the front, I put down the major movies and any important details I could think of. Dates, enemies, everything. From the back I tried to put down everything from the shows- both Netflix and Agents of SHIELD. There had never been much in the MCU to show the presence of these shows, so perhaps they weren't quite canon. But if they were, considering I lived in New York, there was no way I was going to let myself get hit by them.

Unfortunately, in the end, I wasn't able to write nearly as much as I would have liked to write. My memory was far from photographic, even if I was a geek who loved those movies in my past life.

Luckily, there was no need to remember everything. Looking at the Phase 1 movies, there wasn't going to be much I could do about trying to break into those plot lines. Captain America was in ice and would be in a SHIELD facility. Thor took place across the country and off world. Breaking into Iron Man 1 and 2 might be possible, but it was still going to be difficult. As for the later phases, I could just take things one at a time.

In any case, it was 2005, and I had three years to prepare for even Iron Man's plot. Now, there was something more pressing to investigate- the power I was given.

I decided to wait for a day that both of my parents were out. Dad naturally had work to do, and Mom eventually found a day when she wanted to drop some cookies off to old Mrs. Edgerton a few floors down, and an old friend of the family. Naturally, she didn't feel bad at all about leaving me home in the apartment, since she was so close. And I didn't feel like accompanying her.

Besides, I was ten. And not actually a child. I could be left alone without destroying the apartment.

Finally, I was alone. We had a very nice apartment in Queens. We had a nice, high view overlooking the city outside and a lot of space inside. The walls were decorated simply, with just a few family pictures and stuff like that. If it wasn't for the size of the apartment, you wouldn't have thought we were that well off. Guess even with dad's job bringing in a lot of money, my parents were pragmatists who didn't care too much for worldly objects.

Which was also a good thing, because there was a chance that while testing out my powers, I would break things.

Overwatch. An organization that had grown on an alternate earth to protect the people in the wake of a robot apocalypse. Or as it was called on that earth, the Omnic Crisis. Eventually, heroes armed with the best their science had to offer rose up to fight them. Heroes with a variety of experience and knowledge.

And some had a little more than that.

Closing my eyes, I focused on one hero in particular. Opening them, I spoke to the empty room.

"Genji, Resonance!"

Suddenly I felt power flowing through me. A deep green fog wrapped around my body and clouded my eyes. When I could see again, everything was still tinted green. Quickly, I realized that my vision was filtered through a screen. Looking down, I saw that my body had been covered in silver armor, with green light shining through some circular grooves. Changes had also happened in my mind. I realized that there was extra knowledge in there- of martial arts, parkour, ȧssassination, stealth and also something else.

Qi magic.

In Overwatch, anyone that knows Genji knows that his ultimate move, Dragonblade, involves a mystical dragon that wraps around his katana blade and increases his attack power. However, it was never explained officially what it actually was. Now, the answers were flowing through my mind. The Shimada techniques to cultivate qi, shape it, release it, all was revealed to me.

I reached behind my back and grabbed the katana strapped there. In one fluid motion, I drew it and shouted.

"Ryujin no ken wo kurae!"

Instead of simply being sliced in two, the paper was shredded and singed. So, this was the power of qi. Then I shivered. Genji knew firsthand the power of a dragonblade, having been nearly killed by one. That memory now burned in me. Nevertheless, I shook with excitement. To think that I could wield such power.

Then my qi ran out. The dragon disappeared in a puff of green mist. Suddenly I felt a little dizzy and swayed before leaning on the kitchen counter and steadying myself. Now I knew why Genji didn't main with his sword. This technique was meant for a finishing blow, not a drawn-out fight.

"Still, very nice."

I resheathed the sword and switched to testing the limits of my body. I went through a kata; a set of movements in martial arts meant for training the body. I started at normal human speed. I was able to do it a little clumsily. The motions were familiar to Genji, but not to me personally. It seemed that I would still need to practice to make the most out of Resonance. Then I just went as fast as possible for this cyborg ninja just to see how fast I really was. Things went a little out of control, but I managed to not damage anything in the apartment.

Not too much later, time ran out on my Resonance. The green fog reformed around me and the armor dissolved into it. I sighed. It had only been about five minutes. And with the disappearance of Genji form, I lost his knowledge, too. Only shadows of shadows remained in my mind.

Then I felt something hit the top of my head. Looking up, I found a scar running down the ceiling of the apartment. Blood drained down my face as I realized I must have done it when I drew the sword. There was no way I could fix that. Not before mom came home.

After a few minutes of panic, I came to the same conclusion I had when I first looked up. There was no way to fix it. So, I went back to working on my Resonance power.

As for my mom, I planned to just tell the truth: a ninja did it.

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