
Chapter 6 - 4- Rachel and the Songs

I managed to survive the night because even though she wanted to blame me, she couldn't think of any way I could have done such damage to the ceiling. So now, instead of dead, I am simply a person of interest, and mom is at DEFCON 2.

I really wished one of the Overwatch heroes came equipped with home repair tools.

When morning came, I woke up early and had a quick breakfast. Then, I went onto the family computer and checked a couple of things on the internet.

I was really curious about how this world differed from my own. From the various Marvel movies, I knew that some things were common between universes. Star Wars. Aliens. Galaga. Lots of pop culture references went into those movies. However, some things by necessity, had to not exist. Marvel comics were not to be found on this earth. I did, however, find a Google map for Latveria

And then there were the actors. A quick search for "Tony Stark" showed me Robert Downey Jr's face. So then, what of the actor? He had a different face, but still existed. Which was good, because his version of Sherlock Holmes would be good for the world.

Anime and manga appeared to be on the same schedule. So, unfortunately, it would be quite a while before I got to see One Punch Man again.

Then again, perhaps the appearance of real-life superheroes would lead to the faster development of superhero stories. Only time would tell.

Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I shocked my mom by making a monstrosity of a sandwich -peanut buŧŧer, Nutella, raspberry jam, whipped cream, cereal, cinnamon sugar, and maple syrup- but personally, I felt like it was an accomplishment to have so much in one peanut buŧŧer based sandwich. Besides, I had done such sandwiches often enough in my past life, and it was delicious.

Waving to my mom, I headed out the door to visit Rachel. As I walked down the street to where she lived, I couldn't help but be a little nervous. I wasn't the same person I was before my past life's memories returned. Judging by my parents' reactions, I hadn't changed too much- I was a quiet, curious, clever child. However, I couldn't be sure that I would pass to everyone I knew. Maybe I would pass for (mostly) unchanged in front of my parents, but perhaps the outsider perspective would reveal me.

I was so nervous I was shaking. Or maybe it was the sugar from my lunch. It's possible I miscalculated because of my new, smaller body.

Eventually, I made it to the Songs' home. Taking a deep breath, I hit the doorbell. After a few moments, a petit woman with long black hair and green eyes opened the door.

"Hello, Aunty Song."

"Venn! How are you? I was so worried when I heard the news!"

"I'm fine, ma'am."

"Fine? Really? After hitting your head and almost drowning? And then you never called, never dropped by, we thought that you were recovering."

"I'm really fine, Aunty Song. It just hurt a little. Besides, I think that what doesn't kill you simply makes you… stranger," I said with a silly grin. Internally, I sighed. The reference was three years too early, and nobody was going to get it.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well- "


Suddenly I was tackle-hugged by three people. Luckily, they didn't manage to tumble us to the floor. I awkwardly put my arms around Rachel, as she was the only one close to my height. So, this was my childhood friend. And her little brothers. After a few moments, she backed away so she could look at me and see if I was really okay. I gave her a quick look as well, as this was in a way my first time meeting her.

Rachel Song was someone who had gotten the best from both sides of the family. Her dark brown eyes weren't quite almond shaped, but they did have a hint of exotic mystique to them. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail that came below her shoulders. Looking at her now, she was definitely going to be a beauty in the future.

I'm not a lolicon. I'm just a man that knows when a girl is cute, and this one was.

Meanwhile, her little brothers still hadn't let go of me.

"We heard you died!"

Well. That would do it.

"Sadly yes, I was struck down. But, I have come back more powerful than you can ever imagine."

The boys laughed and finally let go of me. At least they got the reference, but they would never know how true that line was for me.

"So," I continued, "What have you guys been up to?"

"Oh, not much," Rachel replied. "Played Super Smash Bros. on the old GameCube, did a puzzle, and you know, didn't die of clumsiness."

"Ouch, Rachel. That hurts. I thought you were my best friend."

"Yeah, so you should know it comes from the bottom of my heart. You know, this wouldn't have happened if you let me and my dad teach you kung fu. Get your body coordinated so that you'll be less of a nerd."

"Said the DragonBall geek." I wasn't completely defenseless against this girl.

"Okay, you have to be feeling good if you are daring to go toe to toe with me like that. That or you are so damaged that you don't remember what you're getting into."

"That sounds like a challenge, Rachel. Smash Bros.?" There wasn't any other way to win a fight with her.

"You're on."

The Smash battle raged for hours. But, with nightfall, Venn walked home.

As they waved and watched him leave, the Song family consulted with each other.

"There was something different about that boy, but I can't put my finger on it."

"I know dad. He was talking almost the same, but he was… off. Little things, I guess. Too little to name, but I felt it, too."

"He beat me as Jigglypuff. I don't think he even played Jigglypuff before."

"I thought he was acting more like a grown-up. I mean, more than normal."

"I sensed a different quality to his qi. But I have no idea what that means."

"I don't know what that means either, Rachel. One thing is for sure, we should keep an eye on Venn in the future."

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