Masho no Otoko wo Mezashimasu

[]/(n, vs) settlement/

The game is a set of eight final attacks. The batter box contains the fourth Yuuka-san.

"I wasn't expecting this. That's one of the elites. I'm surprised."

Did it come as a surprise that a group had fought like this before? Pitcher's girl uttered a word to Yuka.

Yuka leans her head against the words and returns them.

"What are you talking about? It's still early. That's what we get when we win."

"Arrogant! That's a pair! Too arrogant! I never thought we'd lose!

"That's... obvious, if you try to fight with the image of losing, you'll lose as usual..."

"But I'm sorry! We're going to win today! Oh, my God, I have ambitions!

A pitcher girl with a smile on her face.

Yuka looks suspicious and returns her words


"Yes! Even if you win this tournament for a little while, you're gonna have to swap classes.

Yeah, that's right.

"In the meantime, I got along with Hayashino-kun and asked him to support the game...."


"And gradually, I was attracted to each other, and they said," Bring Amber to the country, "and they wanted to deepen their love for each other, graduate from high school, enter the profession immediately, and get married, get OK, and build a happy family."

Hearing the words, Yuuka-san remained quiet. But I can feel a lot of temper from that body.

"I won't say anything stupid... 'Cause I can't tell you it won't happen. That's why I have to pick the buds here...."

The pitcher girl mutters.

"It's really strange to have a pair of them..."

Having listened to those two interactions, I thought:

Is that ambition okay if the person asks? It's a drag to say that you're on your way to a busted marriage...

... but the referee won't stop this conversation, even though she stopped calling me Selina. It is doubtful what kind of criteria exist.

And the situation where there was a zero on the scoreboard moved. Yuka hit the home run.

I did not miss the slightly sweetened ball and made a point. The pitcher girl who was hit by the ball collapsed in tears, but quickly rose to suppress the follow-ups. The attack behind it ended without giving the runner a point, and the next nine sets of attacks ended without a point, leaving only the elite attackers. But it's not going to be that easy, so I put out the first batter, and the next batter goes out with a feed bang. Take out the next batter and two-out. I took down the last hit too, but there was an error here. Two-out first base, third base, how the batter turned to the baseball girl who had voted well with the first loss.

The baseball girl enters the batter box silently. In that state, the audience is watching with stubborn spit. Selina looks attracted to her face. I am so full of urgency. No matter how many hits you score, if you hit a long blow, it can be reversed.

Then the first ball and the high metal sound echoed and the strike flew deep in the middle right.

The moment she hit me, Serena said, "Aaaaaaaaah! I heard a scream. Unexpectedly, I don't know what kind of character she's playing now.

The situation in the game will first have one point and the same point, and then when the first runner returns, it will be reversed, but the timing will be critical if we can make it. The first runner kicks the third base into the home and the ball returns to the captain, Shino-san. Cross Spray! The judgment is...!


The judgment was not reversed, but the game ended. Match results are one-on-one. The first place in baseball became the second team. Subsequently, broadcasts were broadcast saying that all competitions were over and that the closing speech would begin, so each class would be told to gather at the designated location. Therefore, everyone is still nervous because of the announcement of the overall victory.

But it was pretty cheap because one group won first place in basketball and baseball... is that it? How was the rest of the competition?

Then the closing speech of the tournament began, and finally the ranking was announced. When the principal was closing the meeting, the students who were interested were also quiet at this time with expressions of interest.

Then, the group was wrapped in tingling tension. The boy also murmured that if I didn't win, I wouldn't forgive him because I belonged to him.... did you guys win?


130 pairs!

A loud cheer was heard from a distance at that moment, and a group of women fell apart.

A hundred and thirty pairs... that's a special class. The class name is followed by the ranking of each competition.

"Basketball 2nd, baseball 1st, tennis 1st, table tennis 1st, overall points 1st"

Without a pair of them, it would have been a one-man monopoly.

Two..., a pair. # 1 basketball, # 1 baseball, # 2 overall "

Apparently, tennis and table tennis didn't get into third place.... somehow, when you hear this, you won't be able to beat the privileged students overall, will you? I saw a group of girls that were falling apart and quietly thought so.

The annual sports tournament was thus concluded.

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