Masho no Otoko wo Mezashimasu

Post Play Interaction

The play was successfully completed. And now, when the actors come down from the stage and shake hands with the children who came to see them, and take pictures with them, this is also an indispensable interaction for heroin shows. The children are also happy to be shaken and hugged. And somehow I'm supposed to be a guest, playing with the children with the theater people.

... it's very strange.

I was supposed to shake hands, but I was brought here to shake hands with my kids, hug them, and take pictures with them while I said I'd be happy after the play. And somehow my place is the most popular.... I haven't said a word on the stage.

"Good luck."

... I was supported by a kid who took pictures with a hug. I stroked his head saying thank you because the current situation is working hard. I don't think I'm asking you to do your best in life. Oops, it's the last of the next kids. The first three little girls I met. However, the faces of the three were dark as to what had happened.

Dad, I'm sorry.

"I was unable to defeat you."


Apparently, he's depressed because he can't do anything when I'm taken. But I do know that I enjoyed these three plays. All three voiced loud support for Karn and Queen's battle, and shouted joy when Karn won.

Even though you enjoyed it, you shouldn't look like this. I bend over and gaze at the little girls.

"Did you have fun today?

After the little girls looked at each other, they wiped their heads vertically.

"Then you'd better smile than have a dark face. It's a waste because they're all so cute."

That's how I stroke each head.


"In other words, we are only your friends.....?

"Isn't that amazing?

"No, let's try to calm down."

Suddenly, I can't be alarmed by the leaps.

"Well, when it's fun, you should enjoy it with all your might."

Sometimes you can't have fun without daring to put aside your worries, or change your mood when you go out into society.... I won't tell the girls.

I don't know if you understand what I'm saying, but the little girls changed from dark faces to bright smiles.

"Dad, Dad! I missed you today! And I understand."

"Yes, I understand.


"Eh, what?

"There must be a straw to surround the one you want!

"We couldn't help it....."

I didn't know.

"Nh?.... nh?

I feel that the conversation is going in a strange direction. Did you see me look complicated? One of the little girls rushed to explain while wiping her hands.

"No! It's not like it's a sticky mess!

"That's right. That's a good idea, but there's more..."

"Yeah, no, no, chi, oka, Udapu. I hope so."

"I realized I had to do it by myself!

Kataba Kankan.

You know the hard words, little girls. But how about watching the heroine show of love and justice, where neither love nor justice was left in the hearts of the children? It was a winner-take-all story, of course. Are the other kids okay? I am very worried. Including the future of these children.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Dad needs to come."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...."

Bye bye, dear.

"Oh, yeah. Bye-bye."

When I said that, the three of them kissed her cheeks and went back to the nanny, saying, "Ka." I didn't have any kids these days, and I thought so while touching where they kissed me.

"I'm so happy!


Don and I will be shocked from behind.

"I've been watching. Kids kiss me."

It seems that the shock was caused by Karn and Yachikusa-san hugging him from behind. People in the theater department are screaming and envious.

I want you to praise Mihachi for her hard work.

While saying that, my cheeks tingled.

Certainly Yachikusa's action was excellent. It was probably a tough exercise.

Well then, I'll reward you.

"I did it!

It was painful to be hugged in a brave bend, so Yachikusa-san asked me to leave.

"But is it a reward? Is there anything you want me to do?

"Um, is everything okay?

"Well, I can't do anything impossible."

I don't want to push the judgment on the marriage notification to Shizuishi now.

"Bye, then...."

Yachikusa-san grabbed his hand and said.

"Kiss my beautiful feathers."


A kiss?

"Beauty, I don't want to miss a chance."

Mr. Yachikusa is asking after considering the possibility of being rejected by me. Maybe this will break my friendship... but I'm still stepping in.... but you're still afraid of being rejected, and your body is trembling slightly.

"Come here."


I'll take Mr. Yachikusa where there are no eyes. And when I confirmed that no one had eyes, I looked back at Mr. Yachikusa. Mr. Yachikusa had become so hard as he could not imagine from time to time.

I get close to Mr. Yachikusa and put my hand against the wall in the back. It is the posture of Wall Don, as the saying goes.

"I can't run anymore."

"Ah, ahh, ahh."

"Sit still with your eyes....."


Yachikusa-san! Confirming that I meditated, I kissed Yachikusa-san's lips.

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