Upon the stage, we are listening to each other correctly. Currently, Maeda student chairman is greeting while hiding his tension. I am somehow the bright boys who are fine but should have heard are looking at me. Every time I try to find out what kind of student there are thanks to that, my eyes are bound to hit. Very awkward.

Well, if it's just a line of sight, there's no problem, but there's a line of sight that feels contempt and hostility inside, and that's not so much of a problem. You're always looking down at me passing through with something you can feel in the middle of a train. But on the contrary... somehow, there are students whose faces turn red when their eyes meet. Is it okay to assume that you were favored? I tried not to think much about it, but I realized that this school, Boys' Love, was flourishing. But I'm sure you're happy about this event, which is about friendship.

If you don't consider my emotional insults... you'll be worried about getting a hole in your stomach from stress.

"I believe that the friendship between the two schools will spread through this interaction. Thank you for listening."

Looks like we're done talking about Maeda's student chairman. Instead, Sunny's student chairman, Silver Student Chairman, stood in front of Mike.

"Now, I want you to go to the classes that you are going to spend now. Follow the guidance.

We follow the words and get off the stage and line up with the assigned classes according to the directions.

"Well then, you and the kid in the back are in a group here... and then, Hayato, you're in this class too."

Oops, looks like I'm in this class. When my name came to my attention, I felt like I was in the spotlight, but I wouldn't mind.

"Amber, Amber, you're in the same class."

Shino-san said with a nice face. And he whispers to another girl in the same class, "I'm relieved." For some reason, you trust me, so I want to do my best to respond to it.

Then the morning ceremony ended safely and I moved to the classroom. The Sunny School Building is made of wood to give a sense of history, but it is very beautiful with no bad impression of whether it has been renovated or maintained.

Now, let's introduce ourselves to the children of Funky High School.

The teacher who would be in charge said that they would enter the class to which they belonged and the other students would arrive.

"Ah, let's start with my introduction. I am the head of this class. My favorites are alcohol, tobacco and horse racing. It's a short period of time, but I'm going to be your boss, so let me know if you need anything."

I don't know if I can solve it, but the man who introduced himself while laughing with KeraKera... I'm a teacher, but I can't. The smell of human beings is terrible.... but don't get me wrong here, this guy has a profession called kitchen and teacher. Few men work full-time in this world. I think it's very good.

Well then, you guys go ahead...

When I heard the words, it was Shino-san who came forward. I began to introduce myself with a smile as usual.

"It's poetry from Donghuain. I would be happy to get along with you at all. Thank you very much."

When I heard Shino-san's introduction, the classroom was a little rough.

"Hey, Donghua Inn?

"That's right. There's a big one coming."


"Do you have enough space to walk through the gates of this school..."

"You look cheeky."

... why does that refreshing introduction return such a reaction? Subsequently, children enrolled in the same class did not respond well when introducing themselves.

Well, at the end of the day, boys, let's go.

I went one step ahead to introduce myself according to my supervisor's words. At that moment, the classroom air became tense.... I don't know why I was nervous, but I started greeting with friendship in mind.

"It's Amber Kushino. I'm sorry to interrupt this historic Sunny Boys' School. Some of you may have met on the train, but I'd be happy if you could talk to me if you saw it."

"... what am I supposed to do? I said bad things when I saw you on the train."

"I'm relieved to hear he's going to a different school, but why are you here..."

"Is that Amber Hajino who was famous in middle school?"

"... it's no big deal."

"You idiot! Don't irritate me! Absolutely!"

"A middle-school friend ran over him and gave him back his pants."

"Eh, what's that? Are we gonna get stripped, too?

... for some reason, my introduction as a supporter is the most annoying. Apparently, the bad reputation in middle school has spread because of the same grade. But rest assured, I am a gentle Qino amber for friendship. Close the introduction with a nice smile on the evidence and give it a good impression.

Thank you very much.

Nicholas smiles.

"Hmm... what a nice smile..."

"Only the face is good, only the face...."

"The face of an angel, a famous alien."

Who's an alien? Give me back my smile!

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