The Men's King Final Qualification, today is its broadcast day. The Kushino family has already finished dinner and everyone is said to have taken a bath. After that, I just wait in perfect condition to watch the show and go to sleep.

Tea and sweets on the table to keep the show going. There are alcohol and snacks lined up with her mother and Maria. The evening news said that people were missing from downtown areas that should always be busy. In an interview with someone on their way home, they said they were coming home on time to watch the show. He wants to see it in real time, not on video.... I see. My mother came home early today.

I am also very curious about what kind of guy will compete in the main election. Some of them will be amazing, so we need to gather more information. When I got the pancakes on the table and started eating them with Polypoly, it was just time.

Here we go.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

The show began with the voices of those mothers. Unlike the shows we do all the time, the set is luxurious, and in addition to regular members, there are many entertainers called big ones. According to a story from Mr. Eto, a large number of companies have given their names to sponsors, and many entertainers have asked to appear.

Mr. Eto talked about it with a laugh. Since variety shows are not very popular in this world, it seems that there is no reply even if you ask an actor, etc., and it seems that it was a pleasure to ask me to lower my head from the other side.

The show now explains the purpose of the men's king game and discusses the games played in the qualifiers.

Only the top 10 qualifiers will progress to the final round!

Oh no, it's tough!

There are over a thousand applicants, so I can say that I am the top class boy even if I just compete in the main competition.

Now, let's take a look at the qualifiers that have been held around the world.

The fierce battle of boys' high school students across the country is here!

Two entertainers, who are MCs, proceed with the show. And the screen that had been showing the studio until now reflected footage reminiscent of the men's fierce battles. Then, the characters "Qualifier A" appear.

Yes! This is the Fuji-no-Shinto Stadium where Preliminary A Boys' High School students scatter sparks. Now that you've finished your intellect exam, you'll move on to the exercise exam. Now, let's take a look at the written exam that was done earlier. "

The scene changes to match the reporter's voice. The men with serious faces are projected, and narration and telop flow along with it. The members of the studio are watching the situation seriously, feeling nervous.... no, my family is also seriously looking forward to it. Looks like I'm in the wrong place eating pancakes while drinking tea.

Then again, the scene switches and the scene of the exercise ability test flows. However, it is an exercise ability test, but there is no variability at all. Short-range, long-range, softball throwing, and wide jumping. They're running short distances now... but they're all slow.

It's not a problem if they come out. I thought so. I heard a big, stupid voice in my ear.

Nuhaha! Warm! It's warm, guys!

The camera looks for the owner of the voice. The words describing the reflected boy were enormous. High-height muscles, they stood out to him.

The next moment, the boy's profile appeared under the title "Featured Athlete". It's obviously treated differently from other boys. And the height that came into my eyes, what a two meter ten centimeter. I am complaining about the longest tournament.

His name is Daikuji Temple.

I thought there was someone who could compete with me, but I couldn't help it! That mask doesn't make sense!

Inspired by him who speaks to provoke others, the boys' expressions change.... but...

It's still warm!

He took first place by an overwhelming difference. It's a big body, its ability to move with agility... I see. I just have to slap my mouth. He also ranked first in the exercise ability test afterwards. And the final appearance test was like a cosplay contest, but Daikokuji posed with a pitch-picky tank top and denim shorts to nail the audience's gaze.

And when I returned to the studio, the topic became Daikokuji Temple.

Wow, you've got a great boy!

"Yes, it would be great if you could just say something with that body!


"No! Don't you think so?

Talks flourish in the studio with others. I will activate my smartphone's notebook and create a file named Daikokuji Temple, and I will enter what I saw earlier.... and I thought about it a little, and then I typed it in as a note, "Macho bastard loves his body."

No malice.

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