"Now I'm going to give you a map of where you'll be based. Please take it from the person who called you and move it. In addition, acts such as wearing after other teams will be prohibited at that time. We'll let you know when all the teams arrive."

The announcer who accompanied me to the island gave a brief explanation. Each team will be followed by two photographers to capture our trends. This photographer is really just shooting and doesn't seem to answer any questions.

Now, this is the map of the Kushino team.

"Thank you."

"Good luck to you."

Receive the map with the announcer's stereotype. I went back to my team and started moving.

"Because it's a deserted island, I imagined more plants, insects and beasts, but that's not true."

The surroundings are covered with tall trees and plants, but the roads we are on are well maintained.

"Well, it seems to be an island that can also be used for trips. If there's no road to the boulders, no one will come for a vacation, so you'll need to be able to do some sightseeing around here."

No one wants to really survive a trip.

"Do you mean…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

"Well, that's what I'm saying."

"So you didn't have to split up and move, did you?

"You can know where the base is right away, but it's a mistake not knowing whose base it is. This tournament lasts three days, four days if we put in today, so if it's a deserted island with a gloomy forest and mountains that haven't been maintained, we'll just have to find an enemy base."

If that happens, it will no longer be another show.

"If you don't know who you're dealing with, there's a difference in strategy between attacking and defending, so one of the show staff said that bothering boys about how to win is one of the sights."

I see, poems nodded as if they were interested.

"Are you already thinking about how Kushino-san moves?

"Hmm. If they find a base and they're strong enough to attack it, I'm a little worried..."

Let's attack more and more…

"That's right! There's a word that says you have to win first, so you only have to attack!

"I have a vote to attack too."

... how belligerent they are. You don't forget that it's being filmed in a progressive fashion right now, do you? A man watching TV will pull you down. [M]

"... I really have to think about it."

"I wonder what?

Yuka asks strangely.

"If we're going to fight a strong opponent, we might all get hurt. I'm happier that everyone is safe than I am winning...."

While saying so, I made a sad face while paying attention to the camera. You can't make a fool of yourself, can you? Everyone who was willing to kill me just now is impressed.

"... Amber's feelings are very pleasant, but we are here to help Amber. Don't worry about us. Aim for a full victory."

Minori says, wiping her eyes with her hands and tears. Everyone nods whether other people agree or not.

"Thank you, everyone. I'll do my best."

I dare to answer with a refreshing smile. I wonder if you have developed a very youthful feeling. It is a pure determination with no clouds. The six of us walk to our base in a nice atmosphere.... it was supposed to be seven, but one of them caught a cold and disappeared.... Chairman, are you all right? I couldn't wait to get too excited and get a fever on the same day even though I pulled the trigger... I came to the rendezvous point with a dying face and it was a doctor stop, and I couldn't see the desperate face at that time.

"Ah, I can see the cottage!

A fine cottage stood before Shino-san pointed his finger.

Well then, let's check inside and decide on a room. When that's over, I'll have a meeting and a light meal until you get back to me. "

And I said, "Whoa! I received a cheerful reply.

Incidentally, I'm a carry-on ant in this main election, but I'm very curious about what they brought. That's because everyone brings a few bags. I mean, just because there's a lot of girls' stuff doesn't mean it's a little too much. Minori-san brings a long, thin rod-shaped object. Is it okay to use it even if it is a wooden knife?

I just hope that there will be no tragedy in the tea room.

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