Masho no Otoko wo Mezashimasu

Talk to the Southern Academy

Nanboin-san's lonely confession gave me a soothing atmosphere.

"Well, that doesn't matter. Amber, as I said, I don't have anybody with me right now."

"I see, but...."

I know you don't have a boyfriend, but that doesn't make me a boyfriend. In the first place, I wonder how many people have offered to marry and agreed to it.

"Minamikain-san. That's right, I think it's difficult to propose in person for the first time....."

Were you thinking the same thing as me, Mr. Kazuo raises his concerns with Mr. Minami?

"Of course I think so. I hope you'll be my son-in-law in the future. Let's start by talking about each other gradually. Besides, I'm not gonna make you inconvenient."

That said, Minamikain-san snapped his fingers. Hearing the sound, a woman standing quietly behind Minami-in moved.

Regardless of what they were doing, while I was watching the action, the person with you gave Mr. Minami the attachment case and went back. After receiving the attachment case, Mr. Minami opened it and took it out one by one, and put it on the table. The current Nama with the belt sealed.

Neither I nor Mr. Ken can speak of unexpected behavior. Minamiin-san smiled nicely without worrying about us.

"In the meantime, if you accept my offer, I promise to give you enough pocket money every month."

... apparently they'll give me some pocket money if I go out with them. I dare to drink a cup of tea while looking at the bundle of bills placed on the table. Nanboin-san added a bundle of bills as to what he thought of it.

"Oh, sorry, sorry. That was a million dollars against the male king."

That's not what I was looking at...





Oh, that's horrible! Do you think I'm asking for more? If I say anything, I'll increase the bill tray... What was it you said earlier that you were only interested in money? But I don't hate the way you punch me with a bundle of bills.

Generally speaking, men in this world like luxury, so if you flick money, it's easy to split, so it's not the wrong way to dictate.

But that's not what I'm gonna do! No, I like money. I'll take it if I can get a present. I also love luxury, status and honor. But I don't intend to socialize when I am offered money.

Because the amount you have agreed to will be your value. Assuming that I am satisfied with the amount offered by Mr. Nanbuin at five million, Mr. Nanbuin will easily recognize me as a sloppy man at five million, and I think it would be safe to pay monthly allowances, and will not take care of me afterwards.

Conversely, if you don't move with the money, you'll try to turn me around somehow. This is exactly what you get at a loss. That's why my action here is to tell Minamiin-san that love cannot be bought with money.

"Minamikain-san. Until now, the boy may have moved with money, but Mr. Kushino doesn't move with money."

Somehow, before I could answer, Mr Yu answered on his own initiative.


"Indeed, Mr. Kushino is concerned about his own worth. That's because I'm trying so hard. In fact, when we invited him, he put up a tough deal. But the reward was huge."

Mr Yu speaks to Mr Minamikain-san as he speaks.

"But what Minamiin-san just said is that the vector is different from ours.... let me be clear. Mr. Kushino doesn't sell love for money."

With a serious face, Mr Hu cut to pieces.... that's true, but why would you say that? Isn't this the scene I'm talking about? If it's a drama or something, it's where the protagonist gets dressed up!

"... I see, I'm sorry about that. I thought of Amber the same way as any other boy. [M] I apologize."

"Ah, not to mention apologizing...."

"Fufu... but I'm a little happy. The fact that they didn't say no immediately means there's still hope."

Nanboin-san looked at me with a happy smile.

"That said, I'm going home for today. Longer stays can be a nuisance."

Nanboin-san snips his fingers and the person with him puts the money on the table away in the attachment case.

"Now I'll invite you to dinner."

Nanboin-san said that and kissed me on the cheek.

See you later.

Minamiin left the words behind and went home.... I thought I touched the kissed cheek. If it wasn't for me, I'd be certified for sexual harassment....

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