
A set of events at our cultural festival were decided on as butler cafes.

And before I slapped my mouth in that stream, I had to work hard.

... when you calm down about why you said that, it's pretty embarrassing, but you can't go back to what you said.

That's why I went straight to the library when the home room was over and got this book.

"Deacon's Knowledge"

It is said that this book was written hundreds of years ago, but it seems to be a great book that has been published with great pulse to this day.

So let's check the contents quickly.

How did the former deacon feel about his work?

I'll try to open the first page. The first page had only one line.

Bear with me. Then the road will be opened. "

... I see, it's a deep word. This means the same as three years on the stone, the proverb of the previous life.

In other words, it is a teaching that if you endure hard things, you will succeed. Judging by this, I still think that the butler's job is very demanding.

Probably the author has had a tough time, but he has endured patiently to become a leading butler.

I have a little respect for this person, and I'll read it.

... apparently this book is written in diary format, and it is easy to get emotional with the author when you read it deeply.

Apparently, the author had no intention of becoming a butler at first, but he borrowed money and became a butler to make it charming.

The first one is still suffering from resentment about the situation.

I can't forgive you! Thank you for spending your money if it's true! They used the loan as a shield to ask for the contract to be fulfilled, as if it was the right way to lower their heads. I can't forgive you. "

... I don't care what you think. It is surprising that these people have made a name for themselves in history when it comes to one field.

In this way, the author will be put into the butler's training school because of the debt. From around here, the author's arrogant attitude just now will lurk and leak a weak sound.

Apparently, there are others who receive butler education with the author, but unlike the author, it is written that they do not agree with him at all because of the butler's lineage.

"Why, why do I have to be like this... it's a woman's job to work..."

I see... it's a sentence that clearly shows that even someone who will become a fine person in the future won't be able to heal his sexual roots immediately.

I thought he was going to be decent around here, but without that, he was going to graduate from school.

It seems that I was able to do my job with awkwardness, but I can understand through the book that its roots remain rotten.

That unforgivable woman. You're giving me orders.... "

It was my first day as a butler. I look forward to seeing how this changes. I'm going to read this book, which is more enjoyable as a story than I thought. At first, I thought it was like a how-to book or a self-development book, but I was betrayed in a good way.

I was ordered to stay high today. It's humiliating, but something.... "

Oh, is there finally a change in consciousness? I see, loyalty has been born while serving.

Today I was scolded for being late at work... it was pretty...

I overflowed with tea that was brewed by the master. I got kicked in the ass.... why?

I was introduced to my daughter's friend. My heart is getting hot in a situation where I'm lowering my head to a strange kid. "


Isn't the author moving in a direction different from what I'm thinking? With that doubt in mind, I can read further.

I'm starting to be able to work gradually. I also received praise from my master. "

Oh, you're growing.

But I'm not happy at all. I don't need such gentle eyes. Look more at the livestock. Look me in the eye. "

... eh?

... but I understood. Cold eyes are more excited by occasional failures than by constant scolding. I'll do my job perfectly from tomorrow, and if I can't stand it anymore, I'll let go.... and then you'll kill me with those cold eyes... I'm looking forward to it now. "


As I realized that the pleasure I had just felt would disappear, I rolled the page. Then I finished reading and closed the book.

I muttered unconsciously.

"It's not the butler's idea, it's the way to M...."

... dare to recommend it to Fukushima tomorrow. Maybe it will be helpful for them.

I will introduce you to the chairman of the Silver Student Association. Now it's equal.

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