... I finally got in.

On the first day of the cultural festival, Kana Tozawa belonged to a four-year group of Shiroku High School, which specially attacked the school's most prominent mock shop, waiting for the butler who had been nominated.

Kana arrived at the coffee shop before anyone else because of the cooperation of everyone in the class. In return, we need to have solid information. To be honest, I got lost with Kiyoaki, but as I declared to everyone in my class, I went into a pair of coffee shops this year.

After all, I do not deny that there was a desire to see the Boy King up close. That's why a high-school girl who spends a lot of money paid a thousand and five hundred Jenny to nominate him. Because it is only nominated, it is tearful eyes that the food and beverage cost separately.

But I can't wipe out a glimmer of anxiety. This is because I have read in a book that they often respond to evil called landmines. I only hear very good rumors about Hayato Amber, but I am worried that they have been made again.

... it's okay. Even if it was a mine, it would not be expensive to think it was a study fee.... it's not expensive.

No, it's not. It's not. It's not. This brings me one step closer to adulthood.

I think Kana is actually hurting quite a bit, but I can tell myself that as if I were implying it.

Welcome back, miss.


While Kana was telling herself, the nominated Hajino Amber was nearby. I was so focused that I heard a strange voice. This is a breakdown, even though love may begin with this encounter.

Kana coughs up to fix it and returns a reply to Hajino Amber who came to pick her up.


And chew big.

"It seems to be dry. Escort, thank you very much."

"Yes, sir. I will tell the person in charge about the air conditioning."

"Yes, please."

All right! I fixed it. Kana put on a guzzle with her heart. Now my impression is that I've become an elegant senpai who is a little bit weak to dryness from a chewed senpai.

Kana gently asks for Amber's expression, but Amber just looks at Kana with a soft smile. But when I look at that gentle gaze....

... hah, I like it.

Ha! What did I think? No, no, no, no, no. I'm not a stupid woman who falls in love just because she smiles!

Amber can call me if my heart is in conflict.

"Miss, if you don't mind, I'll take your luggage."

"Huh? Luggage?

"Yes, I can't serve as a butler, even if it's a small burden on my daughter. Would you honor me with carrying your lady's luggage?

"Okay, okay. Well... I'll let you carry my luggage."

"Thank you very much. Miss."

That said, Amber carefully received the baggage that had been offered.

I'll take you to your seat.

Oh, please.

Okay, here we go. I thought I'd follow after the amber. I thought it was so fun!

I feel as if I have become a daughter. That's for the lady who likes this beautiful boy!

Generally speaking, I grew up in a wealthy family, but it's not enough to be called a daughter, and I've never been dealt with like this by a boy.

I'm excited about my first experience.

"This way, please."

The seat that was said and guided was furnished with a soft sofa and a chic table.

Sitting on the sofa helps me hold my body tightly, and its softness helps me relax my tension.

"Lady, what can I get you for a drink?

Amber kneels down and passes the menu to Kana.

"I see. I don't know what to do...."

Kana looked like she was worried about the order, but she shouted in her heart.

Wow! I'm kneeling to the Boy King! You're a good butler to keep me from looking up!

By this time, the high nomination fee had disappeared from Kano's head.

Well, I'll make this recommended set of tea and cake.

"Yes, sir."

Two, please.

"Are you two...?

"Yeah, take a break, too. Next to me."

Kana remembered the system she heard at the entrance. If so, tea together would be OK. Fortunately, the price of the set was the same as that of an extremely common coffee shop. For some reason, there were more than 10,000 jenny of tea, but I decided not to see it.



When Amber heard Kana's words, he took her hand and wrapped it gently with both hands.

What happened to that action! Amber says to her heart that she is in trouble.

"Your daughter's special care hurts."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well, I'll get ready. Please wait."

That's what Amber said.

And the rest followed Amber, who had left, holding his wrapped hand around his chest.

... hah! No, you can't. I was just about to order an extra cup of tea, over 10,000.

But there's nothing we can do about it. Because you're so happy with a regular cake set, how would you react if it were higher!? It is a terrible butler to make his husband feel this way.

Speaking of which, what kind of other butlers are there?

Kana could not afford to worry about her surroundings until now, but as Amber left, she regained the margin and observed the other butlers.

There was a group of customers nearby, so I noticed them gently.

"This is the menu table. By the way, I'd love to eat this!

Bye, then.

"What about the numbers?


"Yes, if you ask me to share it with you, I'll sit next to you and feed you while you take care of me!

"Um... well, let's do it together."

"Okay. Hold on a second!

That said, the butler lowered his head and left.

Kana thought. What a friendly butler.

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