Bree woke up with a big smile on her face. Today is the day when her favorite uncle is coming back after living in another country for many years. So today she woke up early in the morning to make her uncle favorite dishes. Well, she also had another reason: the guy she likes works in the same company as her and because he said the first time he had a taste from the food she made for herself to eat at work that is the best food that he had tasted. So from that day forward beside her lunch she also cooked another for him. After finished with everything, Bree went to take a shower and getting ready for work. She is working in a publishing company and her job is also related to food. Bree is working with international and local chefs who want their cooking book published by the best company, and the Boom Publishing Company is the best company in this country.

- I'm going to be late. Said Bree to herself after looking at the clock on the wall. Today is when chef Leonardo is coming from Italy to visit their company. And if everything is going to work just fine he is willing to let her publish his new book. So she is praying that everything is going to be smooth as she walked to her motorbike.

- Bree, you're finally here. Her best friend Irene said to her while hugging her. Chef Leonardo is going to be here any minute.

- I know, I know. Do worry. Ok? I got everything ready.

Bree went to the recreation room, put the two lunch-boxes in the mini fridge, and sat on the sofa waiting for the italian chef to arrive. This room she decorated herself to be also a mini kitchen because she liked having a place where she can relax cooking at work too. During this time, she remembered the first time she meet Irene at a cooking class. Irene was like Bree food pasionate and that was the first thing that made them become friends. So when Irene got a job at the publishing company and later became vice-president asked Bree to come work there as a publisher. But what Irene didn't know is that the real owner of the company was Bree's brother James.Please go to

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