Masks of love

23 Nightmare

After finished talking with his uncle, James went to the living room where Irene was siting on sofa waiting for him. He brought an ice pack for her hand as it's still hurt after punching Jack. James sat down on the sofa, turned Irene towards him and gently placed the ice pack on her hand.

- Tomorrow morning I'll take you to the hospital. Not wanting to give Irene the chance to refuse he spoke again:

- I don't want to hear any excuses.

- I wasn't trying to give you an excuse. I only wanted to ask you what time should I be ready?

- How about... James didn't had the chance to finish his words, when they heard a scream.

- It came from Bree's room. Said Irene as she got up from the sofa grabbed James by the hand and began running towards Bree's room. As she went inside the room she turned on the lights and saw Bree sitting on her bed not having any reaction. James went to his sister and called her name:

- Bree... Bree, are you alright? What happened? Why did you screamed?

- Brother, I'm okay. I just had a nightmare.

- A nightmare? And you called yourself okay? Bree...

- I'm sure it's my brother's fault for your nightmare. Said Irene with an angry voice.

- Irene. It's not your brother's fault.

- How? I don't understand? With all that happened at the party it has to be his fault. Then what was the cause for you having a nightmare? Or better who? Irene said as she started to become suspicious.

- I know both of you will laugh when you'll hear my dream and will say that it's definitely not a nightmare but for me it is. I dreamed that I was in the kitchen and I was cooking a big chicken, but that big chicken transformed in chef Leo who took the chicken place on the tray. I was adding oil and all kind of spices on his body and the strange thing it was that chef Leo was actually enjoying this.

- Was he naked? Asked James.

- James, how can you ask your sister that?

Bree started laughing when she heard what they where saying to each other and said with a big grin on her face:

- Oh. He was naked alright. Naked, and with a cherry on top.

- Both brother and sister are really shameless people. Said Irene with a small shake of her head.

- So, did you eat him? Was he tasty? That's why you screamed?

The three of them turned their heads to the door and they saw Lance walking inside the room as well.

- Lance, let me guess. You where here since Bree started to tell us about her nightmare. James said to Lance.

- Actually, I came right after you. But you were to focused on Bree to notice me.

- Everyone in this house is shameless. Irene said with a poker face.

- Don't worry, Irene. You'll become too after you'll marry my brother.

- Who says I'm not already?

- Oh? That means that after our marriage you will become more shameless. James said winking at Irene.

- So, Bree I have a question for you. What will you do if your "nightmare" will become true?

- Well, Lance. If my "nightmare" will come true, you won't be there to see what will I do.


The four of them began laughing so hard that they woke up everyone in the house...Please go to

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