Masks of love

25 Gatherings and confrontations

Irene was sitting at her office desk looking at some documents when her office phone rang. It was her secretary.

- Miss Irene, the lawyer you were waiting is here.

- Send him in. Oh, and Miss Lena please tell everyone that we are gonna have a meeting in half an hour. Make sure everyone is in the conference room.

- Sure thing, Miss Irene. Anything else?

- Not at the moment. Thank you.

A few moments after she ended her conversation with her secretary, Irene heard a knock on the door.

- Come in. She said as she got up from her chair and walked to the door to welcome the lawyer in.

- Good morning, Miss Irene. The lawyer said.

- Good morning, Mr. Hunter. Please take a sit. Do you want a coffee or tea?

- Tea will be fine. Thank you.

- Miss Lena, please bring a cup of tea to my office.

- Yes, Miss Irene.

- I guess you know everything Miss Irene.

- Indeed, I know. My fiance explained it to me. I know what to do. You just have to follow my lead Mr. Hunter. There is one thing that you need to know. My fiance's sister is working here as well. So, please be careful not to tell her who the real building owner is.

- Don't worry Miss Irene. The secret is safe with me.

- Thank you. Now, it's time for us to go meet with the employees. Said Irene as she got up, took a folder from her desk and walked with the lawyer to the conference room.

As they were about to reach the conference room, the lawyer was shocked at the fact that no sound or talking came out the conference room.

- Don't be to shocked Mr. Hunter. I told the employees not to speculate anything before letting them know the situation. Let's go inside.

- Good morning, everyone.

- Good morning, Miss Irene.

- I will get straight to the point. Irene said as she and the lawyer went to sit down at the table.

- First off all, the owner sold the company as he moved out to another country. He gave us two months to move our stuff from the company and finish editing and publishing the books we have left. Second off all, I arranged for everyone interviews to another company and in the envelopes in front of you are recommendation letters from me if you want to go to another company for interview.

- Sis, how come for me there isn't a recommendation letter? Asked Jack with a frown.

- You keep forgetting that at the company before being your sister I am your boss. So, if you don't want having the other eye black you better behave.

- But, sis... I mean Miss Irene. Even if you are the boss you can't act that way towards me.

- What ever I say it stays that way. I didn't gave you the recommendation letter or even arrange an interview for you because since you're too lazy and I want you to find a job on your own without my help. So, stop talking. You already ruined your image in front of everyone.

- Sis, please...

- Don't make me repeat myself. Miss Lena, any news from Bree?

- No, Miss Irene. Miss Bree still doesn't answer the phone.

- Keep trying.

- How come you only show concern for Bree? I'm your brother.

- Stop complaining. You're too full of yourself that you don't see when others care for you. Now. go outside. I had enough of you. And, don't slam the door as you get out.

- Okay, okay. Said Jack who stopped his track as soon as he heard the last line Irene said to him before leaving the conference room.

- Now, let's continue our meeting.


Bree woke up late because of her "nightmare". It was 11 AM when she reached the office. As she went in she clashed together with someone. That someone was Jack. Seeing that the person Jack clashed in was Bree he took her by the hand and dragged her after him and went outside the building. He only stopped when they reached a park near by.

- If you don't let go of my hand this instant I'll make sure you'll have both eyes black.

Seeing that Jack doesn't show any reaction Bree really punched him with her free hand.

- Sis, why did you do that?

- Bree how come you're here? Where is my sister? I thought it was her that hit me. Jack asked her as he recovered from his thoughts.

- Look around you. You were the one who brought me here. You better get your things straight. Said Bree as she turned around to go back to the office.

Seeing Bree leaving, he run after her, stopping in front of her saying:

- Bree, you've changed. You look more alluring. But I still like the old you. When are you going to cook for me again? I miss your food a lot. Look I got so skinny since I haven't eaten the food that you make anymore.

- What? Should I make you taste my punch again? You have your fiancee to cook for you. Leave me alone.

- You know that she doesn't know how to cook. She is trying, but her food doesn't taste like yours.

- That's not my problem.

- Bree, please...

- I can't believe you. You only care about the food I make. Did you ever thought about my feelings? This is the last time I'll tell you this: "I WILL NEVER COOK FOR YOU AGAIN!" Don't test my patience. You don't know me at all. You never tried to know me, the real me. I'm going back to the office. Don't try to follow me or you will meet with my punch again. As she finished saying that she turned around and left leaving Jack in a trance again.


Bree didn't had a chance to relax since she got back to the office. The other girls asked her if she can cook for the last party they gonna have at this place. As she was about to refuse them, since she doesn't want Jack eat her food again, she heard chef Leo saying:

- How about I cook for you instead?

- Wow. Chef Leo that would be awesome. Screamed the girls together.

- Bree, you don't mind do you for chef Leo cook for us?

- No, of course not. I'm glad.

- Yes. Then is settled. Bree can you go with chef Leo to buy the ingredients for the food he wants to make since you know more than us? Asked one of the girls.

- Of course, she will come with me. You girls go and prepare the table for the party. Bree let's go. Chef Leo said as he grabbed her by the hand before changing her mind and went to the closest store to buy the necessary ingredients for the dishes he planned to do. As they walked back, chef Leo felt that Bree squeezed his hand hard making him stop. He then turned to face her, put the grocery bags down and hugged her saying:

- Bree, I know that you're hurt right now, but can you consider the fact about coming with me to Italy? I know it's to soon, and you don't know me, but I would like a chance with you. For you I'm willing to show my bare face without the mask to the whole world. I love you.

- Chef Leo, thank you for loving me. But I can't come with you. I don't want to hurt you. I still love him and I tried to forget him by spending time with you, but is no use, I still can't forget about him.

- Baby I know. But I won't give up on you. Said chef Leo before kissing her on the lips. Since it might be the last kiss between them he put all his feeling in it, deepening the kiss. He didn't care if the people on the street were looking at them, he wanted to make this moment be stored deep inside his memory. As they both were left breathless, they broke the kiss and without taking their eyes from each other, both of them began laughing seeing that the people around them were looking at them as they were watching a romantic movie at the cinema. So, they took their grocery bags and run to the office where the girls were expecting them not knowing what took them so long to come back...Please go to

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