Masks of love

7 A new coworker

Bree usually wakes up half an hour before her phone alarm went on. Today it was the first day she didn't manage to get up because she went to sleep late. She still hasn't realize what time really is as she stretch her arms and her eyes let a few tears as she yawned a couple of times. Then finally looked at the clock on the wall and said:

- Oh, no. This time I'm really gonna be late for work.

Bree get down from her bed to quickly, felt down and starts laughing:

- I think I had to much ice cream last night. Now, I really don't mind to be late for work even if my brother will scold me later, I'll find a way to get out of this... said Bree with a suspicious smile on her face.


She didn't manage to reach the office door when she heard some people laughing inside, but one of the voices seems familiar. Since Bree wasn't really sure about who the voice belongs to, she was a little afraid of open the door. Her hand was still on the door handle when suddenly the door opened as she lost her balance she fell on someone embrace. She couldn't believe her eyes when she sow who the person in front of her was. Bree could only say these words:

- You, you... How come...

Before Bree could finish her sentence she heard that person saying:

- Hello, Bree. Long time no see.

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- Hello, Lance. Indeed, long time no see. What are you doing here? Bree said with an angry face.

Irene walked in and she heard Bree question and answered instead of Lance:

- Starting today, Lance is going to be your new assistant.

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