After eradicating the bandits in Black Crow Peak, Black Crow City once again entered a period of rapid development.

Before this, caravans from Black Crow City had to pass through Black Crow Peak if they wanted to trade in other cities.

But those bandits are not good people. Do you want to go through Black Crow Peak? Yes, first leave 10% of the goods as protection fees, and then leave 10% of the goods as tolls.

Returning to Black Crow City is also the same price.

What, you don't want to?

Then the bandits will rob it directly.

Therefore, during the reign of the Crow King, there were very few caravans in Black Crow City.

Occasionally, when one or two caravans want to leave the city, they will choose to bypass the Black Crow Peak and carefully grope their way out from the edge of the Ancient Forest to fill the bellies of the ferocious beasts.

Therefore, the residents of Black Crow City are basically self-sufficient and rarely trade with surrounding cities.

Later, after the death of the Crow King, the Chosen One from South City took over Black Crow City, making it even more difficult for the caravan to leave.

In the past, bandits wanted money, but now bandits want lives.

Anyone in Black Crow City who dares to approach Black Crow Peak will be mercilessly killed by bandits.

There is a big boss in the city, the Black Chosen One - Ode Piao. Every time he delivers bananas, he will bypass the Black Crow Peak and pass through the Ancient Forest.

In the past, there were some chosen ones who were directly stationed in surrounding cities and used the trading function of the God of Creation system to buy and sell items and make a lot of money.

But they were soon targeted by those masters who had been stuck at level 39 for many years, and their necks were wiped out on a dark and windy night.

From that day on, Nanfeng no longer allowed the chosen ones from Nancheng to stay outside overnight.

Now, all the bandits on Black Crow Peak have been wiped out, and the passage in and out of Black Crow City has been controlled by Nanfeng.

The rich supplies in Black Crow City can finally be sold on a large scale!

In the city lord's palace, the chosen ones of Nancheng are having a meeting.

Su Zeran took a thick stack of reports and reported to everyone seriously.

"According to statistics, we can now hunt 8,000 to 10,000 ferocious beasts every day. The blood, meat, skin, and bones of these ferocious beasts are all high-quality materials, and there is a broad market."

"I suggest opening a [ferocious beast processing factory] immediately to process the carcasses of various ferocious beasts."

"Although those hunters can also process carcasses, their methods are too rough and they will often tear a good animal hide to pieces, causing the price to plummet. Therefore, we urgently need a processing factory of our own!"

Nanfeng pondered for a moment, raised the gavel in his hand, and tapped the table lightly: "The proposal is approved!"

Snap, snap, snap.

There was sparse applause in the conference room.

Huang Yuanming took over the conversation and said: "We in Nancheng need to build our own caravan. Black Crow City is backed by the ancient forest and is rich in resources. You can make a lot of money just by doing business. You can't spend all this huge profit. Leave it to the natives.”

Youran has a different opinion: "You can have your own caravan, but our number is too small, how much goods can we transport? We should vigorously attract merchants and let merchants from other cities come to Black Crow City to purchase goods!"

Xu Ming thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts: "I think that if there is a caravan, there must be bodyguards. After all, in this world, ferocious beasts are rampant. Without strong force, it is very dangerous to do business. I propose, How about we set up a escort agency and call it Longmen Escort Agency?”

"Why not call Nancheng Escort Agency?"

"No, do you know what 'if you want to get rich, build a road first'? I think the most important task now is to build a large, flat and wide road leading to Black Crow Peak."

"We need a damn road. The unicorns that pull carts in this world are proficient at climbing over mountains and ridges. They are wilder than off-road vehicles. Do we still need roads?"

"Your suggestions are all very good, but none of them are practical. I think we should develop agriculture and animal husbandry first. We only have 10,000 acres of fertile land now, and we strive to expand it to 100,000 acres within a year. This is the first priority. event."

"Yes, yes, the animal husbandry industry needs to be vigorously developed. Haven't you noticed that there are fewer and fewer ferocious beasts on the edge of the ancient forest? They are almost wiped out by you."

"I know that there is a ferocious beast called the guinea pig. It can reach level 34-35 when it grows up. Its meat is plump, its heart can be used as medicine, and its reproductive capacity is amazing. We can set aside an area to specially cultivate guinea pigs, and wait for them to grow up as soon as they reach adulthood. Kill it. It can not only upgrade the brothers, but also provide food, and its heart can be sold for money, killing three birds with one stone!"

"Damn it, you are stepping on a horse and living like the king of hell."

In the conference room, everyone put forward their own suggestions and wanted Black Crow City to develop faster and better.

Only Xiao Luo was boringly whittling the wood with a short knife, silently thinking in his heart: When will this meeting be held? I really want to go out and slay ferocious beasts... I'm about to reach level 40...

Nan Feng felt a little numb as he listened to the chatter of discussions and quarrels in his ears.

Is this the pain that the city lord has to go through? It's more tiring than fighting with Di Yuan!

Nanfeng turned his head and glanced at Su Zeran, and found that he was taking notes very seriously, writing down the opinions put forward by everyone on the paper.

Sure enough, he was born to do this job.

"not good!"

Nanfeng suddenly stood up from his chair and said with a solemn expression: "I forgot a very important thing. You continue to talk, I will deal with it first."

As he spoke, Nan Feng climbed onto the window sill.

He hesitated for a moment, then turned back to Xiao Luo and said, "Xiao Luo, come with me. This matter is a bit tricky. I may not be able to handle it alone."

Xiao Luo raised his eyebrows, put the half-carved wood block on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Here we go."

The two of them jumped out of the window and ran out of the city like flying.

You Ran was speechless: "Brother Nanfeng is really something. He doesn't want to care about the things in the city at all."

"At least Nanshen discussed it for a while at the beginning. Look at what Brother Luo is doing?" Xu Ming picked up the half-carved wood block by Xiao Luo, "Is he carving Ultraman Seven? Don't say, it really looks like it."

"Don't worry about them, let's continue the discussion." Huang Yuanming patted the table, attracting everyone's attention, "My next proposal will be the top priority! I suggest that foot bath shops be opened all over the country!"


Nanfeng and Xiao Luo rushed out of the city quickly.

On the way, Xiao Luo said, "I know there is a place with many fierce beasts. Do you want to go with me?"

Nan Feng raised his eyebrows: "Are there fierce beasts above level 40 there?"

Xiao Luo pondered for a while and shook his head: "I haven't seen any."

Nan Feng was immediately uninterested: "Forget it, I do have something very important to do, so I won't go with you."

Xiao Luo looked at Nan Feng in confusion: "Is there really something? I thought you were just making up an excuse not to attend the meeting."

Nan Feng: "I'm not that kind of person."

The two soon parted ways, Xiao Luo ran out of the city, and Nan Feng went to do business.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Luo looked back in confusion.

Will Nan Feng really have a difficult problem? Does he need help?

Thinking of this, Xiao Luo disappeared in a flash and followed Nan Feng carefully.

Nan Feng turned a few corners and strode into a foot bath shop: "Boss, massage your feet!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

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