Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 275: 【275】Don't drool woman

"Qilu!" Barsali was very unhappy. Han Qilu didn't worry about her, so he even put on an expression of contempt. What does he mean!

Looking up from the racing magazine, Han Qilu casually replied: "What's the matter?"

"I..." She wanted to say something, only to find her words were poor. As long as Han Qiluyi looked at her like this, she couldn't speak at all, she had to say that he was really handsome. The angular facial contours, the deep black eyes that make people fall in love, and the tall bridge of the nose are all attractive.

How can a boy look so good?

"What I hate most is girls drooling at me." Han Qilu said without saving her face, turning his head to look at An Chuxia: "Of course, some people are not included."

An Chuxia, who had been looking out the window, pretending to be air, flicked his fingers involuntarily at this time, but his eyes remained on the window. But only she herself knew how fast her heart was beating at the time, as if she was about to jump out of her chest.

Barsari was naturally even more unhappy, but the car suddenly stopped at this time, and she was surprised that she had reached the gate of Han's house so quickly when she looked out of the car through the window.

The high iron door was opened, the car restarted, slowly drove into the Han's gate, and stopped in an open space ten meters away from the hall. Bassari quickly opened the door and got out of the car. She was afraid that she would do something impulsive if she did not go out. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on Han Qilu.

But she didn't know that her appearance was a disgusting existence for Han Qilu. As if An Chuxia had just arrived at Han's house, he was disgusted with Bassari. But what will happen to the later story, no one knows.

Butler Han also got out of the car in due course. After An Chuxia pressed the end button of the game on his mobile phone, he found that Han Qilu was still sitting there reading a magazine. She moved her pink lips, and after all, she did not call him to get out of the car.

Retracting her gaze, suppressing the urge to call him, An Chuxia put her mobile phone in her pocket and stretched out her left hand to open the door on her left. Then Han Qilu threw down the magazine and grabbed her who was about to drive the door. hand.

"You...?" She looked at Han Qilu incomprehensibly, his eyes pierced through the deepest weakness in An Chuxia with a hint of weakness.

"I'm sorry." His expression looked a little embarrassed at this moment. He was the quasi-heir of the Han Qilu Han Group, and he had never done anything to others. Only her, An Chuxia. Let him make an exception one after another.

For Han Qilu's sudden apology, she was at a loss and felt very confused, so she asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?" She really didn't understand Han Qilu's meaning. If it was the accident that almost fell in the car just now, it should have nothing to do with Han Qilu, and she also said thank you.

"I mean when I was at the school gate before, I was angry with you. Sorry." He curled his lips: "I hope you know that I care about you, so I..."

"Enough." She interrupted Han Qilu aloud, and continued: "I said, maybe we were... but now it's impossible."

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